Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Walking ATM At Bukit Mertajam

SINCE MY GIRL HAS NOT BEEN TO BUKIT MERTAJAM BEFORE, the next morning we drove to the mainland to pay a visit.  Using Waze, we found our way to a restaurant where we have our brunch.  She has never been here but I remember taking my two sons to this place before.
I think it has been few years since I last came here... 
But I could still remember the food pretty well...
So more or less, we ordered back the same food... 
We ordered four dishes, small portions but the fish was on the larger side....
Nevertheless we could finish it for the sauce was very appetizing...
Sourish and it blended well with the other dishes.... 
Small tiny mini chicken....
The fish with no garnishing... did not look appealing... 
But once we touched the sauce... we ended up eating it all... 
My girl loves this... for me, one piece will do...
The bill came to around RM60 plus... 
Using Waze again, we drove to AEON Bukit Mertajam....
It was drizzling then... and we spent quite some time here... 
Ok, time for her to shop...
And time for me to drop.... 
Yes... drop money ma...
A Walking ATM... 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Giant Wheels At BP Anjung Indah, Balik Pulau

THE HAKKA VILLAGE WAS SOON FORGOTTEN BY US... We aborted our plan to go into the village after hearing that private cars cannot go up, we have to go to this village via the Land Rover.  The roads are narrow, we were told... so with tummies full after two durians, we made our way back to town.  This time we took another way back and on the way we passed through Betong village....

Through Betong village leading to Balik Pulau... 
Soon we arrived at Balik Pulau.. looking for Laksa... 
It was almost 3pm...
Unfortunately Laksa was already sold out ... 
Found this mural painting near the Laksa shop instead...
Half way down from Balik Pulau, we stopped at the stalls to take this scenery... 
There was a road leading uphill to a Thai restaurant called BP Anjung Indah...
Since we arrived at odd hours, there was no patrons as yet.... 
We just walked around adding memories to our camera... 
And wondering why there are so many bullock wheels here... 
The wheels as Big as yours truly.... 
The scenery at night must be spectacular up here... 
No, we did not have dinner at this place...
Perhaps next time when there is a bigger group....
The sky was getting cloudy and it was time for us to make our way back to Penang town...
Time to call it a day..
Just too bad we could not taste the Balik Pulau famous laksa....
Well, guess have to wait for my next trip then.... 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Half Way To Hakka Village, Balik Pulau

MY NEIGHBOUR TOLD ME THAT I SHOULD VISIT HAKKA VILLAGE IN BALIK PULAU... Oh, I didn't know there is such a tourist spot up on the hills, all I think of is Durians when one mention Balik Pulau or Laksa.  Since I am in the travel mode, I suggested to my friend who willingly oblige to go and have a look at the place.

Using Waze, we managed to go through some village and ended up at a small lane leading up to Hakka Village.  But the road was so narrow, we were having some second thoughts whether to go or not to go.... and while contemplating, we spotted something more attractive and eventually we aborted our idea of going up and up...
The road leading up to Hakka Village....
Looks kind of narrow, just enough for one car to go through.... 
Isn't this something more attractive?
We saw this crowd while on the narrow road and quickly we parked our car at the side...
The durian trees just next to the stall....
With the durian family looming above our heads.... 
This is a much better adventure!
Ladies do know how to enjoy Life, eh... 
I also WANT!
Beautiful on the inside..... 
Durians brings us together!
Let's eat and be merry!!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Purchasing Wholesale Wedding Dress

China is the largest exporter of wedding dresses in the world, the buyers from all over the country usually choose two places to find suppliers, and one is Suzhou, other one is Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the earliest wedding dress wholesale base and its industry is the most perfect, Jiangnan Avenue North Wedding Street is Guangzhou’s largest wedding dress wholesale base. Suzhou wedding dress industry started late, Tiger Hill wedding Dress Street is Suzhou largest one where selling wedding and evening dresses, but as time goes by, Suzhou replacing the Guangzhou becomes the China’s largest wedding dress wholesale base.
Most important things to wholesale wedding dress are the quality and price. Except some small workshops, Suzhou and Guangzhou’s production process is little difference, but in the heavy sewing beads and degree of specialization, Guangzhou has more superiority obviously. Purchasers could consider Suzhou wedding dress market if request super craft and customized, especially some large and middle sized factories, with their own team of designers to prove more and better products.
China is most famous of the world’s factory, but it is not easy to cooperate with some large companies. China’s largest wedding dress factory is in Guangzhou, some international famous brands process their products here, but minimum small quantity of them is often up to hundreds, for some purchasers, it is not suitable. Most Suzhou wedding dress factories don’t have MOQ. It is good news for some buyers who want to save the cost.
In Suzhou, thousands of wedding dress factories established here, but fewer of them could supply high quality and have design capacity. Jusere is one of the most influential and powerful factories, which can provide more styles, better quality, no MOQ. Jusere has two flagship stores and biggest showroom in China, established in 2002, good reputation in domestic and internationally.
When choosing your wedding dress manufacturers, you should know how to judge the quality of the wedding dress. Usually compare them by the following aspects.
      Fabric, large factories usually choose good fabrics to make wedding dress, such as silk fabric and 395 satin, but other small factories will choose the cheap, such as 395 organza inferior materials, these materials are cheaper but gloss deviation and rough feel. 
      Bead, the quality of bead will completely influence the whole quality of the wedding dress, some wedding dress looks resplendent that use glass, crystal and diamond. But some factories will choose acrylic and resin which are lightless and easy oxidized black.
      Craft, even if same material, as the process technology is different, difference of quality will be vary widely. Such as fishbone quantity, whether sewn pears and applique according to the drawing etc.
      Details, good wedding dress will show quality from the details, such as the quality of zipper, whether rough on the bottom of the dress.

At last, searching for the reliable manufacturers for your shops is really hard work, especially for some green hands who never import anything abroad, but it is also a good way to make much money, the first step is always the hardest, wish you can find your suppliers.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Penang Delights At Carnarvon, Burmah Road And Pulau Tikus

EACH MORNING IN PENANG, I ALWAYS WAKE UP THINKING of having a hot bowl of Koay Teow Th'ng!  The name is the same for every stall which sells KTT but the servings and ingredients may differ from one another.

Since we woke up late that morning, we went to the stall off Carnarvon Street, hoping the noodles were not sold out yet.  To our relief, they were still selling and one table unoccupied.  Quickly we made our order and in no time, our food were served.

The portion is very small... and I finished it fast and good... 
A small plate of greens... though I preferred them not to be splashed with oyster sauce... 
For two bowls and this plate of vege, it cost RM12...
Feeling not "full"... we adjourned to another place for "back-up".... 
Came across a mobile van selling Bah Chang at Burmah Road....
I was told this one is related to the shop along Cintra Street selling Bah Chang too... 
Even though it is along the street, tables and chairs are available on the pavement...
I like this style... too bad, Ipoh does not have this type of arrangement anymore.... 
Clean and tidy... 
Yes, they sell the same Yam Cake too as the shop too...
But just unfortunate that I was too late... 
The Bah Chang I wanted to eat was sold out...
The one with lots of yellow beans and less sticky rice were not available...
 Ended up taking this Bah Chang without beans....
And drowned with a bowl of red beans and black eye peas... 
After our double breakfast, we proceeded to the Pulau Tikus market.... 
And I couldn't help not buying a packet of this Nyonya dessert!

So... slowly, slowly.. as days go by,  as I do my posting.... 
I will get to know the cause of my changed figure... 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Hollywood Food, Penang Durians And Ipoh Pomeloes Delights

AS EVENING APPROACHED, I had a nice dinner with a group of friends at Hollywood restaurant, Batu Feringgi.  It was my second time eating at this restaurant, mainly Hainanese styled, I was told.  I have not really tried much before and naturally I was looking forward to a night of new dishes.

As usual we were there quite early and before the other guests arrived, I quickly took some pictures of the empty hall...

The place where dinner was held... the side is facing the sea.... 
That is the sea I meant... but not meant for swimming though... 
And our dishes for the night were as follows... 
Cold dish... Jelly with Chicken and not sure what else... 
I am certainly not a fan of cold dish... :)
BBQ Meat.... They were not burnt though they looked somehow on the dark side.... 
Clams with some sweet sauce.. and after eating some, I called this..
Clams in Rojak sauce... 
Of the few dishes above, this looks more familiar to me....
Honey lemon chicken... Penang style... 
There is one more dish... fried meehoon with prawns... 
That came last and I did not manage to take it cos I was already "occupied'.... 
And above all, the main highlight was the Durian Desserts!
There were only seven of us and the hostess bought SEVEN packets....
Oh my goodness.... such delight!!
I ended trying one from each packet though... 
Oh, I did sponsor something too...
Notice the pink fruit?  Pomeloes from Ipoh mali....
After eating the durians, the pomeloes tasted kind of bitter.... 
I guess they should not combine... 
Another bittersweet kind of desserts!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mr. Bean In Penang

I have to tell something...
For a moment, I thought the man standing to welcome us is a real human!
At A glimpse.... he looked so real.... 
I thought he was taking some photographs with some guests!
OK, since he is not real, I will do the welcoming... 

Ticket is sold here at RM25 if not mistaken....
Hey... look!!
Someone very familiar looking and waiting!
Waiting for me???
Obviously not...!
If not going, then let's take some pictures together... 
Waiting for the bus.... 
Oh, now coming to think of it, the long chair is not really there... It is 3-D
But it looks so real, right?
Now that the chair is not real, I have to wait for the bus here... 
Let's Queue UP.... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...