Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Simply Irresistible....

These few days I have been putting on weight in my working place. For the past few days, meetings and meetings going on and if not that, there would be some farewell meals to go along or some durian fest, sponsored by some colleagues who owned durian orchards.....

NO, I am not complaining, what is there to complain when there is abundant food on the table? A few added centimeters here and there is perfectly alright....worst come to worst, just go change a new wardrobe, hai mai? (talk big only) It is nice to be plump than to look skin and bones, yeah?? (sigh..consoling myself) Already someone said I looked so rounded these days.. well, I know what the cause is....

one of them is this....
roti jala (pancake with holes)
eaten with durian paste cooked with santan and sugar..
gosh..that is really "unhealthy"

and the more unhealthy it is,
the more I love to eat..
so creamy, so sweet...


  1. Hahahaha... I know how to make roti jala... but I dun take it with those creamy sauce. I take with curry instead. Yum, yum...

    Very long I din make roti jala oredi...come, come, Claire, come KL... I feed you with my roti jala and curry!

  2. cleff: wah..u apa pun boleh one ah??? geng!

    pengpeng: u love durian?? hahaha...

  3. wah....roti jala...if with some honey also nice...yummy....

  4. luckily i am quite picky with my food. so the durian with santan is definitely a yuck on my plate. i dun like anything made from durian. i only take the fruit

  5. nvm nvm... ramadan bazaar coming up!

  6. Wow~~ you made the durian paste too? let's share the recipe, lols

  7. Durian paste contains lots of calories ... I have stopped eating durian for years

  8. angelbear: yeah.. never tot of honey la..

    escape: good..at least u wont gain some calories..

    medie: on the 11th.. yes!

    pikey: i dint make it..but it is very easy.. just add santan and sugar and stir with the durian paste till it is smooth..

  9. Ooo... my mum teach me punya the recipe, she learn from my late grandmother...roti jala was a common tea time snack for our family back then. But we never take with sweet sauce. Always with the curry or sambal.

  10. roti jala.. oooo... drool!

    durian.. drool lagi! but i wont combine them both ler.. roti jala nicer to take with curry.. yummy :D

  11. hmmm..never heard before but maybe I eaten before....

  12. i love roti jala too. used to eat it in school but now no chance already.

  13. Never tried this combination before & hey watch out the cholesterol & sugar level Claire :-)

  14. Roti jala should be eaten with curry ler. :p

  15. cleff: yes, my colleagues take these with curry or durian paste..

    merryn: i can take with 2 choices..

    chrisau: no la..u havent.. hahaha..

    wenn: i only started to eat this when working..

    dora: yeah..scary huh.. sigh.. exercise it out..

    tekkaus: yes.. curry also nice.. but sweet also nice..

  16. I can tell how unhealthy something is by the taste. The better it tastes, the worse it is for me! Pooh to those commentors, you are lovely and skinny!!! They are just jealous because they are probably hungry all the time. It can make you grumpy.

  17. Interesting, I only ate bubur chacha which cooked with durian, but everything with durian, i also couldn't resist one.

  18. The roti jala looks so difference. the gravy is so sweet and rich. I am not sure will most of the people enjoy that?

  19. wow..I love durian, and durian pulut too!
    Can't find any here in Kuching :(

  20. But the problem is now you dont play badminton anymore so a few centimeters is no good lah,,kekekekek

  21. ginny: yes, unhealthy food is always tastier, i agree.. :)

    sheohyan: i m like u la.. love to eat with durian..

    caroline: right, finger licking good!

    steven: this is a malay dessert actually..

    ivy: very high cholesterol.. better not to be sold there.. hahah...

    eugene: sigh.. does going for walks with Labbie count?

  22. Hahaha.. like your self-console. Your roti jala looks really yummy... it's been ages since I last had them.

  23. Very nice friend...Visit my latest entry..goin' to touch ur heart..;D

  24. yvonne: yes, i dare not take so much too..

    suhaisweet: alright..

  25. For every unhealthy meal you have, force yourself to have 3 healthy meals.

    If you have the discipline to do that, you can enjoy with minimal guilt. ^_^

  26. i've only tried roti jala with curry chicken. roti jala with durian paste??? *pengsan*

  27. ouuu this looks interesting - never really tried something like this wor :) hehe


  28. So special, I never try this before. I love durian but honestly I can't accept durian bubur.

  29. I like roti jala, my collegue can make a very nice one, but hor, your way of roti jala combination with durian make me "eeeeeeeeeee".

  30. shingo: hey, good idea.. must discipline..

    barb: try it then u know.. hehehe..

    jen: it is popular among our malays delicacy..

    vicky: i can accept but cannot take much...

    annie: not qqqqqqqqqqqqq ? hehee.. nice la.. u must try one day..

  31. Annie Q just came to my blog and saw I ate durian with Chicken rendang and rice after she saw your post.....he he he, she pengsan liao!

  32. Ya...I'm like Cleff. Eat with curry gravy...but with durian, should be nice. Like durian pancakes... Yum!

  33. I only ate roti jala once, not too interested in it!

    Btw, Claire, I'm awating your friend confirmation in Facebook!

  34. wah...first time i see ppl eat roti jala with durian and santan leh...normally with curry sauce...this is so sinful leh

  35. Wah.... santan, durian and sugar - triple bad stuff! ;)

  36. Jor...santan with durian...first time see such a combination with roti jala..hahahhaha

  37. hi claire. have not written on nurses uniform yet as i don't have details. the last i heard from you was you were submitting my blog to the advertiser for approval. thanks a bunch!! :-D

  38. pete: yeah..she pengsan in my blog..

    stp: yes..like kaya.. hmmm... sedap!

    cindy: sudah confirm! thanks!

    via: now u r talking.. hahaa..

    adrine: please dont remind me.. haiz... :)

    ling: my office mates all eat like that one esp when durian season...

    shireen: ok thanks.. i will submit again..i let u know..

  39. hahaha....you are so funny. It does indeed look and sound good especially since we all know you love durian.

    By the way, ever tried the durian swissroll from Ipoh?

  40. ann: yes..the JJ in kampar road, right??

  41. Nvr knew roti jala can go with durian paste. I like roti jala n I love durian, so I think I'd love the combo too. ;)


Thank you, readers!

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