Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wedding Dinner At Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant, Ipoh


No, no... not my wedding nor my kids' wedding... LOL... The auspicious occasion belonged to one of my good, better, best friend, her son got married on Sunday.  Remember the previous post about sending dowry to the bride's house?  That's the continuation of the wedding plans.. and the real Big Day took place last weekend.  And we the Aunties of the bridegroom were excited about the B-day as much as our all-time-buddy!  We known each other since we were 13, both of us registered our marriage on the same day with our partners, of course... and we seen our babies growing up together.. and now her Baby Boy has tied the knot...*while mine are still pending*... LOL....

Back to the wedding dinner, a few of us went to the restaurant early to help out.  No one was around then and we took the opportunity to have some fun at the photo booth before we began our tasks....
That's US before the guests arrived....
Buddies Forever...
LOVE is all around.. now.. where's my partner??
Main table for the Special Ones... 
Preparation at the reception... 
No, not us aunties who were welcoming the guests... 
This task must be given to Pretty Young Ladies...
Soon when the guests started to arrive, our tasks began....
A few of us were in charge of the Finance...
All Ang Pows received were noted and added up..
And we settled the bill as soon as the cash were enough to cover....
That was our task for the night.... 
By the time our task was done, the first dish was served... 
Got these pictures from my friend who was in charge of taking them instead of me..
Oh yes.. we have time to take some photos before the dinner started..... 
And we ended the night by rendering or should I say "Screeching?"
A song by Cliff Richard....
*made a video of us too...but better not put it up*
Recording studios might be very busy then...

Dresses For All Special Occasions

From now onward, wedding bells are in the air, invitations to parties and grand dinners are issued out to many of us.  In fact I have received four wedding invitations!  My friends' kids are getting married, most of them are in their late twenties already.  Hmmm... I wonder when my kids are going to get married too.  Hahahaa....

Back to the wedding dinners, I am going to meet up with my old classmates and schoolmates again. I am now feeling kind of excited, of course besides being happy for my friend, I was also looking forward to meeting all my old classmates again on that auspicious day. It has been many years since we last saw each other and I am sure on this occasion, we will have a wonderful time catching up with one another.

Meanwhile I was thinking to do something with myself real fast! I think I need a  new “makeover!” Firstly, my hairstyle, I need to perm so that it has a “bouncing” effect, hahahaa…. Secondly, I really need to buy a new dress for this special wedding dinner. I want something more formal and after looking through my wardrobe, I could not find a decent formal dress for myself. I really should get one nice dress or a gown and what a Big relief when I came across this website which offers nice and dinner dresses with affordable prices.

As I browse through the website, there are a wide selection of evening dresses that are suitable for all types of occasions.  In fact there are a few dresses that I have "eyed" and there a few designer blue maxi dresses which I find very suitable and exquisite. So many choices and so much more dresses in this website,  I really must decide fast so that the dress will come in time for the wedding dinner!

Should You Take a Gap Year or Study While You Travel?

‘Travel whilst you are young’ is one of the most common pieces of advice that the older generation give to young people today. And, travel is one of the best decisions that you can make when it comes to what you do with your life as someone who is young, free and single. As you get older and make more commitments when it comes to your career and perhaps even start your own family, traveling the world can become more and more out of reach. But, for many young people, it’s a choice between traveling or getting a college education.

Gap Years

Taking a gap year is a great way to get some travel experiences and see the parts of the world that you’ve always wanted to, whilst you are still young and can do so. A gap year is usually taken after you finish high school, and many colleges will allow you to defer your entry so that you know your place on the program is secured for when you return from your travel adventure. A gap year can also be a great way to earn money, perhaps by teaching English as a foreign language abroad or even starting your own travel blog. A gap year that you spend traveling solo can also be an awesome way to gain more independence, something that will surely benefit you when you head to college.

Study and Travel

If you really want to travel but also can’t wait to get your degree and pursue the career of your dreams, there’s no need to panic. In fact, studying and traveling at the same time is becoming a very popular choice with many students who want to see the world AND get a degree. And, if there’s no need to choose between the two, then, why should you? Many colleges will take on international students, allowing you to move to the country of your choice to get an education. Or, you may want to enquire at the colleges that you’re considering applying to about any student exchange programs or overseas placements that they offer to their students.

Online Study

Lastly, online study is probably the best option for avid travelers who are hoping to earn a degree without being tied down to one specific place in the world. With almost all courses available, you can choose from diplomas and undergraduate degrees to advanced programs such as online doctoral nursing programs and DNP executive leadership programs online to study whilst you travel. Since online students have no physical classes to attend, it doesn’t matter whether you’re on home soil or on a tropical island; if you have an internet connection you will be able to get the work done and earn your degree or other qualification.
For many young people, choosing between travel and study is a tough decision to make. There is much to be learned from both traveling and attending college, but do you really need to choose between the two?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Birthday Dinner With Classmates At Kok Thai Restaurant, Ipoh

THE BIRTHDAY BASH GOES ON.... with my ex-classmates in this round...
A few of us gathered at Kok Thai Restaurant... yes, Kok Thai again... LOL... This restaurant really pay me some kind of token for mentioning them again and again!  Everyone seems to love Kok Thai for their food and their reasonable prices, I guess.

Coming back to my post, there were eight of us who made it for the gathering.  Birthdays are just an excuse... hahahaha... Food and laughter is more likely the attraction, enough to lure us out from our nests for a couple of hours. It was a night filled with voices and joy....
The dishes that filled our hungry tummies... 
The food above can never go wrong.... 
Then comes the cake for the November BBs.... 
For the both of us..... 
Cutting Cake Ceremony.... 
Thank you to my lovely friends who made our 2016 Birth-Day Memorable!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Preliminary Round Birthday Celebration At Kok Thai Restaurant, Ipoh


This year's celebration was kind of different from the previous year,  I remember eating my birthday cake and dinner with my leg still in a cast last year.  Nevertheless, it was a very memorable day...  As for this year 2016, my family arranged for a course dinner at Kok Thai Restaurant, so nice of them to make this year's celebration another memorable one as well....

Because of our road trips, this dinner was held a few days earlier than my real date and I super Like it!  Preliminary round, quarter finals, semi finals... and on the real day itself... what more could I ask for?  LOL...

I really want to extend my Thanks to my family who supports me through thick and thin and I love you all!  *hey, I think I sound like I am taking an award like those in TVB*  LOL...  This shows I watched too many of them that I know how to make a speech like they do.... LOL....
Firstly... take a look at the Almond Honey Lemon Cake...
It is specially homemade baked and had not tasted anything like this before... 
As for the dishes, these stuffed our tummies throughout the dinner... 
My lovely family who made this Day an unforgettable one for me.... 
Love you All very muchie!
And the Birthday Girls for the night!
I say it again... Thank You...
Also to you Readers.... 
I know you would love to wish me again... 
Thank you in advance... 
Appreciation extended in kind when I meet in person next time!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Road Trip From Johor Back To Sg Buloh

Time for us to leave Johor and back to Sg Buloh.  We started out our journey by filling our tummies full at Changman Dim Sum cafe.  My sisters were very delighted to savor some of the varieties there, everything they put in their mouth sounds like "YUM.. YUM!"  LOL....
All big grins because of the food!
Steamed chicken in Koay Teow Soup....
Siew Mai received Thumbs UP too...
Ma Lai Koe is so much different from Ipoh... 
 For the sweet tooth ....crispy and fragrant...
Johor Beancurd stuffed with fish paste... 
Our favourite of all times... 
Fried Radish... 
With tummies full, our four hours drive took us back safely to Sg.Buloh...
No stopping along the way.... 
First time for me driving using Waze leading us back to where we belong... 
We stayed another two nights in KL before returning to Ipoh.... 
Back to home sweet home for a couple of nights before moving on again... 
Yes... our road trips did not end as yet... 
We are flying off again.... SOON!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Accommodation Made Easy With Online Booking

Well, that is what my friends say to me to me every now and then.  Now looking back, I guess they are right in a way.

In October 2015, I fell and fractured my leg, just two days before my trip to Europe.  I was contemplating whether to go or not initially and eventually I did, my right leg in a cast and on a wheelchair from the day I boarded the flight to Amsterdam and spending the next three weeks in Scotland and some parts of Europe.  It was quite an adventure for me to be able to tour so many places on a wheelchair and hopping around whenever necessary.  The trip was made possible and enjoyable through my son's meticulous booking on flights, train tickets and accommodation during our three weeks tour.

Our first destination was Aberdeen and after spending two weeks there, we flew to Amsterdam for two nights.  From there, we took a train ride to Frankfurt, then Paris and Brussels.  We spent around ten days in these four countries and everything ran smoothly, thank God. Despite my handicap, this trip was my most memorable one, for I did not do any walking at all, just some hoppings around the apartments.  When we were on trams or trains, there was no inconvenience at all for the disables, in fact, everywhere we went, all were disable friendly.  Somehow we managed to tour these few countries without any hassle despite the fact, I could not walk at all.
 At an apartment in Amsterdam....
On wheels at Amsterdam Centraal...

After recuperating for almost nine months, I could walk properly again.  I made another trip to UK, this time we toured around London, Cardiff, Oxford and then back to Aberdeen again.  Before we went for this trip, I did some "homework" online, I assisted my son to look for accommodations while we were in England and Wales.  One of the websites I find helpful and informative is  It has 44201 listings in 6963 cities!  All I have to do is to type in the place I want to stay and from there, just key in the dates of checking in and out. So easy!  Hotels, hostels, apartments with reviews were all displayed, so detailed and informative, I could say.

I love Cardiff, I told my son that I would love to visit that place again, oh yes, Bath too!  Such a lovely place.  I do not have to follow group tours anymore, I can do my own "research" online, just a few clicks away and I am spoil for choices on lodging and accommodation.  Hmmm... Let me think, where shall I go in 2017?  :)
In Cardiff....
At Rhossili Beach, Swansea.... 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Freelance On A Monday

THE NEXT MORNING, IT WAS A MONDAY... we were on our own, no more "unpaid Driver"... So no more going faraway places but familiar ones which I know.  For breakfast I took my guests to try something new, noodles which was not found in Ipoh...

When I mentioned that We were going for spicy noodles eaten together with two sambal fish, they stared at me with gaping mouths.  Lol.... Well, that is what food adventure is all about, right? Must be adventurous and try new food in new places!
And so it is Trengganu noodles as named by the shop....
Pork noodles.....
The soup tasted something like prawn noodles in Ipoh....
Specialty is two pieces of steamed fish with different sauce.....
After our breakfast, it was Sutera Mall for shopping.....
And a light tea while resting our tired legs....
Homecooked food for dinner at last.....
First and last before leaving JB...

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Birthday Flowers, Passion And Kisses


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Our Evening Treat At Nyonya Treats, Taman Perling, Johor

OUR SHOPPING AT THE JOHOR PREMIUM OUTLET ENDED AROUND 4PM.... We were more or less satisfied with our little loots, we were in fact very good girls for we only bought a pair of shorts after all the walking and eating.  :)   Come to think of it, we were more interested in eating than shopping.  So our next itinerary was Dinner.... and I recommended Nyonya Treats in Taman Perling.

We reached Nyonya Treats around 5.20pm, it was not opened.  Quickly I called up after finding out their number through Facebook, to our relief, it opens at 5.30pm... phew... Needless to say, we were the first customers to walk in... LOL...
While waiting for them to take orders.... 
I notice this wooden cupboard at Nancy's Kitchen in Malacca too... 
Well, we had one too... during the 1960s.... 
The Waiting Looks! 
Or Hiang or Springrolls...
Made from chicken instead of pork.... 
My favourite....
Cincaluk Omelette... supposedly to be...
Assam Curry Squid... 
Dishes for the four of us... 
Bill came to around RM60 plus...
Oh yes.. cannot leave Nyonya Treats without Durian Cendol!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...