Sunday, December 30, 2018

Multi City in Amsterdam

THREE DAYS TWO NIGHTS IN AMSTERDAM.... We took a cab to the airport all by ourselves coz it was a weekday and Aaron had to work.  Very convenient to get a cab really, just have to book the day before and the cab will be at the doorstep the next day.  The flight was punctual and we reached Scipnol airport within an hour and a half flight.  At the airport were our friends from
Austria, they were so kind to wait for us after arriving a few hours earlier than ours.  Together the 6 of us checked in to a hotel right in town, so convenient and within walking distance to shops and restaurants. After checking in, we had our late lunch at an Italian restaurant.  After that it was all walking and walking from one street to another!

Hotel Room... 
Our first meal in Amsterdam at an Italian restaurant... 

Friday, December 28, 2018

Food And Places In Edinburgh

Please excuse the poor arrangement of this post, it is being written using my hand phone at this moment of time at the airport, thus the photos are all jumbled up... 

A night stay at Ibis Hotel in Edinburgh.  This city is more happening than Aberdeen.  Definitely  more crowded here with shoppers and tourists like us, walking and taking photos at nearly every angle we can find.  When evening came, we had difficulty finding a dining place for we did not think of making any reservation at all and most restaurants were either fully booked or have to be in queue.   Eventually we got one after walking a short distance away from the prime area.  It is an Italian restaurant which again I forgot to write down... I can only remember it served good food and we had a very satisfying dinner!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Surprise Birthday

It was two weeks before my actual birthday so I did not expect the dinner was for my birthday.... My son invited a few friends as well, I thought it was our farewell dinner before leaving for Amsterdam few days later.  Little did I know that the cake came out after the scrunptious dinner and everyone sang Happy Birthday and I thought , "hey, it must be Joshua's birthday!"  So I sang Happy Birthday to Joshua while the rest sang to And I was totally taken aback... Is it my birthday?  Lol... Yes, my son told me that he had planned it a month ago before I came and it was two weeks before my actual birthday coz I have to leave for Amsterdam few days later.

Our Malaysian friends at the Manchurian restaurant....
My lovely ladies who did not give the surprise away...
My Surprise Birthday Cake...

Happy Birthday to Me!!
If I had known early, I would have worn my best and painted my face as well!!
I looked like I had just gotten up from sleep! Lol!!
Back home, I was presented with an exclusive gift!
What's that inside the box?
Wow!! My first Radley handbag!!
Thank you for the your thoughfulness, son! 
My most wonderful gift is having you in my life!!! 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Walk At Duthie Park Winter Garden, Aberdeen


Definitely not me, I mean I am not one who knows about gardening, flowers or planting.  I only see and admire them... "ooohh... ahhhh... "  That's me... but not one who have knowledge like my friend, Florence has.  She knows almost everything in this Winter Garden, she gave me a guided tour, what these flowers are called, the leaves that lives on air... etc. etc... oh dear, now I forget almost everything already! 

Alright, what was I babbling about?  Well, one fine morning or was it noon... despite of her daily busyness, Mary took us to David Welch Winter Gardens at Duthie Park, it is one of Europe's largest indoor gardens and Scotland's third most visited gardens.  It boasts a beautiful floral paradise all year round, with many rare and exotic plants on show from all around the world.  Entrance is free and my friend, Florence was the happiest lady the moment she entered into the Gardens!  LOL...
I only know know to get my photos taken only... 
When it comes to names, this student failed terribly.... 

I don't know what these flowers are called... not even one of them... 
Florence, I am so sorry, my memory is really bad!
I only know they are simply fascinating and beautiful... 
Duthie Park Winter Garden is worth making a visit to!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...