Sunday, July 20, 2008

Honour Mi, Honur U

BRINGING UP KIDS is not as an easy task when a 'mama' is not at her best mood and the 'kid' is not as her best look for that day. Stress...stressing...stressed....

From my 20 years of 'mama-ing', I have learn plenty but cannot remember most of them except those happening in recent days and months. Lately I asked my son what makes a child honour his/her parents....

He replied in a solemn serious tone these words... THE parent must first respect his child first, THE parent must also learn how to listen to the voice of the younger generation, THE parent must communicate in a nice subtle way, like I am talking to my own friends and colleagues and not one tone higher with the other words, treat a child like equals to parents... ie ME = KIDS.

He further stressed that communication is important too, and in doing so, I, ME, must invest quantity time with them kids to achieve a bonus in quality time later on....

So much for honour....


  1. So serius one ah.. then i must talk like a 3.5 yr old too? So i must be bossy and whiny ..:P

  2. hehe...yr 3 yr old is bossy meh? whiny, i can imagine..well, anyway, its just an opinion of his..perhaps its one of his gimmicks to make me scold him less... :)

  3. you are such a sweet mom i i like ur blog

  4. halo mama...
    baba here also don't have good recipe to tackle younger ones at different ages wor...
    when they were small, i seldom punish, just let them have fun as kids, though drawing lines everywhere to keep them on the right track. I keep an open mind similar to your playing badminton, do the things within those lines...
    now that they grown up, wanting to know whether they are still playing within the lines is like they are playing golf, the field is much larger....hoping they are professional enough to return an honourable score....
    yes, we can be referee, yet we ourselves sometimes are not exactly sure of how a particular situation must be handled...or may we learn together, even should we let them teach's a sweet life.

  5. parents' roles are professional.. one day, we r psychiatrists, one moment a consultant, a marketing bizperson, a self-declared doc at times, a mediator, an actress/actor.... well, endless... this is a parent role.. jack of all trades..

  6. errr.... my 3 yr old kid will cry and lost his temper whenever we don't entertained his request, how ah? say he dun understand...whack him ..he also dunno ...
    pening kepala already...

  7. they might be small but their absorption power is great..once u give in to everything when they cry, they will use their tears as weapons..haha..

  8. Hmmmmm, I do hv short fuse. Like a time bomb. Can explode anytime. Most time i wl hold back and let the pressure release itself. Count to one hundred!!! Sometimes it fails me...and I will nag nag nag... lecture lecture lecture!!! Scold?

    Since I know u, seldom see u lose yr cool. Way to go, mum!

  9. is that a compliment for me?? anyway, thanks Mr. Bean.. so far, seen u lose one cool only.. one only....


Thank you, readers!

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