Sunday, November 30, 2014

Our Buffet Dinner At Eastern & Oriental Hotel, Penang

My Penang trip posts are far from over yet... Looking back, my buffet dinner at E & O have yet to be posted up. Unfortunately the pictures did not turn out very well and thus not doing much credit to the food. Nevertheless, from the publicity, the buffet at this prestigious hotel is one of the best in Penang island and I readily agree it is indeed so.

If I were to go for this buffet again, I would make sure to take a light meal only in the morning and then leave the rest of the space for the dinner buffet... hahahaa....  speaking from a "kiasu auntie"....
Initially it was quite deserted...
Cos we went in quite early.. before 7.30pm...
Sections near to our table...
 Auntie "eyeing" this section at the very start....
Kiasu auntie taking her first round of food......
My first round....
By now...forgotten how many rounds already...
Still attacking the first section....
Sometimes we took more to share....
Like the baked oyster and the grilled octopus...
Fruits corner...
In the midst of it, we came out to take a breather...
(Digesting food time)
Then we re-entered again.... 
Sarkies Corner...
Went round one more time to see what else worth eating...
And we were told that these crayfish just came in....
The cook said.. "Try this.. you will come back for more...."
Yes, we did.... they were indeed very fresh.....

Then after some ice cream pancakes and ice kacang...
we were more or less.... "FULL" liow....
Our FULL stomach smiles....
ie. before the Bill came....

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Western Cuisine In Marianis At De Gardens, Ipoh

I remember one year ago 2013 I came here on my birthday with my girl... and this year 2014 same month, I am here again for dinner.  That shows how much I love western food... hahaha...... but sometimes I do yearn for it.. once a blue moon... and last evening was a blue moon, I guess... and so here I am again at Marianis for Italian food...
Seated near the bar counter....
Started off with carrot cream soup... 
Three mini sizes of toasted aromatic garlic bread.... 
Followed by Honey Paprika Chicken.... 
And complete with a piece of cheese cake....
A piece of good news for December month...
All Italian food will have a discount of 50%
from 10pm to midnight...
And that includes Christmas too!
I think it is a good deal..... 
And if interested, here is the address....
De Gardens in Ipoh Garden...
Two shots to remember...
Well, if they don't see me in December next month...
They might see me again next year... same month..
This is what I called...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Family Gathering At Grandview Restaurant, Ipoh

Today is exactly one month since my mom's passing.... last Saturday we gathered together and went to the cemetery to put flowers on my parent's tomb. On the way we also stopped at another cemetery to put flowers on my husband's tomb and there is an empty place beside his grave... well, naturally that is for me.... No, I didn't book it in advance.. well, on the positive side, I know that there is a "space" for me....

After all was done, we adjourned for our lunch in Grandview Restaurant.  Thanks to one Facebook group, we came to know this restaurant... I called up to book a room and we were ushered upstairs for room privacy.  
As usual, this is our ice breaker...
Everybody say.... YEEEEEEEE
Eleven of us..... catching up with updates....
Smile... you're on camera!
Soon...the first dish arrived....
All were finished in no time....
Next came the oink oink...
The skin was a bit "tough".....
But the glutinous rice beneath was something to shout about....
The meat was taken out and cooked as one dish........
Steamed village chicken.... tasty....
Steamed fish...
Not sure what this is called....
And their signature dish is this "BOMB" like bread.....
Need some cutting done before it can be eaten.....
The sauce is sweet sour with some shrimps and squids....
Not bad... very appetizing.....
Noodles was the last dish......
Followed by the white fungus and gingko with soya bean....
This set of meal cost RM418...
Hope to try out some other dishes another day....


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Fantastic Meal In Kok Thai Restaurant Ipoh

And now for the food.... We wanted something "non-spicy" for our dinner and within a minute or two, our orders were taken... that shows we are still "not-so-fussy" ladies?   hahahaaa...

Here's what we have eaten with full satisfaction.....
Four dishes for the six of us.... 
 One of my friends wanted yam with greens... 
This dish is often ordered...
Claypot seafood varieties...
 And this is always a "right" dish....
This time we ordered something different...
"Ying Yeong Cod Fish"
One piece is fried...
And another piece is steamed...
Thus the name "Yin Yeong" Cod Fish...
 Something "pricey" no doubt...
And the total cost for this dinner came to RM208
Food was fantastic...
The cake was fabulous......
.............. everyone has a marvelous time!................
(Lots of "ingredients" added)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Birthday To US!

One year ago on this day we went for Vietnamese food on our birthday... this year we decided on chinese food and we went to our favourite restaurant Kok Thai for our scrumptious birthday dinner... We started off with our  non stop chattering around the table... and by the food arrived, our tummies were more or less filled up..... with Lots Of Laughter!

Let my pictures speak for themselves...
The same old faithful group!
Everyone doing some advertising here!
Another pose!
 Another one.....
Our half kilo cake.....
Super Yogurt... 
Soon the cake was on fire!!
 Due to too many candles.... 
 See our brightened up Cake!
Any more delay, the cake will be filled with wax!
Our birthdays... 
 Cannot remember what's the joke about here....
Must be due to our singing...
Happy Birthday to US!
"This is a Good Take"
Lastly and not least...
One for rememberance...

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...