Wednesday, June 29, 2022

White Restaurant In Jewel Changi, Singapore

ONCE LANDED at Changi airport and going through the immigration process, we had lunch at White Restaurant, though it was my third time eating the white meehoon, I have them in three different places.  Now there is no more white card to fill in when we enter into Singapore, everything is done online and four days prior to our departure, I filled in all my details in the Sg Arrival app.  After going through the immigration, an email is sent to my account with the words... Welcome to Singapore...

Thank you for the welcome.... 

I was hungry by then and my girl ordered these dishes below to fill in our tummies.....

White meehoon is a must since the restaurant is famous for that....
Fat noodles....
Another one of their signature dishes....
Very tasty with minced meat as main ingredient...
Crispy on the outside and soft inside...
Minced meat over beancurd...
Potato leaves in sambal sauce...
I think my girl must be thinking that her mom must be extremely hungry...

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Starting Up Your Own Eatery


Image Source

There are countless potential business ventures out there. Some people want to sell clothing. Some want to formulate and sell beauty products. Some want to sell tech, devices and gadgets. The list goes on. But one area of business that people tend to get into through pure passion is restaurants, cafes and other forms of eateries. These establishments are generally set up by people who have a passion for food, entertainment and hospitality. If you’re considering setting up your own eatery, chances are, you love to cook, create menus, pair wines or other drinks and generally like to create an environment that people can enjoy and have a good time in. The good news is that it is entirely possible. You just need a good vision, investment and dedication. Here are a few steps that you can take to get the ball rolling!

Create a Concept

First, come up with a concept. All too many people dive into opening up a restaurant based on one thing alone. It might be a favourite dish, a favourite cuisine, a type of atmosphere or something else. The truth is, a restaurant needs a whole host of different elements to be successful. You need to come up with a concept where all elements of your restaurant exist in harmony. The food should match everything from the atmosphere to the lighting, sound, tableware, decoration, staff’s engagement style and more. Spend time on this.

Choose a Location and Premises

Next up, choose a location. Where do you want your restaurant to be based? A major city? A small town? A country retreat? A tourist hotspot. The list goes on. Only you can know what will suit both your needs and your budget. You also need to consider what size premises you want. Do you want it to be open plan? Do you need it to have an office and rooms for storage? Browse different options and settle on one that ticks your boxes.

Create a Website

Now, you might not automatically consider online commerce or websites when setting up a restaurant - a place where people engage with each other in person, buying food and drinks to eat on site. But a website really is an essential nowadays. At the end of the day, people need to find that your restaurant or cafe exists. People will be searching for great options in the area and you want your website to land first in search engine results through a google advertising company. You then want to make sure that your page advertises your restaurant well. Providing locations and opening times. Showcasing the menu. Having high quality product photography of the food and the premises.


Employees play a major role in any business’ success. You want them to provide quality service all round. Helpful and friendly servers. Competent and qualified chefs. Both front of house and back of house staff need to be able to work together in harmony to deliver the best food.

Starting up your own eatery is going to take a lot of work, but it will pay off in the end!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Desserts Bowl At Serangoon, Singapore

OH, SKIPPED A POST.... supposed to be a post on lunch after my arrival to Singapore.... somehow, the desserts overtook the lunch meal... hmmmm... what happened to my mind a moment ago?

After a delightful lunch meal at White Restaurant at the Jewel, my girl told me that I would love the next place... Desserts!!  

And the place is called Desserts Bowl.... yummy!  Opens exactly at 3pm and we arrived on the dot cos we were the first customers!

My girl got us a nice place.... 
Behind her is a window glass pane overlooking the street from the first floor...
I was busy taking pictures of these miniature deco...
I was fascinated.... 
These are actually in miniature sizes...
But they look so real.... 
I would love to have one of these in my own home...
They were displayed and covered in glass panes....
The owner must have spent quite a bit to make mini sizes of all these....
They looked so real, right?
However, these are real...
My girl knows I love durian....
And got me durian souffle...
Actually I prefer to have the real fresh durians, girl...
Next time round, perhaps??

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

A Short Vacation To The Lion City, Singapore

FLY, SCOOTIE, FLY... up, up to the sky...
This is Scoot, a Singapore airline... 
I call her Scootie...
It was from Penang where I took a flight down to the Lion City...
Beautiful clouds once Scootie is up in the air...
A very short flight... 
Just half a movie and it is time to land...
Yes, it is durian season again....
Taken this from one of the shops at the Penang airport....
Touched down at Changi airport after an hour 20 minutes flight...
Terminal 1 is where the Scoot landed...
My daughter was waiting for me at the arrival hall...
No hassle, everything was done online these days...
No more white cards to fill in...
What a beautiful sight at the Jewel....
We went for a short walk first before having our lunch there...
My luggage and I...
Hello Singapore, here I am!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Ending Our Day In Heritage Town Cafe, Gopeng

OUR LAST STOP was in Gopeng, by then it was almost evening around 5.30pm.  Our tummies couldn't take in any more food except for light snacks and drinks.

Our tour guide told us to stop by Heritage Town Cafe in Gopeng and that was what we did.  No regrets, this place was indeed fascinating and since we were the early birds, taking photos here and there was such a bliss!  We seniors even had a fun time playing hopscotch on the ground... did I get the name correct?  Anyway, we had a lovely time.... hope we can do this again one fine day!

At the front of the cafe...
One for my album....
I just couldn't help glee-ing....
Lovers' corner to hang their love notes...
Everything was painted....
The place where we sat for our finger food...

For bigger groups, they can book upstairs.... 
And here we are.... oh, the hopscotch is missing....
We have videos on each one of us hopping up and down...
Oh, what would our kids say if they saw us doing that, I wonder... 
Our drinks.... 
Fried sweet potato balls...
Yummy in our tummy!
Guess what this is....
Cuttlefish with paku pakis... wild ferns....
Yes, they were very tasty, especially with the generous toppings of sesame seeds!

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Hawaii Desserts Teluk Intan

FROM BAGAN DATUK, we drove back to Teluk Intan, everyone of us agreed to have some sweet moments in Hawaii!

Hawaii or Hawayi got its name from a local vendor selling desserts since 1980s, a favourite hangout for students during that time.  Now it has become an icon of Teluk Intan and one must not leave the place without tasting the local delights such as Laksa and Air Batu Campur aka ABC or Ice Kacang....

Since we were still full from our seafood platter, we just wanted some desserts to make our day complete.  LOL.... 

Standing in front of the first shop....
and it has extended to another shop next door...
The memoirs from the very start of how Hawaii came about.... 
We ordered a plate of rojak...
Very different from Ipoh.... 
Instead of peanuts, the toppings are fried yau char koay if I am not mistaken...
These ABC are to our liking...
Creamy with fresh Gula Melaka (brown palm sugar) 
Desserts and drinks before our next destination....

Monday, June 6, 2022

Seafood Platter At Bagan Datuk

AND THE MAIN ATTRACTION CAME OUT with two staff carrying the platter on each side....

It must be very heavy, just too bad none of us captured that moment.  Perhaps we were being mesmerized at that moment to do anything else... LOL.... 

For the five of us, this is a very generous spread of seafood....
We did not order any rice to go with these....
And as usual... the cameras got to "eat first"

There are six dishes in this platter....
Salted Egg Crabs...
Spicy mini lobsters... and so it is called...
Crispy Cereal Crayfish....
Crispy fried Eel Fish... dipped with special sauce...
Two fried Senangin Fish....
And topped with Tom Yam Prawns....
This seafood platter cost RM328....
Pre-ordered two days in advance...
We managed to finish this platter...
And yes, we would love to go there again....

Sunday, June 5, 2022

My First Visit To Bagan Datuk Hai Yong Restaurant


We made a quick stop to Teluk Intan to get some cookies and snacks, the journey from Kampar to Teluk Intan is around one hour plus.  After that, another 45 minutes drive all the way to Bagan Datuk to visit this fishing village where our main attraction was.  
This is the place we had our lunch..... 
The man standing nearby is our tour guide...
He has been here for 30 over times....
According to our tour guide, this is the best one around.... 
The footway leading to the restaurant....
Fishing village was very quiet.... 
And not so after we had our lunch....
The many trawlers docking around there....
We took the opportunity to take the pictures before the crowd arrived...
Alright, don't look at how they prepare the food....
Might not have a good appetite after watching them...
This is part of our food platter.... 
From the eel family....
I did not see these pictures till I finished the lunch...
These two photos above were taken by my friend...
After our lunch, the crowd started arriving...
Oh, my lunch post?
That will be in the next post... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...