Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can See But Cannot Taste.... Yet!

Firstly, an apology to Elin for delaying this post, supposedly to be up two days ago. Because of the Raya Gathering and a post about Aaron, this mango cake was forced to make way.

Secondly, a big Thank U to Elin for "contributing" this big portion of her mango cake to me the very next morning.... She baked it the night before and sent me a big picture while we were msn-ing.. and u know what, Elin, that night was a real "torture" for me and my girl... "See but cannot Taste!" lol.....

But all was forgotten when Elin presented me this portion of her yummy mango cake... I was so overwhelmed by the big portion, it looked so delicous that I couldn't help cutting up the cake immediately after she left my office.... hahahhaa...

Now, let me think *eyes looking up*... I bought her mangoes, she baked a mango cake for me... what shall I buy for her tomorrow??? or the next???? and next???? any suggestions?

Ladies or guys, u want to taste this? Easy, just go to her blog and the recipe is just there for grabs! My girl loves it very much, I bought some mangoes already, perhaps this weekend I will try to bake this Mango Cake.... wish me all the Best!!


  1. looks good..
    never tried a mango cake before.. =)

  2. Interesting.. might try this... thanks... ^_^

    Psst... I join the buyblogreview from your blog ^_^... quite confuse.. ;-p .. got questions need to ask... May I have your email add?? Thanks Claire.. ^_^

  3. "Can see but cannot taste", missed out reading the [yet] thought its only for the ladies that is why its 'man-go cake'? Looks good.

  4. Ken: it was good... this weekend i will try.. simple recipe only..

    CathJ: do try.. and .. u can email to me anytime.. :)

  5. as usual... your blog always makes me hungry!!!!

    * food! * * food! * * food! * * food! *

  6. lol.. can see kenot taste is equalvalant to can see kenot touch!!! bloody suffering! hahaha..

    da cake looks good. tell me if u bake n turn out dat good too! salavating here...

  7. hey teknisyan, not all the time la.. sometimes blog about stories.. here and there.. :) anyway, thanks for coming by...

    Merryn: ok IF i bake, will let u see and get scolding from u..hahaa... if got extra, i courier down for u... ok?

  8. So this is how mango cake is baked? I never it will be baked this way? :p Elin is good to treat you huh.

  9. Cheah: u r creative...never tot of, go... go and eat or go and bake??

    Tekkaus: easy to make, she said.. so i might try... i have some mangoes in my fridge... :)

  10. wow that really looks yummy.. What a great friend you have..

  11. i love mangoes! love it love it love it!

  12. Wenn, not too bad.. worry about my weight only.. hahaa...

    sweet shelo: yes.. my best foodie fren.. hahaa...

    irene: me too.. i love mangoes..i bought some yesterday too!

  13. I wonder how will the taste be if we use unripe mango with some rojak sauce in the cake, this is really east meet west!....he he he!

  14. oooo... big chunky mango on the mango cake. *lau nua liao*

  15. wah Pete.. i cannot imagine how it taste la.. sweet, sour, colourful.. and might taste yucky too.. hahahaa...

    slavemom: can try and see... easy i think! :)

    SJB: do try.. hahaa.. and let me know...

  16. I odi bookmark her page the day u blog bout it. now am waiting for my dad's mango on the tree to ripen! :D

  17. oh my.......looked so so delicious...yumyum.....good ar? hahha

  18. Miche: blog about it once your mango ripens, ok? :)

    Manglish: finished it in one day.. certainly good enough for me and my girl.. .hahaa..

  19. This looks so delicious. I had never heard of such a cake but would definitely love to have a bite of it!

  20. Claire congrats sudah naik pangkat leh "upgraded" to No wonder sometimes Reanaclaire appeared and sometimes Claire surfaced in comments. Kunghei kunghei!

  21. Better don't go as only can see but cannot eat. Make me more hungry only. Haha.

  22. cheryl: i havent tried baking it on my own yet.. hope it is as good as the one my fren made it..

    Cheah: thanks..hahhaa. dont know why i changed... no difference actualy.. just pay 10usd yearly.. like moe yeh choe, wan yeh lei choe.. hahha....

    Superman: next time, when i hv done it nice nice, i call u..

  23. Looks very very delicious. I shall bake it this weekend!!

  24. apple!!!
    apple cake sounds yummy..

    check out my site, u just got something from me.. heheheh...

  25. wow..yummy mango cake!

    Good luck on your baking, can't wait to see claire's version of Mango Cake!

  26. The mango cake looks so beautiful. It reminds me of a story long ago. My mum gave my malay neighbour some durians and she cooked kacang hijau with durian for us in return. Great huh! Buy mango got mango cake to eat! heheh.

  27. i never had a mango cake before. nevertheless, i have check out the recipe in your friend,Elin's blog..looks quite easy to make.hehe...someday,i'll try baking it. U try first ar,Claire..:)

  28. Dolly: man and go la.. mango.. not apple.. :)

    AnnieQ: today she gave me butter cake.. alamak.. so tomorrow bake mango ? fat lo...

    mNHl: so what shall i give the next time? any suggestions?

    Mama Mia: today got butter cake from her.. so perhaps hv to postpone my mango cake.. see how.. hehe..

  29. Oh my!!I'm drooling here,Claire!!What a deli mango cake--I haven't tried them before.Looks yummy to me!!Good luck in baking,Claire!!^_^

  30. But a bundle of fruits! Mangoes, Strawberries, Kiwis :P.. Maybe will make a fruit delight! hehehe :P

  31. Mango cake? I thought it was a pie! And that reminds me! I've been wanting to make a pie...but the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak! So lazy! Sigh!!! LOL!!!

  32. Clarissa: yes, a deli mango.. yeah.. what a nice name.. finished very fast too ..

    Ladyviral: wonder what other fruits can be baked..besides all those u mentioned.. :)

    STP: shake hand with u.. i sama juga.. wanna eat but hands dont want to do...

  33. Very delicious looking cake. Just to bad I don't have a knack to baking cakes. :p

  34. Ai Yoh Ai Yoh, you are really like a super woman, you can cook, you can blog, you can bake, you can sing you can worship lead, you can rub shoulder with the VIP and the VVIP and the VVVIP, you can write pay post, you can give nice commments to others, you can have so many nice comments from others, you can have so many followers, you can update post like at least once a day, ( i mean at least once a day).

    in one word,, you are just super

    take care now , weekend is here

  35. Small Kuching: me too... my line is not in cooking but in eating.. but if i dont do, i cannot eat what i like to.. that is the big problem!

    Eugene: aiyoh.. dont have to praise so much la.. i know what u r hinting one.. next time i go pg, i try to bake one for u la.. but meanwhile, let me try out and see how first.. it might take many trial and errors, ok? please wait patiently.. hahhaa.. it might not materialize at all too!

  36. I love mango in everthing! That cake looks good, man...

    You gave her mango, she gave you cake... nice trade :-)

  37. at first i thought its an ammorite -younno fossils,hehe... loooks yummy should tastes yummier

  38. Boeyjoey, i didnt do it this weekend.. i still have butter cake.. haha... perhaps next week first.. or the next..

    ah ngao: yes.. yummiest la...


Thank you, readers!

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