Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Siamese Laksa And Ipoh Delights Ipoh Garden And Menglembu

STARTED BACK FROM PENANG AT AROUND 10AM after my breakfast and I reached Ipoh toll at at 11.30am, this time I checked myself how long it takes to drive from one end to the other.  Thank God for Smooth traffic and I reached home feeling not tired at all... Still have strength to wash my porch, mopped the whole house and cleaned up ...

At around 1.45pm, I was sitting down patiently waiting my foodie friends to come and pick me up for lunch!  Our destination... Ye Sing restaurant along the Paragon Hotel, Ipoh....
Annie Khoo's famous Siamese and Assam Laksa!
Our humble lunch... 
After that, we went to do some errands... 
At around 3pm, someone suggested going to Menglembu for some light snacks.... 
On the way, my friend bought some crispy fried RP from First Garden!
A packet of Chee Cheong Fun in Menglembu near the market.. RM2
Cooling jelly as desserts....
Oh, I took half of this only... seriously... 
Our foodie galore!! 
This is not a light snack after all.... 
Even the vendor was laughing along with us... 
 Slowly does it... Let's just enjoy our street party....

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Idealite And Bukit Dumbar

CONTINUING ON WITH OUR EATING SPREE IN PENANG... No, it is not all about roadside stalls, in fact we go for some organic and homecooked food especially in the evenings...  There is one organic shop which my friend's nephew opened, near to this Botanical Gardens.  It seems business is doing very well, they open some branches now in Queensbay and Gurney, if I am not mistaken...  My friend told me that their food here is healthy and well balanced... Well, we went in at around 11am.. and by 12pm, the place was already crowded and no more tables were vacant...

Idealite is the name... 
Ordered claypot brown rice with vege and stuff... 
And pumpkin noodles curry... with soft peas and vegetables... 
The giant bowl of curry noodles and to my surprise, I could finish all of it!
It is not all Food and No Walks... 
We ascended some paths to higher ground...
And I was puffing and huffing... 
Can zoom in to see the Penang bridge from the hill....
Steps after steps we climbed.... 
Taking a breather... 
By Posing... 
A Roundie Me!
*made a mental note to eat less tomorrow*

Monday, September 28, 2015

Kimberley, Penang And Free School Road For "Foodie Loots"

I WANTED TO AVOID PENANG ROAD.. but somehow landed there again... Before Penang Road, I went to have a herbal fix at a shop along Kimberley Street, this shop sells cooling drinks, their "kwai leen koe" with honey was the best I have eaten so far. Sorry, I didn't manage to capture a picture because my throat was just too dry and all I thought of that time was to "chuck" the black herbal jelly into my mouth... hahahaa...

Since our park was parked along Kimberley Street, we took a short walk to Penang Road to take a "look" at the famous cendol... Just by looking, we ended up eating not only the cendol but a bowl of laksa as well... Actually I was thinking of going to another place for better laksa, someone put up in FB that there is one shop called Laksalicious along Hutton Road... oh well, that will have to wait...

Why did I come here for the laksa, especially during the weekend!
It is just "overwhelming"... I mean the crowd... 
When my bowl of laksa arrived, I told myself.. "Must try others next time!"
Cendol was better... 
Not from the long Q stall, it was from the one opposite....
More generous with the greenies here.... 

Well, that was not all... I didn't feel "satisfied" with the foodie loot as yet...
We adjourned Free School Road to take a look at this stall....
Seems like this is one popular stall among the locals too....
Family business, I think... 
Slowly does it....
"Building Bricks"
And the result... so neat!!
And My Loot!!
RM1.10 for a piece... no joke!
Ate them nice and slow... after half an hour..... 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Penang Koay Teow Th'ng And BIG BAD WOLF

EARLY NEXT MORNING WE HAD OUR FIRST MEAL AT LEBUH CLARKE.... My first request was none other than Koayteow Thng in Penang.  I really do not mind which stall as long as they serve nice and tasty KTT , in fact there are a few stalls which I have taken and suited my taste buds.

I took a picture of the road... just in case la.... 
If I don't, I might be having trouble now thinking Clarke or Clare...  hahahaa... 
And this was the stall I had my breakfast.... 
At the back lane... 
Definitely cannot find these stalls anymore in Ipoh... 
I really don't mind sitting at the backlane...
as long as the KTT comes up as tastier than the picture itself...
Going with some chopped "cilipadi" is very "chee kick!"
And after my "fix"... we drove to Penang Times Square....
Yes, BIG BAD WOLF was not a missed!
I saw banners on the roads so I told myself... I Must Go since I missed the Ipoh one last few months..
Marking my presence here.... 
Went in for more than an hour...
Bought a number of books, hard covers and all...
I know I don't have time to read them for a long time yet... 
BUT Just couldn't resist buying, that is my "book weakness!"

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sunshine Restaurant At Tanjung Bungah, Penang

FOR DINNER, WE WENT TO SUNSHINE RESTAURANT ALONG TANJUNG BUNGAH.... It has been a couple of years since I was there.  In fact the restaurant has shifted from the left to the right side of the road if one is coming from town.  Now it is bigger and more ample parking compared to last time...

For starter, I ordered a fragrant fresh coconut to quench my thirst, it was really a hot day in Penang...
Juicy and Cooling...
More spacious and bright compared to the old place under the shed... 
Ordered their signature noodles..
Meesua with clams... 
I could taste more ingredients than the noodles...
Claypot chunks of fish with yam... 
I have eaten it long ago and almost forgotten how it tasted like until yesterday.... 
Some greens to go with the meal....
And a small portion of Guinness Stout Chicken...
Very nice and sweet... 
Marinate the pieces with the stout overnight... 
Well, that was what I heard.... 
I think I wanna try cooking that at home ... 
One day... One Fine Day..... 

The Air That We Breathe

The haze readings in certain areas have improved up north but according to my son who is residing down south, the API reading has rise up to 300 few days ago.  Schools for both primary and secondary were compelled to close for the day.  Due to the haze, my son has been coughing for the past few days and I have cautioned him to wear a mask and drink more water, besides that, if necessary, try to stay indoors as much as possible.  Hope the haze will be blown away soon... it is really hazardous to our health.

Just a moment ago, I read a website article on Vapor Intrusion, something linking to the air that we breathe.  As written here, accidental releases of volatile chemicals, such as solvents or other petroleum products, that leaks into the subsurface could result not only in the soil but the groundwater would be contaminated as well.  Once the soil is contaminated, the soil gas moves toward and into houses and buildings, thus it is known as Vapor Intrusion.  Lately it is said to have given much assessment and mitigation of the VI exposure pathway, it has become the most highly researched and regulated field in the environmental industry.  It is also written that the potential that building occupants may have unknowingly be breathing potentially harmful levels of impacted air due to the nearby environmental releases, it prompted much action from the state and federal agencies to impose conservative regulations and guidelines to the affected area.  This action needs some expertise advice from the Vapor Intrusion Consultants, they are the best people to be sought out specifically to evaluate the VI exposure pathway.  They resolves challenging environmental problems involving political, technical, regulatory, legal and financial issues with both business-oriented strategies for property owners, businesses and municipalities.

After reading all that, I now have a bigger image of how important the environmental air is to us.  We need healthy air to keep our body system free from more toxic embedded in our body.  If each of us play an important part to our surrounding area by keeping it clean, we can be "wealthy" in one way already, after all, as the saying goes, "Health is Wealth."

Friday, September 25, 2015

Stuck At Nibong Tebal

Started on our journey up north this morning at around 11am... And the journey was smooth sailing until one km from Nibong Tebal... The one kilometer felt like ten kilometers, snail crawling at the highway.  From then to the toll, it took us an hour I guess... and we heard that one lorry overturned and  the highway from NB was closed... Every vehicle had to detour to Nibong Tebal and had to use the old trunk road ....
Crawling traffic.....
I was very hungry by the time we passed the toll and into the old trunk road in NB...
We had to stop here for lunch to prevent my tummy from growling further.... 
After all, it was pass 2pm already!
Any dish on the wall looks yummy to me!
And we ordered these.... Honey pai kwat wong.... No bones just meat.....
Sambal tapioca leaves with three prawns....
And their special lemongrass fish head soup which was so up to my standard... 
And this "captain" is the one who recommended the dishes.... And served us as well...
Sat down to talk to us too... and the bill came to RM36 after much talking... Hahahaa....
After our lunch, we proceeded with our journey and reached Penang around 4pm! 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...