Saturday, October 31, 2009

Laptop Goes Missing Again..

11.43pm... Lynn just called to tell me about her lappie... few months ago, a thief broke into her house to steal her laptop besides other things as well. Then two months ago, she bought a new one and just yesterday, her husband took the laptop to a repair shop for some installation. This afternoon when he went back to the shop to collect the laptop, the boss told him that there was a robbery and his laptop was one of the items taken!

Lynn groaned..."hak moe?" (bad luck or not?) In a matter of months, 2 laptops stolen!!

Well, I consoled her saying that if her husband was in the shop when the robbery happened, it might have been worst... having a scare of his life and might be dangerous too.. as long as no one gets hurt, material things can be replaced.. no doubt heart break... The man told them that he would compensate, how true it is, yet to know.. hope he does)

(Lynn, moe sum toong, ok? count your blessings that no one is hurt)

Friday, October 30, 2009

PayPal Withdrawal

Yesterday Gabriel told me that Paypal is no longer charging us $5 for each withdrawal already.. YEH!!

Secondly, paypal can even bank into our savings account instead of my credit card... Yeahhh!!!

I logged into my paypal account just now and did the necessary changes. Any withdrawals now will go straight into my savings account instead of credit card. With one condition, any withdrawal less than RM400 will be charged RM3 but no fees will be charged if over RM400. Fair enough...

Now the only problem is... how come my Paypal account has accelerated? Funds getting lesser and lesser.. as chinese say, "wan sik kan lan".. (money is hard to find)

Anyway, thanks Gab, for informing me about the changes...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Something Fishy In GP

Someone was feeling very hungry, 15 minutes before 1pm, Lynn was hurrying me to go for lunch, beh tahan already, she said... Cannot blame her, this morning she didn't follow us out for breakfast and thus the early call. Both she and I gathered up our our group (mar chai) and five of us headed off from the office...

"Where to?" the unpaid driver (ME) asked... "Why not try the newly opened food court in First Garden?", Nancy suggested. Oh, I didn't know the way, not my territory, but after a few twists and turns on the road, we finally reached the destination, the Golden Point aka GP in First Garden.

Really newly opened 29/10/2009

Golden Point

big complex, food court downstairs
exercising gym upstairs, i was told..

Kong and I walked round the food court
and ended up ordering something fishy...

one of them fish..waiting to be our "victim"

after 15 min. our dish arrived...

looked kind of plain, right?
but the taste was very different... fantastic!

Chef Elin's review of the fish...
"black beans with sugar, garlic, shallots.."

just rightly cooked, not dry, not raw either..
smooth texture with the original kind of taste..

after walloping one sizzling plate of mee
she can still manage some spoonful of rice..
including the fish and its tail

sucking and eating the fish bones.. LOL....

there, i told u, she sucked in all!!! poor fish....

now u see it...
and now u don't
no head, no tail... guess who have taken it all???

Though the fish cost RM24 with one plate of rice,
it was worth it, head and tail also missing already!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy...

After a heartache episode yesterday, today was definitely much better. Even this morning's police blocks did not hamper us from going our for our breakfast. While BN and PKR were having their "heckling" in the Dewan Undangan just less than half a km away, that too did not dampen our spirits as well. We carried on with our morning mutual, "healing" our stomachs the proper way by going to a shop in Labrooy Road.....

My meals for today were....

pan mee RM3.00

The pan mee was quite filling, we made a "pact" that we would skip lunch.... but alas, mission uncomplished... by 1.30pm, the alarm in my stomach started to ring...ringgggg... gosh, can't I endure hunger? NO... but since it was already half lunch time, Elin, Kong and I proceeded to our canteen downstairs... and we ended up with this....

malay laksa..

a nearer angle...of muslim laksa...

we tot of sharing but ended up taking a plate each..
there goes my diet... (as if)

wow...and who gave me this????
My new profound fren, Elin, of course...

Delicious looking, aren't they?
See the "S" shape?
I didn't realise that when I snapped this...
Thanks again, Elin... for allowing me to test taste on.....
Green Tea Souffle Roll Cake
With Green Tea Walnuts Buttercream

(wow, the name sounds as delicious as the cake, right? How to go on diet like this, tell me.... LOL...)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Poor Babe Again!

No mood today.... my car kena "molested" again!

Early early morning upon reaching my girl's school, I slowed down to stop at the school gate. I turned on my left signal and was slowing down when suddenly the car who had just "deposited" his girl, suddenly turned out and banged my left side of my car. My girl shouted, "Mi...CAR!!" Too late, he banged my back passenger door already. By right, he should see the side mirror first before turning out, didn't even put signal too.... (Men Driver!)

Ok, now my car is very "balanced".... my car all around has scratches here and there already and she is only 3 1/2 years old! .... (Lady Driver!)

(synopsis: actually,I got down from the car and examined the damage, i didnt see anything dented so i signalled to him OK, U CAN GO, (so si-tu-pid) well, 7am ma.. still very dark, old lady cannot see clearly...tot no dent, no big damage. ONLY realize how deep and long the scratch was when I reached office... I touched it gently, again and again.. sek sek, .... )

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Super Series Heroes!

Best night of the year! Oh, in fact it was nearly 1.30am when the game was over... an exciting game (nearly get heart attack). My heart thumped furiously as my favorite duo struggled with the match, losing the first game and narrowly won the 2nd...when it came to the rubber set, the points were so marginal and Koo was even "flashed" with a yellow card by the umpire.

The commentator was saying "ridiculous"... how could the umpire not called the referee when the player requested for one ... the big screen was showing the playback that the Dane was holding the shuttle when Koo served wide... (doesn't the umpire know that once the player holds the shuttle, it is considered a point for the opponent?)

a dejected Koo...

But it was a blessing in disguise. Despite getting the yellow card, he persevered to the end, winning the 3rd set by just a few points....

Tan Boon Heong was smiling away, Koo Kien Keat was still in "shock?" I laughed when he put both his hands together above his head to "salute" the umpire when he won the game... To me, the gesture means "pai lei tai, fook chor lei"..... LOL....

I am feeling happy today...
time to treat myself to a KFC snack plate
add on a "drumstick" ice cream for a RM1....

and this is for munching after dinner
it's Bailey Cranberry Oats Cookies

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Sunday Desire

My day started at 10am, went to Tam's house, 20 minutes drive away, picked her up and off we went to take our first meal, Breakfast.... I love the Loe Shu Fun coffeeshop along the Pasir Puteh Road.... 20 minutes drive away in IPOH is considered far, so once awhile when I go there, I will not miss going to this shop for breakfast....

the kon loe (dried) loe shu fun (rat noodles) LOL....
generous with IPOH beansprouts garnished on top..
this bowl cost RM1.60

see the fried fish balls? my favorite
0.50 sen each only..
Both of us ended up taking 15 various fish balls..

After our breafkast, we adjourned to a university, 30km away to look for Gabriel.... Thanks Gab, for getting the form signed for me, it saved me a lot of hassle with the Socso office... hope you like the Mc-Loe Shu Fun delivery! lol....

Reaching home after 1pm, my stomach started to growl... how about making something light to eat now? Thanks to my mama, she gave me 2 "tortoise" (mi ku) last night. Took them out from the fridge, "undressed" them .... and started to prepare the batter, 3 eggs beaten with some sugar and salt...

cute tortoises, right?

ta daaa... a light tea time for both fernie and myself.. stomach is satisfied... I am not going out this evening, 6pm I have a date with Astro.... My dinner is also ready...... 2 packets of chee cheong fun bought in Menglembu...

mixed type this time...

mushroom sauce...

It's only 4.30pm now... tired..
better take a snooze first...zzzzzzzz

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Denmark Open Super Series...Cool!

Denmark Open Super Series is on!!

Just came back from church and saw the live score in tournament software link... my favorite badminton player Koo Kien Keat is in the FINALS tomorrow!! yeeehhhhh....

Tomorrow must cancel all appointments from 6.10pm dating, no appointments.... ( if i have any) Dinner must be "packeted" back at 5.30pm latest.... perhaps will call for McDonald or McPizza...which one is tastier? cheaper?

Oh, last night I did the most crazy thing, I stayed up till 3.30am to watch the quarter finals... worth staying up cos Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong won....phew... slept peacefully after that...

Tomorrow they will be against Mathias Boe/Carsten Mogensen.... hope they win... don't disappoint me....LOL... badminton crazy me!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Me and U, Let's Go...

"Elin, wanna go for breakfast? I am very hungry!" My regular gang has "piet-ed" (dumped) me cold on that particular morning, each of them had something on, leaving me alone .... Having pity on me, Elin accompanied me for breakfast in old town. We wanted to go for hakka mee but unfortunately no parking was available and instead we ended up in this coffeeshop corner along Bijih Timah road....

Going out with Elin has its advantages.... she will remind me to take pictures, of the shop, of the food, which angle to take... etc etc.. Sometimes I forget to take one... u know la.. once the food comes, the first thing I do is to pick up the chopsticks and start walloping... especially breadfast!

oh, this picture was a bit dark, intentionally one... I scared people will scold me for taking their picture without permission, so I "off" the flashlight... smart hor? but picture turned out like inside the cinema.... now am i too smart?...haizzz...

But when it comes to food, the flash was on...
this was Elin's breakfast, chee cheong fun,
mixed... the roll roll one with sengkuang inside
and the normal chop chop one...
she very "pandai" to order....

but I think mine was as savory too...
the hokkien prawn noodles....
so "chiang", so ... so.....hhmm......

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pity My Shimeji..

Those who said that I am a good cook, think again!

In fact, I was contemplating whether I should put this up or not, it might be a BIG embarrassment for me... cos I have "murdered" a recipe, (excuse the pun).. I got the steps wrong and it turned out so different from her blog....

While I was cooking this, I was thinking, how come the outlook was so different from the her post??? How come hers looked so yummy and mine was like "yat piat si?" ... (x'cuse my pun again) ...

Ok, here are some pictures I took, this dish is called Stir-fried Beech Mushrooms with Salted Egg.... ( i wanna laugh already )... People normally say "murdering the song" but I "murdered the recipe"... hehehee...

the main ingredient-shimeji mushroom
*quote* rich in anti- oxidant & recently
found to have anti-cancer properties in them

After some minutes of cooking, mine turned out like this......a total makeover from the original !

where did i go wrong?

how come macam ni?

Then this morning I asked my "tutorial teacher" where I went wrong, step by step I related how I did it... after some "revision", she told me this step, that step... all the steps.... no wonder la different.. wrong cooking method la...

The only consolation is.... Fernie said it was very nice, so nice to bite... and even sked me to do it again when her brother comes back for his holidays !!!!

(If she knows how the original dish looks like, she wouldn't have said this, cos there is nothing for her to compare... what she doesn't know, won't hurt me.... LOL.... :()

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Somewhere Over The Rainbow..

After all the food galore, I feel heavier everywhere... either I have put on weight OR my clothings have shrunk! Each blouse, skirt, dress I wear, either cannot button fully or cannot hook on completely..... alamak! don't tell me that the myth is true... it says as we age, we tend to put on weight? our metabolism has slow down? How scary, man....

What shall I do? I guess the only way is to exercise, do some brisk walking but for my case, normal walking also can, hor? When it comes to food, my girl has more self control, the moment she says she is full, she will stop eating, no matter how I tempt her, she will not lift a bite on the food. But me? Entirely the opposite, when I see new dishes served, I must at least have a bite, no matter how full I am, I sure wanna taste then baru satisfied... well, That's Me!

Coming back to losing weight, my girl and I had an evening walk after a slight downpour. It was shining again and we were so happy when we saw the beautiful rainbow looming just above... I couldn't resist not taking the picture of the rainbow.... pelangi...choy hoong...

can see or not? the 7 colors of wonder...

God's convenant, the rainbow...

oh.. my girl overtook me..

i overtook her back.. cos i want this pic.. lol...

see this house??? got chimney one
like what I used to draw when young...

this house is for sale, if renovated, it will be beautiful..
must be around RM300K at least for the land..
I wonder when my money printer is arriving.. sigh..

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back From Gurney...

Yesterday I went to Penang with my girl, my mum and my brother... spent a night in Gurney Hotel. We booked a two-room suite at a corporate rate of RM295 nett that came with 4 buffet breakfast. Very worth it, I can say, the suite was big compared to the normal rooms we booked, the bed was more than a king size one that can accomodate we three ladies.

With a living hall, a small kitchen, two bathrooms, it was quite a luxury. The attached bathroom comes with a jacuzzi bathtub..... haiii... can soak for Many Minutes... lol... Actually this Gurney Hotel is not new anymore but I can say, it would be more fun and closer bonding if your family is around 5-6 people.

Andy came over to stay overnight and after the buffet breakfast, I took him back to college... see u, son.. in another 2 weeks.. hope you like the dimply mango cake!

the Gurney Hotel along gurney drive

the entrance from outside..

taken from the coffeehouse

gurney drive...

taken from the 27th floor where i stayed..

facing the seaside...

taken early morning..

oooopss..very untidy after waking up...

the attached bathroom..

the mum loves this.. hahaha..

the small kitchen equipped with plates, bowls.. etc..

packing up to go home.. very messy in the morn..

my girl "ponteng school"
cikgu, kenal budak ni tak?

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...