Friday, November 29, 2013

Kampar Club And An Awareness Program

Last night I had a dinner with my beautiful gals again and it was held in Kampar Club Restaurant along Gopeng Road.  It is the first time for me and I am amazed by the different restaurants inside the compound.  It was raining by the time I reached and I did not manage to capture some pictures of the exterior.  Anyway, it was a great gathering once again, this time, our special ex-schoolmate is Susan Gill from Melbourne.  I did not have any vague idea how she looked like and even when she appeared before us, I still could not recall at all... (Gosh!  I really have a very poor memory indeed!)

Susan Gill has another reason to come by to Ipoh for another reason besides meeting us ladies last night.  She is here to promote and create awareness of those who suffer from Depression and I am touched by her anticipation and enthusiasm in this project.  Below are the details on the awareness program by the Ipoh Depressed Cake Shop.

We have the date and venue for The Ipoh Depressed Cake Shop 2014.

Date: Sunday 12th January 2014 - 10.30am till 6pm
Venue: Burps & Giggles Cafe
93 & 95 Jalan Sultan Yussuf
30000 Ipoh, Perak

Please save this date on your calendar.
All funds raised for this bake sale will be donated to
Ipoh befrienders and Perak Palliative Care Society.

"By having grey cakes we're challenging the expected and getting people to challenge the labels they put on those who suffer with a mental illness"

--Emma Thomas aka Miss Cakehead of The Depressed Cake Shop.

By the way, I am told that they are still looking for "Cake Bakers"... meaning if you have a passion for baking cakes and would like to donate your cakes for this cause, please do not hesitate to share your goodness in this Project mentioned above.  They are really in need of Cake Donations..... 

Please contact Susan at this number for more details :  012-3077171 .. I am sure she will appreciate this very much.

For those who do not bake at all, like yours truly here, you can also play a part by dropping by the above mentioned venue to support them... All are welcome!!  See you there!!  Thank You!!


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Our Vietnamese Food At Vnam Kitchen Restaurant, Ipoh

I didn't show any of the food pictures yesterday... leaving the Best for today.. *Big Laughter*   One of my friends suggested Vietnamese food and since I had not been there before, I was ALL for it.  I never thought of this place, Vnam Kitchen Restaurant here in town.  A very good suggestion actually... the last time I took Vietnamese food was in Sacramento, the Pho is a very common sight there.

Back to Ipoh, the Vnam was kind of special.... the staff were friendly and nice too.  I was "super hungry" by the time I reached the place, 8pm or so... we quickly ordered some noodles to soothe our stomach...
 Not sure what it is called... but I was delighted with the basil leaves and all..
I like the hot soup too with a dash of lime juice...
and I think it would be great with more of that lime/lemon... 
 The noodles come with this plate of lemongrass marinated meat...
 It comes in a set of noodles plus meat... RM9.90 
As for some side orders, we agreed to their special platter of appetizers... RM26.90
So grateful to this "Leng Chai" (handsome guy) who "demo" to us how it is done....
To make sure we know how to do it the next time, I took quite a number of pics... ahemmmm..
Not sure why the camera angle was not on the Food... hmmm...
Right, I guess everyone are "all smiles" to seeing the demo of a wrapped springroll...
There... it is done... original Vietnamese style...

Here is the "First Piece"... 
Dipped into their special sauce and into my mouth.... 
hmmmmm.... I wanna go for the 2nd piece after that! 

Oh, before we left, the Lady Boss gave us a small gift to the three of us... 
Such a nice gesture and we reciprocated her with our birthday cake.. :)
A very nice gathering with my friends indeed...
We are indeed Blessed.. 

In case you want to try, here is the address:
Vnam Kitchen Restaurant
No 32, Jalan Seenivasagam,
30450 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Celebration With The Balloon Girls

Celebrations seems to be endless, yes, at least for me.. hahahaa... I had another birthday treat given by my friends last night and this time not only for me alone for but for the three of us!  (All of us are former classmates of '77!)
Born in the same year, same month
and only one day apart from one another..
November Babies... 
The food must be satisfying... their smiles proved it so... 
Our birthday gifts were pretty rare this year...
We feel like kids again!
Well, at least for one night.... 
One of my classmates "purposely ordered" hand-made flower balloons" for us...
Actually her niece did all that.. big functions like weddings, birthdays...
Love the venue here... lots of flowers to "enhance" the photos...
It was certainly a night of picture taking and less talking... hmmmm... 
I didn't realize that till it was time to go....
But of course, the night would not be complete without a cake!
Oh gosh!! I guess I have the strongest Puff????
Hope the cake didn't taste somewhat different...
I like this Sunflower....
 My Flower Girl...
Thank you so much for your uniqueness!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Birthday Blessings

In November 2012, you made me cry... with joy from a video you have "directed" with some assistance from your brothers... In November 2013, you surprised me with a gift after Sunday's church service... 

Thank you, Girl...
(Thank you to your brothers as well who are "indirectly" sponsoring as well?)

Mama's birthday seems to go on and on ... starting from Saturday 22nd, I was blessed with treats and more treats on Sunday, Monday.... and now come Tuesday, another feast will be on tonight...

I am indeed very blessed and in all circumstances, I give Thanks for another brand new day, for having such a loving family, loving friends, wonderful bloggers from blogs/FB... that makes life more meaningful each day in and day out... 

Once again, Thank You for the Well Wishes to all of you!
(Love the Virtual Cakes/Flowers/Cards!!) 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rare Treat At Hokkaido Japanese Cuisine

Come Saturday evening, I was given a yummy treat in Hokkaido here in Ipoh!  No need to travel all the way to Japan to taste Hokkaido food... hahahaaa...

Upon entering, we were asked whether we made a reservation... oh, oh., we didn't... but to our delight, there was one more empty table left for us.... phew.... and without much ado, we did our ordering because I was feeling very hungry by then...

To divert attention from hunger, we took some pictures....
My "Treaters"
Someone's favourite.... cannot be missed out...
Kim Chi Fried Rice... nice... very appetizing!
Rainbow Roll...
Cucumber Roll...
Scallops in skewers...
Salmon Teriyaki
And the total cost is RM115.30 plus tax...

Well, it is very rare that I get a treat like this...
Must truly appreciate the food... to the very last drop... 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Preliminary Round In Sweet Hut

On our way home from our "all-noodles" dinner as published in my previous post, my sister invited me to have some desserts... She said that it would be her early birthday treat for me... (ahemmm)  Well, she certainly knows I wouldn't want to reject the offer, she knows me very well that I will love something sweet after a savoury meal....

And so here we are... at a newly opened Dessert Shop called Sweet Hut (or is it Sweet Heart?)   A first time visit for the five of us....   
Nice friendly young staff to service us with their welcoming smiles upon entering...
 Someone is going to post this for her FB, I am sure..
Cranberry Cheesecake... very nice.... better than the SR, I would say...
I ordered Lemon Mille Crepe...very nice too!
(at least something sourish to neutralize my full stomach)
My mama wanted to try their almond black sesame dessert... 
She and I shared the big bowl... yumms!
cos to our delight, the almond taste turns the youngsters off...
Mama also ordered these... 
Look what my camera did to the desserts!
Either too bright or too dark...
Black Sesame Mua Chee... a bit sweet.. but it suits me fine...
Thanks for the treat, Sis... 
"As for my birthday gift, it would be great 
if you could get me this pair of shoes in Ezra...
They are really what I am looking for....
and er... I think it will be a perfect gift for me...Sis
Thank you!"
My mama and I have our birth dates just one week apart...
So each year, we normally have a double celebration... 
Anyway, this is just a Preliminary stage... 
More Big Feast to come.... er... I Hope!!  LOL....

Sweet Hut Ipoh
68, Persiaran Greentown 1
Greentown Business Park
31350 Ipoh

Friday, November 22, 2013

Irresistable Tuck Kee Noodles

Told my mom not to cook tonight cos I wanted to go and take some porridge to soothe my poor throat... but the shop was not opened and eventually we landed in Tuck Kee for fried noodles instead. What a contrast to my porridge meal and these below. Now back home, it is "pay back time".. I am now coughing and coughing..... Koff... Cough!! Oh dear, my poor throat is really hurting but it wasn't when I was having these here...
 Tuck Kee Coffeeshop along Yau Tet Shin Street....
 Fried Koay Teow... very tasty...  
Tai Luk Meen... (Giant noodles)
Hokkien Char Mee...
Wat Tan Koay Teow 
Steamed Octopus...
with special sauce....
Though it was crowded, the food came out within 10 minutes or so... not too bad...
The price came to RM52 for the 5 of us...
Really full to the brim...
I really should not have eaten so much..... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...