Thursday, September 17, 2009



just minus the blogspot

(Please change to this new URL, my dear Friends!! My blogroll list is missing and I am trying to trace back so if you see your name missing there, please let me know!! Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!)


  1. Ooi...add link to ur new domain...

  2. STP.. thank u sir...

    Borneo: now still in transmission, i will add u this evening.. office one no blogger profile.. blocked.. sigh..

  3. Yup, been using your new add in my blogrolls.

  4. i'm following.. weeee..

  5. Awesome Claire! War...good! Gonna add you now! :p

  6. changed url in all my blogs.. thanks for informing

  7. hey Claire..finally..your own dotcom :) Congratulations :)

  8. I knew this was coming, i am happy for you mate.

    i like it this way,hahahahah

  9. I knew this was coming, i am happy for you mate.

    i like it this way,hahahahah

  10. hi Guys..thanks for changing.. i hope the transmission will not give any problem.. later i will change the template.. but it will not be so soon.. i m almost "illiterate" in all these.. thanks to .. he has been very patient with me.. hahaha..

    i havent finished with him yet, still got lots to ask from him.. :)

  11. finally!!! hope that you will get your PR back huh. :D

  12. wah,operating on own domain already ah,Claire..congrats! will link to your new URL.. :)

  13. Miche, i hope day though . i think not so fast..

    cynthia, mamamia: terima kasih.. are u going to change too? i dont see any difference yet.. when i do, i tell u all, i m still trying to learn.. :)

  14. niceeeee!!! :)
    Don't forget kaDusMama @

  15. thanks kadus mama, ruby and gallivanter... tonite i add u all yer.. thanks for informing.. hope more to add.. :))

  16. wat is d difference har? always wonder and how? hehhehe :)

  17. How did u manage to copy all your posts to your new domain. I'm sure you didn't copy and paste each one. Come la, teach me :)

  18. wah....u really serious abt blogging!! How much u paid for it?

  19. claire,

    u might want to put ur new address up there so ppl can just click to be forwarded there AND then they relink or refollow u.

    aniways, congratulations! (doing the dance here!)

    bravo bravo..

  20. Rachel, i m still learning.. not geng at all.. i got free lessons from a young handsome chap.. hahaa..

    Manglish, right now no difference yet, as i can see also.. but later when i get used to it, i can change to wordpress and it will be another new blog.. now i m wondering why i have done it! lol..

    Kev: i didnt do anything as u have guessed, i just changed the URL and paid 10usd for that.. it is still under blogger.. only the name minus the blogspot. Later i might transfer out to wordpress, see how, i dont know how to do, must ask my sifu again.. :)

    Chris: 10usd.. boleh claim back from u..???? say can la.. sister/brother kam cheng.. sap sap sui, right?

  21. wait...
    wat am i toking about? i AM in ur dot com.. hahhahahhaha.. so bodohs lah me.. solly claire.. just ignore wat i've written up there! blek..

  22. Congratule on your new URL!

    Please add me yeah :D

  23. Merryn, thanks for yr concern.. hehe.. i appreciate that.. u coming by here make me happy already.. :)

    Celine Mook: yes, will add u this evening.. and all the others too.. hope i can recall back as many as possible.. this is testing memory time! hahaa...

  24. wah! U got ur own dot com d...
    Cool leh!

    Hey, I don see my name there... T___T

  25. Yeah you got your own domain name! That's so cool! Ya change your own name even better! Because make your blog more special and unique! ;)

  26. If you transfer to wordpress, do keep your blogspot running, don't delete it even if you no longer update. Can still earn money wan. Hehe. Thats what I did when I moved to wordpress. I kept my old blogspot and the funny thing is that my blogger blog earns more in adsense than the dotcom wor.

  27. Josephine: not to worry, i add u up tonite..i m trying to recall all my blogger frens.. :)

    Aeiween: haha..spend some money to have own domain.. not too sure good or not.. :) i add u tonite too

    Annie Q: thanks, i add u tonite too..

    Mumsgather: actually i dont know my purpose yet, let it run first like this.. wait till my son comes back and see from there.. or refer to kenwooi again.. :) oh btw, my google adsense banned me already.. sigh..

  28. wow Claire.. congrats on your independence URL here. dont foregt to drop by at "Life's About" ya! *wink*

  29. wow! buy ur own domain liao! Not bad...

  30. I was out in the field whole day today, just got back home and saw your message. Wah, congrats, your own domain leh! I have changed to this url in my blogroll link. Cheers!

  31. elcynthia: thanks for coming by to remind me.. i still have some bloggers i have not add in yet, i believe..

    Amy, nak join in? actually what is the advantage of having own domain? :)

    Pete: thanks for changing.. cheers!

  32. i left four comments here....find it hehehehe

    Love that pictures of the are so gorgeous....

    have a comment there

  33. thanks Amy..i just went over to one of yr blogs..

  34. hi claire,
    Now I finally could open your blog here using ur new domain. i thought there was something wrong when it was only the header that appeared for few minutes.
    I will visit you again next time. have to go to church before late.
    take care

  35. Irene: home sweeeeet home..but got to pay assessment fees for my home.. hahahaa...

    Weng: thanks for not giving up.. yes, see u again soon!

  36. Aunty you forgot me in your blogroll! Haha...

    I'm changing my domain name soon also. Hehe...

  37. Sorry Henry.. I do it right this minute.. excuse auntie for being absent minded.. i know there are many others i left out too.. hope they inform me like u do.. thanks henry..

  38. HI Reanaclaire! Thank you for visiting. Sure would love to comback here. Would you like to exchange links?

    A Simple Life
    Mommy's Little Corner
    Moms... Check Nyo

  39. chubs : thanks for coming by... have a nice weekend...

    Liza.. will add u now.. thanks for returning visit...

  40. Congrats! U've got a new virtual home. :) I jes realised I've not linked u earlier. *slap forehead* Now kau timm liao. :)

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