Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Farewell Function

MR LIM, my office engineer was promoted recently and has been transferred to Kuala Lumpur head office. Last Monday, he gave us a dinner at this Soon Fatt Restaurant along Jalan Greenhill, IPOH. We had a good time, (how not to enjoy, free food some more... lol), singing karaoke and the men all like to go "Cheers" yamsing, bottomsup.... throughout the evening.

the restaurant... taken from across the street

Mr Lim in yellow... oh Bala too..
sorry, both of them treated us...

3 tables altogether...

my colleagues...all of us elderly already :)
no more new recruits, esp non-muslims
ok, here comes the food...

2 types of chicken
differently cooked

curry fish

the special tau foo (bean curd)

prawns... as usual..must have..

few types of vegetable all mixed to one...
petai, long beans, etc etc..
(forgotten which is which)

a vegetarian dish...
there was one more dish
but I forgot to snap it....
too busy eating .. lol..


  1. wah...the food so nice! i just finished my dinner, and now i am feeling hungry again...-.-"

  2. i really miss chinese food a lot two chinese wedding dinner to attend....hehehe...then can eat a lot liow....


Thank you, readers!

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