Friday, January 30, 2015

Delightful Time In Tammy's Kitchen, Ipoh Garden East, Ipoh

My girl is back for her semester holidays... AND from now on, it is going to be a very LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....NNNNNG
holiday for her... Imagine FIVE LONG MONTHS!!  *shake head*

.....And she is most happy about it because this year round, she will not be Home Alone because she is going to have her Big Mama with her... Full Time!   Oooppsss... now I am she really pleased, half pleased or pissed???? hahahahaa... Ignorance is Bliss, so they say.......

Nevertheless I take it on a positive note that she will be very "joyful" that I will be with her whole day and not just in the evening... hehehee....

For one thing, she can go for hearty meals such as what we had this afternoon... anything she likes.. anytime she wants....

At Tammy's Kitchen
A Ham and Sausage Quiche to start off.....RM12.90
The Balsamic sauce was so so good...
Never tasted anywhere so nice as this one here... 
Ham Sandwich... to her delight....  RM8.90
A piece of Tiramisu which I couldn't resist.... RM12
And a mug of hot honey lemon 
to soothe my poor throat... RM4

Joy is seeing her enjoy ....
What a Delightful Lunch!
 Mom's pocket is lighter by er......
Ok, forget it ... !

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tricycle Laksa Along Jalan Pasir Puteh, Ipoh

I used to hear about the "tricycle" laksa sold on the roadside in Jalan Pasir Puteh but I have never tried them before.  Then few years ago, this "tricycle laksa" moved to a corner shop and I did not really know where it was until my colleague took me there last week. 

Now and then I saw people posting up the food sold there and I was so glad that I finally had a chance try them out for the first time... despite the lunch rush hour jam and the countless traffic lights along the way... 
It is called Eatime in English...
But in mandarin, it is called "Sam Loon Cheh?"  (Tricycle)
Not really directly translated....
There must be a reason why... 
Reanaclaire has yet to find out....
Anyway, it is not relevant....
This is more relevant!
Our orders.....
Ipoh laksa is definitely different from Penang... 
Some fish ball varieties to go with the laksa....
 Fried beancurd skin...
And a special broth consisting of meat and white carrots to go with the laksa as well...
Ok, error here.. Radish is the word..not white carrots..
Total cost for the food above is around RM22 something...
Not too bad..... 
Now that I have tried, I am "contented".... 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Reanaclaire Cooks - Not-So-Appetizing

Hot weather looming above Ipoh for the past many days already and I lost the battle to the heat... Was on medical leave for the past two days and still not fully recovered.  Despite being on medication, I do not really understand why I have a good appetite.  Thank goodness I did otherwise it would be "disastrous" time for me to stay at home and having oats all the time.  That is definitely sad news...

This morning I felt better but I gave myself one more day of rest before going back to the air con office and might get chilled again.  Since I was yearning for some hot piping soup,  my girl and I went for this special pan mee cooked with spinach....
The lady knows my request by now...
Less noodles... More spinach... 
Price is the same RM4 per bowl.... 
Was sweating profusely by the time I finished this hot soup.... 
For our afternoon tea break, I steamed two types of sweet potatoes.... 
Good enough for the two of us...
As for dinner.... one dish is enough for both of us...
Consists of capisium, tomato, carrot, big onions and some minced meat....
Taken with white porridge with carrots....
Not really appealing or appetizing but it will do ...
At least for me... for now.... 


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Birthday Celebration In Shing Lee Restaurant, Ipoh

Celebrated my ex-classmate's birthday few days ago in a restaurant we had not been before ever since it changed owners last year. The restaurant is called Shing Lee originated from Jelapang and recently opened another branch opposite Jaya Jusco in Ipoh Garden.  It was quite empty on a Friday evening... and since this was our first time there, we did not really know what to order....
 Birthday girl wanted to try the Cod fish... 
Half piece steamed and half deep fried...
I think it would be advisable to order those swimming in the tanks... 
We ordered some greens..
Two Flower Crabs... and the flesh is very fresh!
And a plate of Sang Mee... 
Not too bad...
I didn't have a good appetite that night...
I feel some kind of virus coming on to me.... 
But it didn't dampen the atmosphere...
The bill came to RM120 inclusive of rice and drinks..
Happy Birthday CH!
My friend since 1973...
In fact all of us are pretty Old Friends... 
Somehow the group is getting smaller and smaller...
Anyway, no worries...
Good friends are hard to come by...
So... do treasure the time we have every now and then...

Monday, January 26, 2015

We Had Joy, We Had Fun, We Had Seasons In The Sun!

After our lunchie, we adjourned to Lakeside to "look-see"... never know that there were so many new houses here with fantastic view.  The lakeside was indeed very beautiful, I must go there once more, the scenery is indeed breathtaking.  Reminded me of some China scenes...

Back to my post, we didn't stop at the Lakeside to take pictures, the hot weather was not encouraging either... could easily get sunburn stopping by the side... Best to go in the evening...All we need then was a cooling place to have some kind of "fun"....
  Two are "missing" in this picture..
One is the photographer and another left earlier.... 
Let's get ourselves seated comfortably...
Printed out a few chinese songs.... 
Let's get the ball rolling, Elin!
Sam Hui's song is one of them....
Not sure what made me laughed...  maybe having some problem with the chinese lyrics!
After all, I am a "banana...."
Fann Sing.. Lau Toong...
Woh Lei...Toong Loe.....
Well, at least someone is singing here...
Thank you Boon for capturing these pictures!
Too bad you were not in the pictures la!
Singing Alan's Tam Pang Yau *Friends*
The chorus was just too fast for us.....
The Potential Singers...

Ok, let's sing the last song...
Auld Lang Syne....
One for the album!
Thank you, Elin, Nancy, Adeline, Jenny and the Lee Sisters...
Of course not forgetting "Datin Tan" who took all these pictures of us!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Third Round Of Pre-Retirement Gathering

This afternoon Elin and I were treated to a scrumptious lunch in Loon Wah Restaurant in Pasir Puteh. Both of us had never been there so anything new is interesting!   But this post will not be about the food and more food... I feel that it would be more meaningful to put in more humans than food cos this is all about us... colleagues and soon to be ex-colleagues...

I would like to remember this occasion and my lovely gang...
My beautiful colleagues...
Regardless of age... we still share the same interest here... 
Don't forget me...! 
  Different standing positions...
Love these pictures... 
My friend since 1980ssssss.... 
Both of us are retiring same month....
I think I gonna shed a tear.....
After this month... 
we will not have each other to go out daily anymore...
No intercom chats during office time....
No more breakies and lunchies daily....
No more going home together too...
Separation comes after retirement....
Our days will be changed from next month on...
Thank you for the Happy Years we had...
Happy Retirement to Both of Us!
Stay Cheerful Friend!!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...