Monday, April 21, 2008

Testimony of My Missing Pass, Praise God...

Today I was very careless la.. upon reaching office after lunch, I realised my office pass was not in my car... searched all over, in and out of the car, front, back, sides... still couldnt be found... I tot to myself, this is it... gone case....

Went to my colleague in charge of making new pass, was told a new pass will cost me RM50/-... so ridiculous... I dont wanna pay la.. so expensive...

Saw my precious one online in google, so I told him of my 'missing' pass and RM50/- to be flown away...I asked him...Please pray for me?? He said sure.....

At 5.10pm, I was in my car, still searching, not wanting to give badminton bag, none....I was already late for my games...then my hp rang... My Mei Mei fren called me.. "Wei, someone found your pass la, now it is with the counter people" was overwhelmed when I heard that...

Upon reaching home, I saw my precious one onlined again, I asked him..."Did u pray for me? What time did u pray?" He told me he prayed just after I told him my pass was missing....

Wow, God is great... He answered my precious's for me, I am sure grateful God and to my precious one...Thank you God for answering my precious's prayers and its indeed a good lesson for me, I will tie it round my neck from tomorrow onwards and if it gets lost again, I will fork out RM50/-....this time no excuse....

My precious said..."Write it in your blog tonite, praise God"...Yeah...this is the least I can do, its good to praise Him....Thank You, Lord once again for allowing someone to find my pass...
This matter how big or small our problems are............God listens and answers !!!!

(it seems my pass was lying on the road, I must have dropped it when I got into the car before lunch, sigh.... careless, careless, careless me!!)


  1. big head prawn......luckily the Lord saves you RM50. Now, you can buy me lunch when im back, likely in sept.

  2. haha... why we chinese only think of eating and eating ? everytime u come back also very silent.. this time call me la..take u out for makan...

  3. praise God. He always does wonders.:)

  4. yes, He does, Gab.. no matter how big or small the problem is...


Thank you, readers!

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