Thursday, February 14, 2008

Special Dedication To My Mum On Yat Yan....

::::my beautiful mum in light blue:::::

Yesterday 13/2/08 was Yan Yat... Human's day in direct translation... Havent really find the true meaning of it yet, as far as I know, each year on the 7th day of CNY, we eat fried meehoon, mee, koay teow and special chicken fish porridge, all my mum's specialities.... I dont hv any pics taken, too bad, but I can tell u that its very yummy and sumptious...Thanks Mum....each year, u take the effort to cook all these for yr kids and grandchildren and never once complained....She cooks abundantly, never once there wont be enough food to cater all of us....its always more than enough, enough to last for the next meal too.... Once again, I want to honour my mum, words would never be able to describe how much she has done for us, how much she has endured throughout her life, how much ordeals she has undergone....

But now ever since she accepted the Lord, everything has changed for the best... She is illiterate, she doesnt know how to read the Bible, but nevertheless, her faith and trust in the Lord is amazingly is so overwhelming to hear her talk about the Lord to her own siblings and they have beginning to see the new light in her and some of them have accepted the Lord through her change in life...Isnt that wonderful and great??? Our Lord doesnt use only learned scholars or professionals to preach the salvation, He uses all kinds of people and I m honoured and proud to say, He uses my mum who is so simple and yet with strong faith, to spread His love to our loved ones......

1 comment:

  1. Frankly speaking, sometimes I am scared of the new converts. I don't mean your mom. Some new converts are too enthusiastic that they condemn others people's religion and are very pushy.

    I have a friend who is a new convert but thank the Lord she is not pushy.Her very relax attitude helped me relax


Thank you, readers!

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