Tuesday, February 9, 2010

To Retire Or Not To Retire?

Either my eyes fail me or I need to retire for good.. (how I wish I could!)

For the past few days, I have been typing and re-typing some meeting minutes, some deadliest stupid errors, some stupid misspellings, uncalled mistakes on my part, which resulted in asking myself, "hey, am I that careless??? What happened to my so-called brain?"

To my own surprise, I even "fore-went" my own breakfast just to finish the darn minutes and get them out of my sight!! But no, after some checking and re-checking by my new boss, the minutes were flung back to me. Ok, not "flung back la" , handed back to me... My Mistakes...I forgot to put a "full stop" somewhere, I didn't put "capital letter" for this and that, my paragraphs are not aligned "justified" and the most embarrassing mistake was I spelt my new boss's name wrongly!!! aaahhhhh.. There goes my bonus!

But, on the other hand, some good news ... a few of us were sort of "upgraded" ... not really a promotion... (don't laugh, we r old old timers ma) Old timers means old eyes... can afford to make mistakes, eh... After Chinese New Year, Will Be More Careful....


  1. Thanks for stopping by the other day. Is this your main blog? I wish you luck with the job. I am having a Round Robin 2/12 (Friday) I see you like to cook you could come share something..

    Thanks again for stopping by..

  2. amy: thanks for coming by..yes, this is my main blog..

    barb: not a big issue.. just the upgrading of the scale, actually

  3. don't retire unless u really can't stand the new boss.

  4. i think you need a rest la. Hope this CNY will be a restful one foryou

  5. hehehhe... funny ^_^... but it happen to old ages don't worry...hihihihi... ^_^

  6. Hi Claire,

    Hope the coming CNY will give you the chance to have a bit of rest and rejuvenate. All the best.


  7. Use spellcheck la, Claire. =.= *pengsan* Can help you from making so much errors. Don't worry about making mistakes like that. Techie techs damn modern now. Get the PC to check the spellings and grammar for you. LMAO.

  8. Hi Reana, it happens. We do have our off days sometimes.
    But just wondering, you don't use your computer to check the spelling?
    This reminds me of once upon a time...I was looking for a top notch secretary, someone to work with minimal supervision with opportunity to be promoted to Office manger.

    I interviewed more than 20 girls, ladies, and those days no computers, just an IBM electric typewriter.
    And everyone had their errors, no periods, missing words, wrong spellings etc....even typing what I did not ask for.

    As my work takes me away from the office almost daily, I have to depend on her....and when I almost gave up hope, a lady, she in a lovely sarong kebaya, long hair, with fantastic figure and traffic stopper looks too came for the interview and typing test.

    I remember my other staff discreetly placed bets she'll fail as looks more a model then a secretary type.
    She sure surprised me, us or rather exceeded my expectations...except for one missing period, she was not only fast, but very good in English and comprehension....no errors.

    She got the job....6 months later I promoted her.
    In a way I wished she had failed, then I can date her instead, ha ha.
    Not to worry, Reana, you'll be fine.
    Have a nice day, Lee.

  9. Wah sound so stressful ar? Never mind since CNY is coming soon so just enjoy it with your family & friends then only you think whether you want to get retire or not. But trust me you will be OK one~ just that maybe is because of the new boss so sometimes might get a bit of frustrated... :)

  10. Everyone faulters at times. Stay the course and keep moving toward your goals and dreams. Good luck!

  11. Since you still have another girl studying...don't retire first o. :)

  12. Perhaps after your holiday you will be refreshed and ready to go! I know I have been through these types of situations before and sometimes it just take a mini-vacation or some over-due rest to feel better.

  13. Hello! I guess things like that happens when you're over stressed and have tons of things in your mind. You probably just need a complete rest.

    Good luck!

  14. wenn: he is alright.. i m the one who is careless..

    smallkucing: yeah, rest and dont thihk of work, work, work!

    cathj: old ages sound ancient la.. old age..hahaha.. cannot deny that..huh..

    fely: yeah, rejuvenete is the word! hahaha... refreshment course.

    voon: gan pei!

    cleff: in malay language la..not english, susah to spellcheck..

    u.Lee: i think i read that in your post..yeah, u r blessed with such an efficient worker, dont think my boss will say tat about me. hahaha.. no, cannot spellcheck cos not in english..

    aeiween: taught me how to be more careful in future, huh.. good teaching too!

    ellewood: yes, stay on course, i will!

    tekkaus: yeah, bec of her, i have to think and rethink...

    cheryl: i agree, at my age, got to take it easier than those days.. cannot be stressful already..

    gorgeousmum: i would love to rest more often if i could.. :p

  15. Errrrr.. I think it is time to really retire...the old pair of spectacles I mean and NOT you!

    To err is human, for gift..the wine! Get your boss a bottle to celebrate for being human enough to make mistakes!

  16. Wah, promoted already.....brain happy until made so many typing mistake lah or already on CNY mood?....or maybe too much food blogging...official document forgot liao! ha ha ha!

  17. I retired when we had a new boss come in. I worked about 18 months longer and kept myself going by remembering I was going to retire and didn't have much longer. There really wasn't that much wrong with the new boss, except I just didn't care that for him. And then the week after I retired, started a new school year and what did they do, they put all the secretaries on the same pay level, which would have meant a raise for me. I sort of felt like that was a slap in the face, I had been there the longest and I was the oldest, so why didn't he put that into action the year before I was going to retire, if he had I would have probably stuck around a few more years, which in turn would have made my retirement check each month a little more than what I get now. But as they say, live and learn.

  18. Oh...ur post reminded me of what i encountered recently too...too happy after get promoted, boss also forgotten edy..heheh

    anyway, Grats to u!!

  19. Oh...ur post reminded me of what i encountered recently too...too happy after get promoted, boss also forgotten edy..heheh

    anyway, Grats to u!!

  20. You're disoriented as you just recovered from your illness...and perhaps, you're stressed or depressed over something. With two kids in college and one in Form 4, it certainly is not easy... I admire you for being able to handle it all alone. Take care now, relax a bit, pamper yourself sometimes...and pray. That will help a lot.

  21. i think you lack focus only. After CNY...charge up...motivate urself..n u r ok... keep it up ya

  22. 9pek9bo: for a moment, i tot someone is encouraging me to retire.. hehee..

    mommyling: u mean something like the head bloated already ..everything also forgotten.. :p

    patty: yes, i think i know how it is to be in your situation last time. cases like these are happening, when u were there, it was not appreciated and when one left, the boss came to his senses and started to make the staff happy so that they wont leave .. anyway, think of it this way, u have done your colleagues a good turn :)

    stp: disorientated? that sets me thinking, maybe u r right, so much things happening lately, here and there.. the mind in a turmoil.. yeah, i think i got to prioritise my affairs... thanks for reminding me..

  23. 9pek9bo: for a moment, i tot someone is encouraging me to retire.. hehee..

    mommyling: u mean something like the head bloated already ..everything also forgotten.. :p

    patty: yes, i think i know how it is to be in your situation last time. cases like these are happening, when u were there, it was not appreciated and when one left, the boss came to his senses and started to make the staff happy so that they wont leave .. anyway, think of it this way, u have done your colleagues a good turn :)

    stp: disorientated? that sets me thinking, maybe u r right, so much things happening lately, here and there.. the mind in a turmoil.. yeah, i think i got to prioritise my affairs... thanks for reminding me..

  24. I really dont know what to say lah sister,,,, but i do know that you need rest, sometimes when our body gives us the signal,it is better to give it a heed or two.

    I am sure with the "upgrading" your CNY celebration will be a frutiful and a blessed one, i bet.

    take care now sis

  25. alamak so careless....getting old ah? hehehe... better careful next time...

    no need to retire at this moment ... find more money ler!

  26. hey, gong hei fatt choy.. im leaving tomorrow..so early wish ok?

  27. that's what i hate about doing report in BM..cannot ask the computer to do the spell check..have to proof-read balik2 to check any mistake... :)

  28. Hi Claire, I suppose that is normal to make some mistakes. More on certain days and less on another day. There must be something in your mind distracting you.

  29. Can, Claire...ur office got language pack bo? it's supposed to oredi pre-installed in the Microsft Office. Just Change the configuration of the language to BM before u start working on the docs, den can spellcheck Bm language liao. Den when wanna use English, den change back. it's just clicks away.LOL...

  30. Dont worry, we all make mistakes, maybe u were just tired, have a good break during CNY, gong xi fa cai!

  31. We make mistakes sometimes, but if because of been scolded for silly mistakes, it was not worth it....maybe you need a break.

    Happy CNY to you!

  32. eugene: yeah, body already giving signal.. here pain there pain. apa macam? must go for overhaul already ...

    via: i think careless or not do not come with age.. :) but i know at this time, my mind is not as active as per younger days.. that part is true..

    goolymama: ok, gong xi blessed year to u too! have a merry time in ipoh!

    mamamia: yeah, now got to be very careful in typing with my new new boss!

    william: the head bloated maybe.. so distracted i think... hahaha..

    cleff: oh,u made it sound so easy one..click here and click there, change to BM then English then Bm..i pening already..no language software la.. office where got supply all these.. not many are good in english.. :(

    kristie: so now i should be more alert after cny, right? :) i hope so...

    rose: if every month or so, can take a short breakaway, how wonderful working life can be...

  33. rachel: sorry, overlooked.. yeah, must go for energising during cny, too much things on my mind, what to buy,what to cook, change new notes.. apa lagi????

    media007: dont gelak ok? old eyes is loe far.. now my eyes are ngan far far....

  34. Excuse me you are 25 and talking about retirement. Have to slog some more donkey years not so easy to let you go off haha. Sometimes you are preoccupied and your mind gets cluttered and sometimes it's slip of the fingers and no fault of the mind. Only normal just going through some rough patch as you are undergoing high expectation and you are exerting yourself now that you've got a new boss. The calibration might take a while to get the adjustment of the chemistry right. Go with the flow..slow slow come.

  35. Company seniors rulez! especially the secretary to the boss.

    "KUNG HEI FATT CHOY, KUNG HEI PENG ONN", dearest Ipoh- Lass! ^_^

  36. what are you thinking, grandma? hahaaahahh "promote" to that level yet ar? hahah happy CNY

  37. cindy: thank u .. my work need to be upgraded as well..

    cheah: slow slow come? yeah, i suppose i have to, though 25 but brain works slower than that.. guess i have to marn marn loi lo... as u said, go with the flow.. slow and steady does it!

    manglish: upgrade to sun toi ah? hahha.. cham moe.. hapi cny to u too!



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