Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Secret Recipe Gift

BEEP BEEP...  That was the sound of the motorbike which stopped in front of my gate yesterday.  For a moment I was wondering what I had ordered.... I had used up all my Grab promo code and I did not order any food.  Anyway, I just shouted from my door... "Tolong gantung sana, terima kasih!".... *Please hang it there, thank you!*....  and somehow he couldn't find the hook on the gate and he put the whole bag on top of my pillar.... 

Saw 4 small boxes from Secret Recipe inside the plastic bag.... Wow, who was the sender?  So nice of him/her and I quickly texted the group.... LOL.... yes, I guess correctly.... Thank you for the lovely cakes and I will certainly have a dessert-licious time with them! 

Long time since I last had a piece....
Carrot, chocolate walnuts, white chocolate and durian cakes...
A small piece is missing from this slice....
Know what I am thinking?
Hope it is not...
Anyway, I have eaten it regardless of the missing piece...

Monday, June 28, 2021

Spades N Burger Plus Unagi On Sunday

MISSING IN ACTION AGAIN... for the last couple of days.  

It has been a busy week for me and I practically did not have any time or mood to pen my thoughts.  Anyway, all is settled now and I hope today Monday will be a fresh start and more brighter days ahead for me, us and everyone!

Yesterday it was a lazy Sunday during the day.... I ordered Spades Burger from Grab.  The Hotdealsgf is still on, this time the discount is RM12.50 for orders over RM25.  I have used up all my 6 orders, this morning I tried ordering food again but no, it said that I have exceeded my limit.  LOL... No more good deals for me unless I have another phone device.  LOL... 

For lunch I ordered a Pork Burger from Spades n Burger....
I couldn't finish them all... 
Oh, came with drinks as well...
Received two pints of BR too...
Thanks AA for the desserts!!
My meal for dinner...
Marinated Unagi I bought recently...
Just oven grilled it for 20 minutes... 
Cooked a simple green dish...
Zucchini with homegrown okra...
I could only finished the Unagi and the vegetables...
The rest went to my furry member.... 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Father's Day Meals For Us

MISSING SINCE SATURDAY... and now I am back to blogging again today.... 

I was really busy during the weekend, scurrying up and down like a rat... and I thought I could do more but no, my battery was totally flat by evening.  I must remember to boil more "herbs" to drink, replenish back the energy... LOL... 

On Sunday evening I was supposed to receive an online meal from a Japanese restaurant but due to the high number of orders, they have closed by 3pm... That shows Ipohians were celebrating Father's Day in a large scale too... and of course,  at our own homes due to the FMCO.  To replace the Japanese meal, we ended up eating local delights... Fried noodles and other condiments....

Grab promo code of RM10 is used for total cost over RM25.
Food more than enough for three persons at least.....
After discount, the total came to RM15.50 with free delivery....
Two types of noodles, bean sprouts and pork balls.... 
Instead of Sunday, we had these on a Monday evening....
These came from Sushi Wafu and total cost is RM52 after discount...
First time tasting from Wafu and I will certainly order from here again.... 
Sushi Combination of 10 pieces...
We can choose our own sushi from the list given....
Grilled Saba Fish....
Ramen Bento set... RM23
Yes, food more than enough for 3 persons at least..... 
This morning AA ordered these snacks from Foodpanda....
Fresh and hot from the oven especially the egg tarts...
Very thankful for these yummy-licous food! 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Online Delivery For Texas Chicken

GRAB TEXAS... and that was what I ordered yesterday....

There was a promo code for some restaurants and Texas Chicken is one of them.  This auntie here quickly scrolled and chose from the menu and the total came to only RM20.39 for 5 pieces of chicken.  A very good deal inclusive of delivery and as usual, I shared with my neighbour and he happily wanted two pieces for himself.  

The remaining pieces went to me and I also happily took them for my lunch and dinner.  I have a small plate of leftover cooked yam from the previous day and this dish substituted my portion of rice.  After all, yam is starch as well..... My meals of the day is done, bread in the morning, fast food chicken and homecooked yam for the lunch and dinner.  So easy, right?  
Steamed back the leftover yam I cooked the day before....
It has been a long while since I last ate Texas Chicken.... 
I ordered mixed flavours...
Spicy and Original...
But they were not spicy at all...
So I guess they must be original flavours....

Friday, June 18, 2021

Fun Dressing Up With Family

What is the best time of the day to relax yourself, really letting yourself go and rest your mind and your physical self?  I know my time to rest and relax is the very moment when I wear my pajamas, that means it is time for me to just slump myself on the bed with the cooling air con switched on to a lower temperature.... that is the best moment of the day!

Yes, I do and still wear pajamas to sleep... LOL... perhaps it is due to my parent's upbringing that we wear our night dress when it comes to sleeping.  Something comfortable, be it a night dress or a set of pajamas or should I say LazyOne family pajamas which is suitable for the whole family of all ages.  To keep up with the bonding of the family, it is always fun to get some of these cute and leisure attires to make ourselves comfortable and casual at the same time.  I always like to browse through these online websites which accommodate our necessities for the whole family.  

I remember there was one time that my whole family, the four of us wore the same set of pajamas on that day.  It was Christmas and there was a pre-sale before the festive season.  Red and green to symbolizes the Christmas feeling and we, a family of four, male and females, we wore the same design to our slumber-land!  That was so fun when my kids were really young.  Now they are grown and have their own families, I would tell them to keep the custom going.  It is really fun to bond each other together while we can.  Families are tied to a closer bonding if we involved each other in gatherings every now and then.  Even when I grow old one day, the sweet memories and the memoirs of this fun family activities will be on my mind for the rest of my life.  

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Sourish Soup For Both Lunch And Dinner

SOUPY DAY... for two meals.  

My neighbour's wife who is stranded in KL called me every now and then and our normal topic will somehow land on Food, homecooked Food.  She gave me an idea on what to cook, taught me how to do it and yesterday I got it done!  LOL... 

Boiled a pot of soup putting in pork ribs, two tomatoes, two big onions, one carrot and the main ingredient is the preserved salty vegetables aka Chinese pickled mustard (Char Choy in Cantonese).  This is my son's favourite pickled vegetables and I usually cook it with minced meat to go with white porridge.

Preserved Char Choy can be cooked in multiple ways...

The other condiments... 
An appetizing soup cos it is sourish.... 
Had this for my lunch....
For dinner, I added in Mihun.... 

And fried two pieces of fish to go with the noodles....
One piece of Garoupa and smaller piece of cod.... 
My share of the fish after giving some to my neighbor....
A very satisfying dinner on a rainy evening!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

My Happy Meals During FMCO Monday


"Tumpang" my neighbour to buy back two avocados, one ripe and one still green, they cost RM5.50 each.  This time I did not make guacamole, since it was so fresh unlike the other day, I just sliced them and eat with a soft boiled egg.  Mashed the egg up and added in Kewpie roasted sesame sauce and two drops of soy sauce and eaten with two slices of bread.  Yes, two slices of bread with a soft boiled egg is truly very filling..... 
See the Smuckers sugar free jam?
I did not like the taste... 
Too sugar free for me, not the sweetness I am used to taking...
Gave half the bottle to my neighbour to help me finish that...
One whole egg and avocado...
Two pieces of bread with the this spread
Can last me 3-4 hours without food.... 
I ordered lunch set and boiled watercress soup to go with my meal... 

My lady caterer delivered this set.... 
With fish, vege and an egg...
RM9 only!
A very good deal, right?
Love the Sambal Fish....
It has been a long while since I have eaten this!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Noodles All The Way On Sunday

NOODLING ALL THE WAY...  if there is such a word.... 

Morning woke up early to order breakfast from Foodpanda... my neighbour has just taken his vaccination a day before so it is best that he stays in for the next couple of days or weeks.  I know he rather go out to get his own breakfast than staying in the house, online delivery is his last choice.  So I did the ordering and in 20 minutes or so, the food arrived at our doorstep.  No delivery fees cos it is quite nearby, around 1km from our house.  But of course, the noodles are pricier than in-store.... otherwise how to survive?
My Wanton noodles with crispy wanton-s.... 
Cost RM7 on Foodpanda whereas in-store is RM5... 
Its okay, I rather pay more than going there... 
A giant portion of fried mihun.... RM7
No, I didn't fry this... I ordered from Lady C...
I will call her Lady C because she cooks and sends food to our doorstep..
I became friend with her... she is nice....
And I think she knows jolly well that I don't cook for dinner too... 
Hence the Giant portion!
Fried mihun goes best with sweet desserts....
I boiled green beans and put in some sweet potatoes.... 
Come evening, I "modified" the fried mihun...
Added in more greens and some mixed vegetables... 
Modified Mihun for dinner.... 
Noodle Sunday all the Way... 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Food During Full Lockdown Period In My House


Not that I cook them except for one here, one is pre-ordered a day before and one bought this morning for my breakfast.... 
My neighbour bought this for me before he went for his vaccination this morning..
Yes, it is his turn for the jab...
And he went with a heavy stomach...
No, my turn did not come yet...
I guess I am still young...
They are still jabbing those in their late 60s.... 
Siamese laksa pre-ordered a day before....
My neighbour went to collect from the seller staying quite nearby...
She makes very nice Siamese laksa besides the normal Assam one...
Took a tiffin carrier along for the soup and noodles....
Cost RM7 and definitely worth it!
Besides laksa, she also sells these meat lobak....
6 pieces in one container for RM15....
Yes, they are very nice too.... 
For dinner, I cook a packet of Kampua noodles...
And some add-ons....
And my meals on a Friday and for this early morning.... 
During this lockdown period... 
I guess most of my posts are on Food and more Food!

All About Suits Online Shopping

ONLINE SHOPPING AGAIN... oh, this time I am not writing about ladies stuff, this will be a different topic in this post.  For a change, I am going to post about men's stuff instead, men's attire, men's grooming and it is all about men's suits!  How about that?  This is an allaboutsuit post today!   

As we all know, the pandemic is still looming over our heads, globally and especially so in my country, Malaysia.  The malls are closed temporarily, we cannot go shopping in the malls except for essentials things.  So for now, we can only go shopping online, there is no limit as to what we need to browse or purchase.  The list is endless! 

Talking about suits, it reminded me of a series in Netflix, Suits.  The lawyers in suits, quite a popular series among the those office goers, execs, even for a retiree like me, I enjoy watching this series.  Once the men are dressed up in suits, they look so entirely different from their casual wear.  Total knockout!  So where do we find a proper suit for our males in the house, your husband, sons or even boyfriends?  

Look no more, in this website allaboutsuit, you can get everything and anything for your males.  Allaboutsuit is founded in 2020 and even at this pandemic times, they carry on with style to suit every customer.  Their suits professionally tailored to customized every consumer, for all occasions, be it prom suit, graduation, business, dinner parties , you can now shop at your own convenience for suits, tuxedos, shirts and the accessories to go with them.  Oh, I left out the most important occasion, wedding suits!  This is the most memorable event and I am sure the guys would love to be groomed up the best as they could on their special day!

Not only that, they come with affordable prices as well.  No more a hassle going to the malls for measurements and try-outs, now you can find a wide selection at their website at your own leisure and time.  Another exciting news is that for every new visitor, you can get a $20usd discount just by typing the code: New

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I will not say too much, just hop over to the website and get your makeover on yourself now.  No more fretting about not having enough time to go to the malls, now you can just choose your own suits within a couple of clicks!

Friday, June 11, 2021

Lockdown Food Via Home Delivery

CONFINEMENT FOOD... the food which are not for those who have given birth... 

Now most of us are under confinement, confined to the house and I have not been stepping out from the house for a week now.  Believe it or not... I can be such a good girl!  LOL...

We Malaysians are under FMCO now.. it stands for Full Movement Control Order.  I wonder what will come next after FMCO, in another one or two days, we will know. There are always new short forms coming out during this pandemic, so much so that it is not uncommon for people like me to think for a moment what the current SOP we should be following currently.

Meanwhile what do I do being a retiree?  The most I care about is my daily food... Sometimes I order one or two days in advance and there are certain days I just click online there and then.  This is my daily chore, looking for food to eat is the main task of the day!  LOL... 
Most days I order my lunch from a lady who delivers to the house...
This is one of the packets she delivered... RM9 for this... 
Managed to order my first and last order from a guy called Kevin...
He managed to deliver 5 chicken pies to my house on Wednesday...
After which he told me that he would stop doing this for the time being
cos of the high cases of Covid and he does not want to endanger himself 
going to get his groceries every now and then....
I don't want to disagree...
Safety is first priority....
I have finished 3 pieces since.... 
I still have two in the freezer....
Cost RM4.80 each excluding delivery fees.... 
See how messed up my pie is....
And I like the taste of the pastry and fillings....
Got this free piece of butter cake from the Bread Lady.... 
Make a few new friends even I am confined at home...
It is like making friends via Online again....
Reminded me of my ICQ days!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...