Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Mystery Of The Missing Book

While having dinner one evening, my girl said, "Mum, I need to buy back a book for the library." Naturally I asked why.... She was quite hesitant, u know la... my girl, she never speaks more than 10 words in one sentence. Unbelievable? But it is true....

Okay, coming back to her reply and much prompting and hesitating, the story came out like this... Her friend who was on duty wrongly keyed in my daughter's name as the borrower of this BOOK which she DID NOT borrow at all. My girl didn't know about it till she was "summoned" to return the book. Blur as she was then, she finally found out that her friend who was on duty keyed in her name instead of "don't-know-who" and now my girl has to pay back for this particular book which cost around RM50.00.

My instance response was "HOW CAN??? U didn't borrow the book and u mean u have to pay for the lost book??" How ridiculous!

I told her the book must be in the library but according to her sources, it was not found!!! And now it seems the Teacher librarian asked my girl to pay since it was under her name. How would u feel? How did I feel? All I can do is to rant it out here lo.... sigh..

As my girl said, "NO proof that I didn't take but Got proof that I have taken."

To think positively, maybe the "someone" who took the book needs it badly for her studies but doesn't have means to pay... so... be.... it.

Latest News..

Just now I went to the school despite my girl not allowing me to go.. but i didnt make a hoo haa.. i asked for the librarian teacher and she turned out to be someone i have met during one visit to the GH!! what a nice coincidence! I asked her about what's happening to the book, then she told me not to worry... she will find out more first and told me not to buy it as yet. she is still investigating and will let me know what to do later on. at the moment, she said let her handle it first with the students and she will tell my girl not to buy the book first. I told her it is not the cost but the system, as it might reoccur again anytime... yes, she took a note on that too! phew....
Thanks to u all who gave me encouragement and advice on what to do! As I always said, I am still learning :)


  1. Huh? How come there can be such a confusion? :/

  2. Kesian your daughter. Her friend should have own up to the teacher. How come the system so cheh kai one? Key in wrong name also kenot detect :(

  3. too bad for her. wat to do. me too actually ever experienced diz but a bit diff, my fren d one used my id card to borrow book n she lost it end up im d one hv to pay, glad dat she agreed to pay half as it was s reference book and cost hundreds over. :s

  4. Sigh~ now thats just wrong =X Cant you meet up with the teacher and try to sort things out? Your daughter does have a point when she said "no proof of her not borrowing the book but there is a proof of her borrowing the book", now thats a messed up situation XD

  5. hmmmmm if u r willing to pay the 5orm den ok lor..think of it as a good deed lar maybe tonite u strike lottery 500,000rm leh hahahahaa if kena i want to share har dun just diam2 only hahahaha

  6. Oh dear.. I read your post with emotions.. from big fonts to small fonts.. poor girl.. poor you.. sigh.. let's try to look at the positive side of this? *hugs*

  7. tekkaus: in this case, manual better la..

    kathy: how to detect if wrong name and wrong book? sigh.. she borrowed another book and it was not keyed in ..

    caroline: yr fren lost it and u paid half? wow.. u r a very good fren to yr fren :)

    danial: no la.. if parents approach bec of this, it will make a mark on the student.. just let them solve this type of problem or what i mean is, i have to solve it by paying :(

    manglish: today got lucky draw meh? none la.. how to strike? sorry la, cannot share with u lar..

    merryn: hahaha..not to worry, just pay 50rm and gone with it.. as i said, maybe someone needs the book urgently..

  8. Oh jeez.... I just feels so not fair.. ~.@

  9. I think I would go straighten things out with whoever it may concern. She may not understand it but that's how we handle things in adult world. Responsibility and honesty prevails, regardless of age. She may also learn how to stand up for her own rights instead of being pushed over and have no say what so ever. She should never have the impression that it is alright to be victimised, by anyone, or any situation. It pays to be strong. What transpires after all that shall be dealt accordingly. Who knows, she might also learn the true meaning of kindness.

    That's my two cents. Do excuse the lecture tone.

  10. cathJ: sigh..

    gus: i kind of like it, what u said is true. she is more on the timid side, not fighting for her rights but in this kind of situation, i would prefer her to handle it instead of me going to school to ask for explanation. the decision lies in her teacher, she has nothing to prove that she didnt take, that is the hardest part..

  11. oh...pity her. can try get second hand for the book, probaly doesnt cost that much to get it back.

  12. It's great that you are able to see things positively, you must be a very cheerful person!

  13. But Auntie, she can always stand up to the teacher and repeatedly claim innocence. After all, there is always a possibility that human error has caused the librarian to record the name wrongly.

    Like Gus, I also believe that she shouldn't just pay the fine without fighting for her rights. I believe she is assured that you are at her side, and you will fight for her, too, when the need comes.

    They may have "proof" that she borrowed the book out, and she does not have the "proof" that she did not. But maybe there were witnesses that she wasn't in the library at that time? Her friends could testify to that if necessary.

    But if human error can fabricate such a "proof", then the whole system itself is questionable.

    I believe that it is OK for you, as a mother, to get involved in this issue. It is because the money comes from YOU.

    Not that I want you to make this issue big, but it is not right for the library teacher to shift the blame to your daughter, who has committed no wrong whatsoever in the first place. If the book loan system is flawed, then the teacher must be held responsible for allowing this kind of things to happen.

    That's because if it can happen to your daughter, then it can happen to anybody else in the future.

  14. mommyling: yes, today we will look for the reference book in the 2nd hand shops...

    alice: sometimes we have to see this another way if things not turn out good..

    henry: no doubt about tat, i tot of doing it but she wouldnt allow me to go and look for the teacher unless i do it silently, but i wouldnt want to create an issue. cos the one who keyed in is her fren and she has to pay for the whole book... right now, she offered to pay half.. so i mumbled and relented.. sometimes i allow her to decide on certain issues esp in her school work. she is also a school librarian...

  15. Oh dear...what to do? I would certainly discuss with the librarian the situation and perhaps the girl who keyed in the wrong name might be able to help out the situation. Its a very upsetting situation indeed, especially when you know your daughter is truthful! Hope you have a resolution to this.

  16. Refuse to pay! Go to the school and create a scene. Demand that the friend owns up - that he/she had keyed in wrongly. These young people today - all the same! Everything chin-chai2 do!!! Then they get into trouble they will wriggle out of it...and they are proud that they can sort out their problems. I always told them: in the first place, if you had done it properly then there would not be a problem.

    Go! Go to the school. Speak to the library teacher! If such things can happen, there is something very wrong with the system. You may be willing to pay...but there are poor people who can hardly afford RM50 to buy food for the month. I strongly feel that you should go and settle the matter - as Hokkien says, chor phai lang! Never mind! It's for the good of all.

  17. Mmmm... nehmind la... You do good, you get good... Hope you are able to search for the book at a second hand bookstore :)

  18. Claire, I'm afraid I have to agree wit STP. What nonsense is this to be asked to pay for something we didn't do? I always believe in a person to stand up for her own rights instead of giving in. I am infuriated by what the school library did to her! Poor innocent girl...

  19. This indeed is a difficult situation. If you pay back, you're probably not teaching your kid to stand up for what's right. If you don't pay back, you're probably making the matter worst and causing your girl to worry as she won't know how to answer back to the school. But if I am in your shoe, I would just pay the money to make it easier for my girl.

  20. I think you are right to let her handle the situation rather than interfering.

    Sometimes, getting too involved will make afraid of making decisions in life.

    Furthermore, her friend makes the mistake so a big hooha will just make everybody embarrassed.

    Spicy Mother

  21. latest news!!
    I went to the school despite my girl not allowing me to go.. but i didnt make a hoo ha.. i asked for the librarian teacher and she turned out to be someone i have met during one visit to the GH!! what a nice coincidence!
    I asked her about what's happening to the book, then she told me not to worry... she will find out more first and told me not to buy it as yet. she is still investigating and will let me know what to do later on. at the moment, she said let her handle it first with the students and she will tell my girl not to buy the book first. I told her it is not the cost but the system, as it might reoccur again anytime... yes, she took a note on that too! phew....
    Thanks to u all who gave me encouragement and advice on what to do! I am still learning, as I always said.. :)

  22. Glad that you went to the school. At least speaking to the teacher in charge will made her understand and everyone will feel better.

  23. i'll do the same thing if i'm in your shoes,Claire. this mishap should be straighten out to avoid from re-occuring.

    if really need to replace the book, then i suggest that your girl and her friend share the cost, remind the friend not to wrongly key-in wrong details in the future. :)

  24. mnhl: i went without her knowing :) but i will tell her this pm...

    mamamia: yes, she said she will find out further details first.. yeah, my girl has told me to pay 50/50 but hope after this, the system will improve..

  25. Claire you said your daughter does not say much, right?
    How old is she?
    We as mothers keep trying to do a lot for our daughters BUT we really should respect their wishes too.
    Both my daughters are very independent and I thank God that I always respect their wishes not to see their teachers once they reached secondary schools.
    I hope you and your daughter will be good friends soon.

  26. sjb: noted.. :)

    shakira: provided they tell us what and how it happened, we can only advise them or give an opinion.. but if they keep quiet, then i would end up misunderstanding what had actually happened..

  27. My daughter did not like me going to the school to settle matters for fear of retribution by the teachers - Hell knows not the fury of a woman scorned. So most of the time, I'd just let things pass...unless it's one like this that will affect the well-being of all the students in general. Sure, we can pay RM50 for a new book...but if not nipped in the bud, other innocent students may be victimised. They just have to work out a better system so such things will not recur.

  28. stp, yeah, she also doesnt like it.. that is why.. anyway, i know that teacher, it is alright.. i m going to buy the book tonight, just let it pass but at the same time, let the teacher know too..

  29. Poor gal! She must hv been agonizing over the rm50 'fine'.
    Hope it's all sorted out well. ^_^

  30. OMG! i was sooo busy these past few days that is why i seldom visit ur "home".so surprise,really,looking at urnew template. i like it! it is sooo coolllll...

  31. it is a lesson for the librarian and the in-charged. careful careful next time:-)

  32. Hey Claire, that's a good one! I would go to school straight away if the same thing happen to me(I mean my kids)!


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