Monday, September 30, 2019

Pig Stomach Stole the Night At Sun Marpoh, Ipoh

BACK IN IPOH... time flies too.... Each morning we go out for our breakfast and then somehow or rather, we only go home when the sun sets.  That means we did not cook anything in the house and we only eat two meals per day.  One in the morning and our evening meal.  In between, we would be walking either in this mall or that mall.  How many malls in Ipoh?  Not many... just 5 malls and we are still not complaining... LOL... 

On this evening, we went out for dinner at Sun Mar Poh in Ipoh Garden.  Just five of us ladies and we ordered five dishes.... 
Heard that this new dish is in town... 
They call it Ice Plant... have to be kept cold... 
Eaten raw and dipped with Kewpie roasted sesame mayo... 
Trotter in black vinegar... 
Thick and concentrated, just the way I like it!
Yam basket filled with vegetables among others... 
This dish is kind of special... 
Pig stomach stir fried with lots of garlic and dried pawns plus chillies... 
Very appetizing... 
Old melon soup....
This meal cost around RM100.... 
Reasonable or pricey?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dinner For Five At Punggol Settlement, Singapore


Cousins took us for another dinner the next day, this time to Punggol, definitely first time for me here.  I have never stayed in Singapore for a week before, most of the time, we only "layover" for a night or two.  Thanks to my auntie and her family who opened their place for us to stay and this is the only time we really explored more places in Singapore. 

So what do they have in Punggol Settlement?  They have a beautiful waterfront area for both food and leisure.  If I stay around this area, I would go for my evening walks whenever possible and then taking my dinner there facing the sea... LOL...  On this day, that was what we did.... strolled along the waterfront and then we had our dinner at one of the restaurants there.
Really a nice place to walk and pass time in the evening.....
Yes, we wish we could fly too!
Our dinner at the White Meehoon Restaurant.... 
We had quite a number of dishes for the five of us.... 
Maybe after the one hour walk, my cousin must be thinking we were starving!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

4 Tips to choosing the best tea kettle

If you are a tea lover, you know how important a tea kettle is. And while you want to be enjoying your tea, you want a kettle that serves its purpose well. That said, below are some helpful tips to consider when choosing a tea kettle.
Do you want an electric tea kettle? Is the handle comfortable enough to carry to your patio? Is the kettle suitable for using on your stovetop? When it comes to functionality, almost everything goes into consideration. You want to buy a kettle that is functional to you and your household.
Cheap is expensive. But also, that does not mean that you should spend a fortune on a tea kettle. First decide on what you want then proceed to compare prices from different stores and vendors. If you like a particular kettle, check how it is priced elsewhere to see if you can get a better deal. You don’t have to spend all the cash you had budgeted for, if you can get it at a better price. Also, if the kettle is too cheap then you might find yourself spending more in the future to replace it. The price of your kettle should be as good as its quality. You can check for reviews on different tea kettles then make a decision from there.
Volume of water it can hold
Are you looking for a family tea kettle or do you want a small one just for yourself? Different kettles are sized differently, and depending on how much tea you intend to cook, you need to check the volume of water it holds. If you often hold tea parties at your place or have a bigger family that loves tea, then you might need a relatively big tea kettle. On the other hand, if it is for you only, then a small one will be just fine!
Material it is made of
What kind of material do you want your kettle to be made of? Do you want a simple copper kettle or a sophisticated glass kettle? With regard to the type of material a tea kettle is made of, you will get a myriad of options to choose from. Research well before making the purchase. If you want a kettle that will last you a lifetime, then it boils down to the kind of material it is made of. In addition to lifespan, the kind of material used goes into determining other factors like price, which is another major consideration, among others.

Wrap Up
Choosing the best tea kettle does not have to be complicated or time consuming. Whether you are looking for something to compliment the rest of your kitchenware or to fit a specific function you want it to, there is always a perfect option for you. Also, while you don’t need to blow your cash on a kettle that does one thing only, the above tips are meant to help you make the right decision. A decision such as purchasing a tea kettle may look minor at the time, but down the road you will realize the many advantages it comes with.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Evening Dinner And Live Performance At The Wheeler's Estate, Singapore

OPEN AIR DINNER... On this beautiful Sunday, my cousin took us to a colonial building called Wheeler's Estate.  This 2 acre wide estate was formerly a British military airbased and now turned to a dining open air area with spacious verandahs filled with greens.   Something different from the hustle bustle in the city... no queuing, just sit back and relax, eating while listening to the live band performing English and Mandarin songs throughout our dinner....
We were there around 6.30pm... 
Heritage bungalow turned to a dining restaurant...
We chose to sit in the open air... 
Lots of tables.. no need to queue up as in the malls...
Started off with a cup of hot tea....
Grilled Steak....
Quite a large portion..
Hawaiian Pizza I think...
Grilled fish... 
And some side orders besides these...
The six diners...
Later in the evening... the place became crowded...
Live performance...
From the trio....
As night falls... 
We took a walk at the lawn before we called it a night... 

Amazing DIY Home Bar: 8 Hacks and Ideas, No Matter the Budget

As the quality of life in the US steadily improves, cocktails are becoming more popular. Moreover, home bars are making a comeback, which is a move driven by the rise in liquor delivery.

Even if you are not affluent enough to have the luxury of a home bar, you could dedicate some space in your house or apartment for entertaining guests, or mixing a drink whenever you want. In this article, we look at ingenious home bar hacks and ideas irrespective of your budget.

Turn Your Old Barrel into a Liquor Spot

Turning an old barrel into the ideal home bar spot can be daunting, but you will get the kicks out of the project. Moreover, you can make it a group project where you invite your friends or family to help you out.

There are several ways that you can turn the barrel into a liquor spot. For starters, you could split it in half, or leave it whole. Make doors into the sides of the barrel and add shelves to hold the liquor.

Copyright: Unsplash | License: COO Public Domain

A whole barrel might be better suited to the patio area where you have ample space. All you need is to give the barrel a coat of polish, add a few details, such as LED lights, and you are good to go.

Turn an Old Suitcase into a Home Bar Cart

The chances are that you might have a suitcase that you cannot seem to part ways. Instead of it taking up space in your closet, you could turn it into a small bar cart. Without a doubt, it will be a conversation starter.

As you mix drinks for your friends or date, you can tell the stories of where you have taken the suitcase, the people you met, and other memories.

Turning Your Old TV into A Bar

One of the best ways to repurpose an old TV is by turning it into a centerpiece for your home bar. It will look exciting, creative, and charming. Moreover, it will add a vintage flair to your home bar.

Turn a Bookshelf into a Bar

With the rising popularity of e-books and podcasts, more people are finding it challenging to lounge with a book in their hands. For this reason, there are many millions of bookshelves that have gone unused in over a decade.

Did you know that you could turn your old bookshelf into a home bar. Start with a fresh coat of varnish and add glass doors for a new look. You could prop it against a wall, or leave it free-standing in your dedicated home bar area.

Turn an Old Grand Piano into a Home Bar

Hands down, this is one of the best DIY projects you will ever do. It not only brings back style into your home, but it also adds a touch of sophistication. You can get old and run down grand pianos on the internet at throwaway prices, but be sure that you have the space to accommodate it.

Copyright: Unsplash | License: COO Public Domain

Start by removing the strings at the top of the piano to make room for the liquor, and then give it a fresh coat of wood polish. This will restore the piano to its former glory, but you could also sand it down for a retro and rustic look.

Turn an Old Crib into a Home Bar Cart

Most people tend to give away their children’s accessories, such as car seats and cribs when they are done with having more kids. However, you could make better use of the accessories by repurposing them. For instance, you could turn your child’s crib into a home bar cart.

The chances are that your guests will not be expecting you to serve drinks from a crib. While it might be borderline weird in the beginning, it will catch on. It could be a perfect trick or treat moment for your Halloween party.

Turn a Dresser into a Bar

Are you a liquor connoisseur with a big collection of spirits at home? You could turn a dresser into a home bar, especially if you do not have much space to implement other ideas on this list. If you do not have one lying around, shop around garage sales for a dresser that complements your décor.

All it takes is a fresh coat of paint and varnish for a glossy finish. You could also add your favorite drinking quote, LED lights, and stickers from your favorite brands on it.

Turn a Storage Cabinet into a Bar Cabinet

This might sound like a crazy idea since most storage cabinets look bland. You could consider replacing the steel or wooden doors with glass ones, change the shelves and add several LED lights. Moreover, you could add vintage glasses for a better presentation and put up several cocktail recipes on the board.


There are days when all you need is a quiet evening sipping on your favorite cocktail, especially after a long day. Fortunately, there are tons of ideas on how you can turn ordinary items in and around your home into a bar.

Try these ideas and send us a picture of how it turns out on our social media pages. You could also read on how liquor glassware can be arranged to occupy corner shelves to allow you easy access to your favorite bottle.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dinner At A One Claypot House, North Point Yishun, Singapore


Met up with my girl in the morning at North Point Yishun.  Took her nearly two hours to reach, poor girl.. station after station... Before we set out, I told her to meet us at UOB bank at the entrance.  My problem was that I did not have Wifi once I reached the mall.  I thought the mall would have wifi at certain places but most of them need password.  So I had to walk around to look for free wifi to get connected with my girl and let her know where we were.  And the place I had wifi was quite far away from UOB... oh my goodness, I had to walk up and down to get through to her....  anyway, cut the story short, we managed to meet up after walking thousand of steps to and fro.... 

We walked around and shopped a bit, not me, of course... paying 3 times as much compared to Malaysia?  Not worth it... LOL.. 

Comes evening, we were given a scrumptious treat at the A One Claypot House... we wanted something light but our host misinterpreted and over-ordered... he thought we wanted something "clear" instead... 
Roselle tea ...very nice and refreshing... 
Claypot abalone porridge.... 
Greens to go with... 
Fried rice with anchoives...
Chicken floss with eggs... 
Claypot vegetable soup... 
Another type of soup... 
For the four of us... 
Something light became something very heavy instead...
Tourists at North Point Mall... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...