Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Long Cold Walk At Seaton Park, Aberdeen


We ladies like to take long walks and strolls but not the big man.  We have to coerce him to come out to walk along with us by telling him that we need a "bodyguard" with us, we are "scared" to walk alone, just in case we get lost and we don't know how to get home... etc. etc.... And he relented after hearing us out, damsels in distress is his weakness.   LOL...

And started out from our home in the evening around 5pm... and we walked for almost two whole hours, at the same time, we waited for Aaron to join us after work......
Our "bodyguard" for our long walk.... 
Cutting through the Aberdeen university to the park... 

Love the structures of the pillars of these classrooms.... 
Passed by a nature park along the way.... 
Nice evening to walk... 
Blue skies.... despite the cold!
Seaton Park finally... 
Anything nature, he loves to find out what it is... 
A very big park actually....
And further down, we saw families with their furry members.... 
Someone was ready to fly too!
And further down on the left side, a river flows.... 
Some enhancing moments here... 
We took a number of pictures...
With our leisure poses here and there... 
And just when we wanted to go home, the big man exclaimed...
"Hey, I just got the hang of this and you all wanted to go back???"
Yes, we certainly wanted to go back
We were very hungry by then!!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Personalised Gifts For Each Other

It’s great getting invited to parties and events, but when you don’t know the person who’s hosting it, it can be hard to know what to get them. Of course you won’t spend the same amount of money on a stranger as you would your family and friends, but you still shouldn’t turn up empty handed. Sometimes you might know a bit about the person you’re buying for - it could be one of your partner’s family. But other times, you might only know their name and a few small clues!

As I browse through some online websites, I came across something very personalised and yet special. They will make a great gift to our love ones, families and friends, or even gifts for company staffs as well. This website has a wide selection of costume accessories, and that comes with name jewelry as the final touch.  I find many of their necklaces are kind of special to be as gifts, right?

One of my best buddies' birthday is coming soon.  At first I was at my wit's end thinking of what to buy and now, I really do not have a problem.  I am going to choose a best friend necklaces from one of the designs shown in the website and have it sent to her house directly.  I am sure she will be ecstatic to receive this beautiful gift from me.  :)

One of the exquisite designs I noticed from the website is the Superb and Engraved Best Friends BFF Yin Yang Necklaces, which is quite rare.  The design is perfect especially among those who have been friends for umpteen years, getting a gift like this will be most appropriate.  Nothing will go wrong with one of the choices of gifts here in this website.  In fact I am going to check out a few more personalised necklaces for myself, for family and my friends! 

Trump's International Golf Links


Fan or not, we still dropped by to his golf course at Balmedie, 9 miles from Saint Machar's Cathedral.  Spent some minutes at the gardens at this Scottish manor hotel before proceeding on to the Trump cafe and souvenir shop....
At the entrance leading to the hotel and golf course... 
We were told that we need to make advance reservation to this hotel one year in advance!
No joke!
At the golf course area.... 
Shall I get in?
No, I did not... 
But I entered their exclusive toilet though... LOL... 
Then we got some souvenirs... 
Got one of these for 30 pounds... 
Someone exclaimed loudly!! LOL... 
One of these too... 
Gold Bar??
No... it is just Chocolate....
A Trump one!

Friday, April 26, 2019

His Best Sandwiches At Woodbands, Aberdeen


Actually it was nearly lunch time when Mary took us to Woodbanks Club, open only to Shell staff and members.  The cafe is very cosy, it has a very nice ambience, away from the crowd, quiet too and that is what our guests love to go.  Apart from that, the food was given praises as well.... and my BIL wanted to go for the second time just after the first.  Comfort food.... and a nice glass of beer, of course...
At the entrance of the Woodbanks cafe....
Tulips!!  Opened up... first time I have seen them open like these... 
And our comfort food on the table....
Lentils and bacon soup... 
A bigger bowl without sandwiches....
It is definitely good and full enough.... 
My bowl of soup... 
The Club's Sandwiches.... 
I shared with my sister.... 
With two small jars of ketchup.... 
Bill came to below 25 pounds with a half pint beer... 
With Mary, our nice hostess to bring us around for the first 
and then the second time after this... !

A Hike Up To Donnottar Castle, Stonehaven


After the Fish n Chips, we shed off our calories by walking up to the Dunnottar Castle in Stonehaven.
At the foot of the hill leading up to the castle...
And we made Hip Hop Jump at the entrance... 
And the walk started here... 
Freezing cold for us ladies.... from top to bottom, left to right, covered... 
From one side from the cliff overlooking to this castle to the left... 
Love the beautiful scenic from the place we stood... 
I remember the last time I came in October last year, this was not covered... 
I mean there was no wooden barriers.... 
We have to walk up this trail to the castle... 
Up and up we went... 
One lane on the left led down to the beach... 
We did not venture to the beach... too much for us... 

 From where we stood at another side of the cliff.... 
Dunnottar at the background...  
It was indeed a long walk against the wind....
By the time we returned to our car, we yearned for food again!
Shall we or shall we not..... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...