Monday, October 11, 2010

Fisher of Men

As I was browsing through my pendrive for these snapshots I have taken in Kuala Sepetang, they reminded me of some Bible verses in the gospel chapters, Matthew,Mark, Luke and John, Jesus said to some of His disciples who were fishermen... "Come and be fishers of men... "

These are some photos of fishermen.... fish catchers... their job is to bring in fishes, all types and I wonder how they know where to catch the different types of fish... how they sort them out in the ocean... and when they bring back the fishes, they were already been sorted out accordingly....

the fisher boats

all coming back in the evening...

waiting by the jetty ...

so..what did they bring back to shore..

i saw big fishes....

these look like sting rays...

waiting to be pulled by ...

waiting to be pulled up...
and to be sold to the middlemen
and from there to the fishmongers...


  1. Next time when you go to Kuala Sepetang for seafood, please inform me so that I can join you. Hahaha... You seem to know every corner of Sepetang...

  2. Makes me really wonder how fresh our fish really are....hmmm.....eek, now I feel like eating fish!

  3. Very interesting... I have never really thought about how many different kids of fish there are.

  4. Wow..the sting rays look really big hoh! :p

  5. has been ages since I been there ...Should make another trip there for makan and photography session .....:)

  6. has been ages since I been there ...Should make another trip there for makan and photography session .....:)

  7. When you see how hard they have to work...and the risks they have to take, they deserve a lot more...but more often than not, the middlemen are the ones who will take advantage of them on one hand...and on the other, fleece the customers/buyers.

  8. mingna: hey, that is a good idea.. ipoh bloggers going there for a makan trip.. yes!

    mamapumpkin: yes, i love fish compared to chicken and meat.. :)

    togetherwesave: hahaa. sure a lot more we didnt see yet!

    tekkaus: but sold in the market are always small ones.. :(

    daddy: yes, u should.. lots to photograph esp u all..

    stp: sigh.. what to do... unless u go there and buy from them personally..

  9. HI Claire, Great pictures of the hard-working fishermen... We enjoy going to the beach in May --and we eat fresh seafood when we are there. We enjoy watching the fishermen bring the fresh seafood to the docks.... LOTS of hard work for them --but we enjoy their catch.

  10. Clair: Neat capture of the fishermen and a their catch, nicely done.

  11. Ya,i totally agree with Arthur there, when i watched the Dealiest Catch over Discovery Channel last night, man i tell you,it is damn dangerous lol, so the fisherman should be paid more, less to the middle man and less to the fish monger for without the fisherman..mmmmmmmm.

    by the way you are right, let us responde to that call, be the fisherman of man

  12. Betsy: yes, we should be thankful to these hardworking fishermen who brought us fresh seafood...

    tom: thanks! that is indeed a compliment!

    Eugene: yeah, we pay so much higher bec of the middlemen.. but if there are no middlemen, how would the fishermen sell.. they should charge lower..

  13. Fishermen,fishermen....reminded me of the "The Old Man and The Sea" by Ernest Hemingway - one of my favourite story book of yesteryear!

  14. Nice photos of fishermen doing their work. This blogpost reminds me not take them for granted for the fish we eat on the dinner table.

  15. ipohgal, last time when i was young, teachers used to call us to draw fishermen by the sea..that time i didnt know how to imagine.. :)

    mery: yeah..fresh!

    alice: in a way, yeah..only difference, we r paying more..

  16. Hmmm very nice fresh fishes available there, nice photography, really liked those pictures...

  17. Love this scene...very rare to have a chance to see it.

  18. It is often very interesting to see how this people catch fish. It is an art, that they have expertize. I also love to see different fishes that are caught in the net.

  19. carol: thanks!

    mnhl: yeah, me too..

    vernon: yeah, i wonder too.. how they know where to catch whats type of fish..

  20. nice village..i hvn't been there before.

  21. wenn, one day we go.. hahaha..


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