Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Visit To Hawaii in Teluk Intan

A DAY TRIP TO THE BAY...  Teluk Intan, here we come!

A few of us planned to go to this bay area called Teluk Intan, it is quite far from Ipoh cos there is no highway leading to this town.  We took about two hours to reach, passing by smaller towns and padi fields.  My last visit was a few years back before I retire, I came for official duty with a few of my colleagues for auditing.  Now a few years later, I am back again....

Teluk Intan is the third largest town in Perak and the main attraction is their own Leaning Tower erected in 1885 by a Chinese builder.  It is called the Leaning Tower because it started to tilt four years after its construction due to an underground stream.  Since then, it has become the icon of Teluk Intan.... something similar to Leaning Tower in Italy....
The Leaning Tower... aka Clock Tower... 
We parked our car nearby and walked around the vicinity... 
Firstly... to look for Food!
Recommended by one of the locals.... Hawaii is the name of the shop... 
Hawaii... exotic food and colourful desserts!
A place for all races... 
We opted for the cooling air inside the shop instead of the sidewalk... 
While waiting for the food!
We shared a bowl of Laksa...
A bowl of curry noodles.... 
And their special Rojak as well...
Something different from those sold in Ipoh!
Something cooling for me... 
A mixed bowl of fruits to share... 
Yes, food for the Trio... 
Something light for the first round... 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Business Decisions You Shouldn't Put Off Any Longer

If you have just started your business, you will need to make some important decisions that will determine your success. Procrastination is the main obstacle for business owners, and the more complex the issue is, the more likely you are to put it off. If you are determined to get over the hurdles of your startup and finally start turning profits, you will have to make some business decisions right now. Below you will find a few of them that will be crucial to steer your venture in the right direction. 
Image via Pexels
Brand Image

You need to create a clear message for your potential customers on what your company and personal brand are about. You need to find your unique selling proposition and communicate it through various brand messages; social media, your website, and business literature. This challenging task will bring in a lot of results, as you can reach people who can emotionally connect with the uniqueness of your business.

Mission and Vision

No matter how big or small your business is, you will have to create a mission and vision statement. If you can communicate your values and give your prospective buyers a good enough reason to buy from you, your job will get much easier. List the things you care about and are passionate about, and your long term goals. Put it in a few sentences, and display it on your site, social media pages, as well as your business communication and internal branding materials for employees.

Market Penetration

You will also have to make a decision about how you will enter the market. For this, you will have to create an analysis. Check out the competition, the threats, the availability of substitute products and services, as well as the price competition before you develop a market entry strategy.

Marketing Funnel Development 

Image via PxHere

When you start off, you often find yourself facing small business marketing challenges. To overcome these, you will need to identify the things that are holding you back. If you are just doing some marketing here and then, and have no strategy, you might be feeling like you are shooting in the dark. Find a way to stand out from the competition, do your research, and get help with developing a marketing funnel that will automatically turn your visitors to leads and leads to customers.

Outsourcing vs. Solopreneur

If you would like to improve your business, you will need to decide whether or not you will be able to cope with the workload. If you find yourself doing your accounts and creating content at 10 p.m., chances are that you will need help. Accept your limitations and you can find new ways to scale your business.

People often find it hard to make important business decisions that will have a huge impact on the future of their business. If you are struggling with strategy and identifying your strengths and weknesses, take a step back and focus on what’s holding you back from success. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Seafood Restaurant Yew Kei At Tanjung Tualang


Many have not heard of this small town Tanjung Tualang before, it is about 40km away from Ipoh town.  The township is famous for their freshwater prawns... not so much on crabs which I have thought all along.  Gone are the days when I used to come here for lunch with my kids and friends when I used to send them back to Petronas University. 

We trio continued our day trip to this corner restaurant called Yew Kei, among a few restaurants on the same row.  I think by now we have tried them all and their prices plus the food are almost the same as one another.  For the three of us, we did not order much, we need to save some space for dinner!  LOL...

Andy requested for Fried Oyster with omelette... 
A Small Size plate of their signature noodles... 
Indeed it was very tasty... just look at the generous toppings!
Plate of Wild Ferns called Paku Pakis.... 
And of course, their famous steamed prawns... medium sized... 
Two for each of us... 
The best part is always the head which can also be "hazardous" for some... LOL... 
For the 4 dishes above, the price came to around RM100... 
The portions were just nice, no need any packaging home... 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Short Sight Seeing Trip To Kellie's Castle, Batu Gajah


An intensive weekend with the youngsters, we tried to cover as much places as we possibly could, that is sightseeing and the most important itinerary is the Food.

We set out to Kellie's Castle after taking our breakfast in Ipoh.  Could not remember what we had for I did not take any pictures of the food in the morning for we intended to go for seafood in Tanjung Tualang for lunch.  But first... Kellie's Castle in Batu Gajah.  Entrance fees is RM5 and it was a very quiet noon when we reached.  Maybe it was due to the hot sun or perhaps tourists are more interested in Ipoh food than sightseeing here....
The first Scottish to build the castle here in the 1890s... 
But it was unfinished.... half way through, The owner died of pneumonia in Lisbon..
And the castle was abandoned since... 

The authorities maintained the structure until today... 
Overlooking a small creek...
From the top of the castle without railings... one has to be careful... 
Quite scary to look down without any railings and grills... 
We spent a short while here and we moved on.... 
To Tanjung Tualang... 

5 Unusual Stag Do Party Gifts

Stag Do party presents a rare chance of meeting up with your male friends to have a good time. This is so vital considering the fact you will wed in a few days. Prior to having a stag party, it is necessary to roll out a plan. Decide on the venue for the party, food, drinks, outfit and invited guests. Proper planning will definitely result in a successful all men affair party.

One of the things to expect in such parties is gifts. Your friends will find it best to congratulate you on the forthcoming wedding in advance. So, expect various kinds of gifts. Since they are coming from your friends, expect some surprises.

Below are some of the stag do party gifts you can look forward to:

#1 Cool destination

Visiting an amazing destination, for instance, Amsterdam will guarantee the best venue for your stag party. There are many stag things to do in Amsterdam to give you the best stag party ever. Capitalize on those numerous activities to have much fun.

#2 Love Treats

Once you have your wedding, you will be expected to love your spouse forever. A love treat might give you some basic lessons on how to exercise this love. However, do not be surprised when you receive love treats as gifts.

#3 Expensive liquor

Your friends will always hold dearly some of the activities you engaged in together. One of those fond memories might be drinking. Since they are aware of your drinking capabilities and your behavior while drunk, they will wish to do a recap of it.

Don’t be surprised when you receive a stainless steel growler during the party. It looks unusual but this beer will keep the party alive. Remember, surprises are bound to bring much fun.

#4 Personalized Golf Ballers

If you are a sporting enthusiast then you will be in for a great treat. Your friends will not hesitate to make your gaming experience worthwhile. They can surprise you with sporting gear or other related accessories. For instance, if you are a golfer, then personalized golf balls might come your way. In simple terms, just be ready for surprises. With the participants being your friends, you will never get disappointed.

#5 Personalized T-shirts

Friends will never stop being funny. They will do something to you and make fun of it just in a positive way. One of it is gifting you with a personalized t-shirt bearing some funny messages. To keep the party lively, wearing this t-shirt confidently is essential. So be braced up for such moments and be prepared to make the best of it to keep the party ablaze. Such a chance comes once in a lifetime, do not squander it.


Stag do parties are very amazing to attend to. Most of the time, participants are mainly friends of the groom. This means they will be a recap of some of the fond memories they have had in the past. They come with various activities to engage in. Apart from that, the groom should be ready to receive some unusual gifts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

At Old Andersonian's Club And Cafeteria For Dinner

SPICY LOVERS... I am not... I do crave for Indian food such as these...
Chicken Tandoori in sizzling plate.... 
So exotic and spicy... 
I could only take two pieces the most and a mouthful of Naan to go with it.. 
Naan with mutton... first time trying these.. 
Lentils done in thick gravy... 
I like this.. not spicy, it goes well with my sweet Naan too... 
It is called Peshwari Naan...
I am a weird one, I like to eat sweet and savoury at the same time!
Aloo Gobi... 
Potatoes cooked with cauliflower... I like this too!
Goes well with Garlic Naan.... 
Yes, I like this type of dinner every now and then... 
The place which serves these exotic dishes is at the Old Andersonian Club... 
Opens daily at lunch time and in the evening at 6pm... 
The Early birds... we had time to do these.... 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Happy Retirement Lunch At Delight Restaurant, Ipoh


Thinking back, it has been more than 3 years since I retired and never once looking back or missing my any of my job scope.  All I miss is the morning breaks where we go out and "charge battery" before starting work each day!  LOL... I miss the fun gathering together and the food discoveries every now and then.  So .. whenever we have a chance, I for one would be looking forward to this type of gathering again, regardless of the whatever reason we could think of.

And now, another of my ex colleagues have reached her retirement age, compulsory not optional, so have to pack up and go gracefully.... LOL!  Yes, some do miss working, it can be pretty depressing for some who are not ready to retire.  However, on the brighter side, just tell ourselves... "Hey, this is it!  Have been working non-stop for the past 30 years or more, this is the time to rest n relax!"  Cheers!!

To celebrate our colleague's retirement, we gathered at Delight Restaurant for a scrumptious lunch!
Steamed yam with pork ribs... 
Steamed beancurd with egg and toppings such as these.... 
Flavourful Prawns...
Claypot Ginger Chicken 
Mixed Vegetables...
One more of the greens.... for us seniors... 
Steamed fish in sourish ginger sauce...
And the ten of us.... mixture of working and retired ladies!
Happy Retirement, my friend... Join in our Retirement Club!  

Sunday, September 23, 2018

My Exotic Lunch At Pan Heong, Batu Caves


It has been a while since we last visited Pan Heong restaurant near Batu Caves.  Cravings for the food here, though they are not the least healthy at all, we just have to forget about our restrictions and eat.  Having said and eaten, now looking back, I know where my high levels of cholesterol come from.  LOL... I really must start my diet on Oats and more oats from now on!
I will just allow the pictures here to show how "healthy" I have eaten and taken... 
But then again, eat everything moderately, it should be alright.... 
I cannot resist these.... 
Took quite a lot of these.... 
I prefer the meehoon fried with just normal ingredients than the canned pork actually...
And lastly and not least, the steamed fish.. Ikan Haruan... 
How much?  
I did not ask cos I did not pick the tab... 
Thank you for the yummylicious lunch!!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...