Friday, June 30, 2017

Homestay At Come Back Love, Pasir Pinji

AFTER OUR SATISFYING LUNCH, we asked permission from the lady boss to have a Look See upstairs.  We wanted to look at the homestay rooms, who knows, we might need to book this place some day.  Without hesitation, the lady boss led the way up, there is a separate sidedoor leading up to the rooms.
One of the doors leading up to the room on top of the stairs... 
For one night, it is RM600 for 5 rooms.. 
Can be booked individually too.. but not sure how much per room... 
Come Home Love rooms...
I like this 3-D craft painting...
The living hall with 5 rooms.. 
One room is for Karaoke wannabe singers!

And for those who want to relax in the evening.. 
The Rooftop area...
Overlooking the greens and houses opposite...
And of course, the famous Chee Cheong Fun along the same row...
Not bad for a gathering here in the evening....
Beachy feeling... LOL....
We ladies like it...for sure....
Will Come Back Home Love one day!

Amazing Things You Must Do on a City Break

City breaks, while not exactly new on the tourism scene, have been gaining a lot of traction and a lot of popularity, especially with the younger tourists. It's easy to understand why it's the simplest and, at the same time, the most unrestricted way of experiencing a city or a culture along with everything that it has to offer. Not to mention the fact that it is the simplest vacation that you can set up by yourself.

While these vacations are usually quite short, there are a lot of things to do on a city break and it would be a shame to miss out on the proper experience itself. That being said, here are some amazing things that you must do while on a city break

Find local lodgings

Staying at a hotel is quite a waste considering the fact that you are going there to experience the city itself, so finding local lodgings can add a lot to the overall experience.
Depending on the duration of your stay, you can actually end up saving a lot of money here, not to mention the fact that it is, all in all, easier to get in contact with the locals and observe their customs and culture. Plus let's face it, you won't be spending much time in your room anyway, you basically need a place to leave your backpack and to sleep.
There are a lot of ways in which you can go about finding these lodgings. You can check the listings and find cheap short term rental apartments if you plan on staying a week or two. Alternatively, you can check websites like Couch Surfing and see if you can find good, decent people that have a room to spare and can host you for the duration of your visit.

Find the secret tours

All the large cities in the world have a lot of history behind them. Some of it is well-known and interesting but some of it is hidden from visitors and the general public. This usually involves secret plots, disturbing events and a hidden side of that city that was never mentioned in the history books.
There are special tours, usually going by the name of “secret tours” that not only show this hidden side of the city’s history but also show you the places where these things happened. They are mostly popular with large important cities in Eastern Europe because of the communist occupation that they were under and the things that transpired behind the curtain during that period, however, there are a lot of other cities that have them as well.

As long as the city in question has been through some particularly hard and shady times in the past, there will be tours that are willing to expose them to you.  Be prepared to do some searching though because travel agencies usually don’t offer this service and so these tours are generally conducted by private tour guides, local historians or history students.

Take part in a local festival

This bit requires some great timing on your part, however, it is a great idea to try and synchronize your visit with a major local festival. You get to experience a lot of the local culture, take part in special events and have a lot of fun in the process. Not to mention the fact that there are special things like food, drinks, music, dances and even costumes that you can enjoy only in that period of time, so your overall experience will be a lot more meaningful overall.
Just make sure that you don’t get carried away, especially if it involves a lot of food; your body might not be able to handle it properly. To make sure you don’t get sick from drinking or eating too much, it’s best to keep your hydration level optimal. For this, you should consider the best hydration bladder since it’s easy to hide in your backpack and it’s right there when you need it.
The best way to time it is to know in advance what city you will be visiting and do your research to see what upcoming festivals you can take part in. Make sure that you also research what the festival is about and what you are supposed to be doing, you would not want to accidentally offend or insult the people that take part in it.
Do remember that prices usually go up around that period of time, so making reservations well in advance will often time prove to be more profitable.

Explore the city on foot

While there are a lot of neat locations to visit that are clearly marked on maps and travel guides, there are also a lot of locations that are not listed in there, as well as a lot of details and a lot of things that really make that city stand out.
There is no easy way around it, you have to grab a map of the city, plan a course and start walking. Of course, you should be equipped with the best survival backpack you can find in order to carry various must-have items. After all, you are still traveling in a foreign city, surrounded by locals.
Everywhere you go, no matter what districts you pass through, remember to keep your eyes open and look for all the details and all the elements that make up life in that particular city. Don't forget that this is also your chance to do some proper sightseeing and explore the wonderful monuments as well as everything that the city can throw at you.
Another great thing you can do here is meet local people along your way. Most people are friendly, especially towards tourists, so striking a conversation with them will not be hard. At the end of this long trek, you will have a much better understanding about life in that city, how it came to be that way as well as what it means to be a part of that city.

In conclusion

If properly prepared and executed, a city break can prove to be both fun and mentally stimulating at the same time.
While it is true that you will have to do a lot of research beforehand in order to figure out what you are looking for as well as what festivals you can time your visit with, where you will stay and what you will want to see in that location, it will all be worth it in the end.
Author Bio:
Rebecca lives in USA, but loves hiking all over the world. Her favourite is Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal. It usually takes 16 days, but she likes to slow down, enjoy mountains, company of other adventurers and take more pictures, so it took her 28 days last time. Another of her passion is the ocean, so all short and long hikes along the ocean shore bring a lot of joy. She also writes for

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Come Home Love 愛·回家 For Homecooked Food

DURING THE LONG WEEKEND JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO, one of my "old time buddies" told us that she would be dropping by to Ipoh for a couple of hours to have breakfast with the three of us.  We are the "Empat Sekawan" from our old school days, so we called ourselves that till today. LOL...  We love having her coming by to Ipoh, with her means Food and more Foodventures!   That was why we were at our wits' end thinking of what and where to bring her for food in Ipoh.  Everywhere in town seems to be either crowded and commercialized during the Raya holidays.

Anyway, back to my post, she was supposed to reach Ipoh at 10am but due to "expected" traffic jam from KL, she only reached Ipoh around 12.30pm instead.  Not surprising for everyone seems to be coming to Ipoh or going up north during the weekend.  In that few hours, the three of us scratched our head... I even messaged my "foodie colleagues" on where to eat...and I am so glad when one of them suggested this place to us.

Firstly, this place is nearby to our place and secondly, it is homecooked food.  Thirdly, it is still new and not many people knows about yet.  *After this post, there might be changes*  LOL...
This place is called Come Home Love.... 
Hongkong drama series fans should be familiar with this name....
It is actually a Homestay place...
At the entrance, they served homecooked food...
This is the first time we come by here...
Very homely styled....
Proof shown here... 
Auntie cutting up the garlic and dicing them instead of going into the blender....
Very meticulous work indeed!
The tables and chairs all neat and clean with a homely feel....
And best thing is .. no crowd... Great!
Part of the menu... Prices are quite reasonable..
We wanted to eat almost everything!
Ginger meat balls... with lots of ginger inside... 
Very authentic dish... we love!
Salted fish with meat... *far larm*
So appetizing!
Steamed chicken with black fungus....
Steamed brinjal... just the way my mom used to do last time!
Bitter gourd with chicken... 
Steamed Patin Fish.... 
Fresh and Good!
They are very generous with the garlic and garnishing... 
Rating?  The empty plates are the tell-tale signs... LOL...
And the total bill for five persons plus drinks came to RM107.
Yes, we must go there again...

Address: 1550, Jalan Pasir Pinji 5,
Kg Pasir Pinji, Ipoh
Tel: 0125083093

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Bukit Tambun Street Art Murals

ON THE WAY INTO BUKIT TAMBUN TOWN, we have to pass through a row of shop houses.  They were all being repainted and it makes a lot of difference to tourists like us.  After our scrumptious lunch, we parked our car just opposite the Police Station and from there, we walked along the main road and we managed to capture some interesting murals along the way.

Seems like Bukit Tambun is not only famous for their seafood but street art murals as well...
Our car is parked just beside this mural.. 
And each house has their own colour theme....
And at each entrance, there are paintings on the walls....
The legend, Bruce Lee is not forgotten....
This one must be a fan of Chow Yuen Fatt.... 
My son will love this on his wall.. if he has his way.. 
As we walked further along.. a heritage abandoned house.... 
Reminded me of some old ancient movies....
And this art is quite interesting...
Carriage coming through the damaged brick wall... 
Yes, on closer look, it is indeed a real damaged wall... ..
Never leave here without some pictures to mark our footprints...
The murals brighten up the atmosphere.... 
Someone captured us while we were capturing the pictures... 
Someone seemed to be taking our photos unnoticed....
Guess who.... LOL...
Yes, nice to have an umbrella over my head while I did the job... LOL...
Soon... we headed back for Ipoh...
We ladies were so distracted with all the conversation going on in the car
that we missed the Road Sign... and instead...
We ended up going further UP NORTH... 
Thought of going to Penang for Cendol... 
Never mind, some other time.... 
It was drizzling when we headed back to Ipoh....
On certain parts, the traffic was slow...
And we reached Ipoh late in the evening....
With the right gang, everything turns out good and well...
Thank you for the wonderful time together, girls!

5 Health Benefits Getting An Air Purifier

Have you considered adding an air purifier to your home appliance lineup? You may have balked at spending the money, or at having yet another item draining electricity in your home, but these devices offer some clear health benefits. If you've wondered whether a portable or whole-home air purifier is worth the investment, here are some factors to consider.

Allergy Relief

Image via Flickr by Philips Communications

If you suffer from allergies, keeping your home clean and changing your HVAC filters might not be enough to prevent your symptoms from flaring up. Your air conditioner's filtration might be adequate to keep pollen out of the house, but irritants like pet dander and dust that are already in the air are harder to remove. An air purifier will help you reduce the concentration of dust, dander, and other allergens in your home significantly.

Asthma Control

Asthma sufferers should invest in an air purifier with a HEPA filter that will mechanically remove irritants from the air without creating ozone. Some non-HEPA devices work by reversing the charge of particles in the air but don't actually remove the particles. If you have a non-HEPA filter, be sure to dust and vacuum often to get those deactivated particles out of the room. Also consider upgrading to a HEPA model because they don't produce ozone, which is a lung irritant.

Reducing Second-Hand Smoke

While no device can completely remove the risks of second-hand smoke, a HEPA purifier can at least filter out the particles that are present in the smoke. If you are forced to live or work around smokers, a HEPA filter will at least mitigate your health risk.

Curbing Mold Spores

The standard of efficiency for true HEPA filters is that they must capture a minimum of 99.97% of pollutants at 0.3 microns. Mold spores range from one to five microns in size, so a HEPA filter should capture virtually all of the mold spores within its service range. Capturing airborne spores means the filter will protect you from inhaling them and might slow the mold's reproduction, but it will not eliminate mold from your home. You will still need to work on removing the mold and correcting the conditions that allowed it to grow.

Alleviate Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

People with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) are plagued by reactions to a wide variety of household chemicals and odors. Air purifiers designed specifically for MCS therapy have a high volume of carbon to help them absorb more chemicals, odors, and gases from the air. MCS filters are also manufactured differently, using organic cotton for filtration and omitting glue and other solvents from the manufacturing process so they don't emit toxins that might cause more symptoms.

Air purifiers can be helpful in fighting allergies, asthma, second-hand smoke, mold spores, and MCS, but they have limitations. Portable units have a limited range, some purifiers emit ozone, and even the best HEPA filter can't remove all toxins or gases from the air. Research carefully before you invest in a purifier so you can be sure you're getting the one that's right for you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ladies' Day Out To Bukit Tambun

A LONG WEEKEND HOLIDAY, FOUR WHOLE DAYS!!  This year the Hari Raya falls on Sunday and therefore, there is a four days holiday altogether for the working people.  How nice for them all... everyone takes this long weekend to go back to their hometowns to celebrate this festive season while many others take this opportunity to go visiting to other states or overseas.  As for me, I stayed at home during the long weekend, be a good girl until today, Tuesday, it is time for a Get-Together with my old buddies!

A day before, messages through whatsapps were busy ding-donging here and there... plans were being finalized on where to go... First option was Gentings Premium Outlet and second choice is Bukit Tambun.  After some discussion, we opted for the latter... Bukit Tambun for Food is the better choice than shopping.  The shopping will  have to be put on hold because of the traffic jam at Gentings!

This morning as planned, my friends gathered at my house and from here, we seated ourselves comfortably and off we went.... Ladies' Day Out To The North!
Happily we set out... YAY!!!
Weather was beautiful.... 
With us ladies talking non-stop in the car, 
we reached our destination in no time!
From Ipoh to Bukit Tambun, it takes around 1 hour plus.... 
It has been more than 10 years since I last came here...
Or was it 20 years????
I cannot recall at all.... it must be many years ago.... 
We parked our car here... 
Our Lady Boss knows the way very well..
She said this place is the Best!
And so here we are.... 
We were the early birds though it was already noon...
Quite empty at the moment... but by the time we finished our lunch, 
the place was packed to the brim!
Fishing boats can be seen just next to the floating restaurant...
I think the fishermen were on "holiday" too...
By then the four of us were really hungry...
Only disappointment is that...the crabs were on "holiday" too....
We have to forego that... 
Seated comfortably under the cooling fan.... 
My ex-colleagues... from the young to the senior... LOL...
Our appetizer came out first.... 
How to eat this?
No way, just put it into our mouths... Fear Factor challenge!
Steamed Clams in lime sauce... yummy!
Fried oyster with eggs...
Potato leaves in sambal sauce.... very tasty....
And the steamed Garoupa.. 
Meaty and fresh....
And the total bill came to RM148 with rice and a jug of cooling drinks...
After filling our stomach, it is time to go for a stroll under the hot sun.... 
*Burn off the calories*
We ventured into the narrow lane and "surveyed" this little town.... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...