Monday, December 6, 2010

My Limited Edition

Look....who's cooking???

no prize for guessing correctly.. hahaha..

M sons are home and they requested for home cooked food, their demands are very simple...
no complicated dishes for they know their mum knows only a few dishes...
such as these...

eggs with big onions...

minced meat with potatoes...

ladies fingers (ocra)

simple dishes for simple folks such as us.. hahaha...

picture for display only...
well, to start off, cook simple,right?
I have to admit that my selection is limited...
This is a good reason to mix with more food bloggers....


  1. memang clever! LOL! looks not bad at all!

  2. Homecooked food is always the best! :)

  3. Simple dishes..yet delicious and healthy food.
    I juz cooked stir fried lady finger tonite,but I buang all the seeds la.

  4. Simple dishes..yet delicious and healthy food.
    I juz cooked stir fried lady finger tonite,but I buang all the seeds la.

  5. least "can see people" one. Mine kenot see people one leh

  6. carol: simple ma.. hahah...

    inspired mum: no doubt about that..

    mery: why buang seeds? indigestion?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Very 'kong fu' style, i often cook the first and second dishes at home. I like to add tomatoes into my 'hor lan shee' dish.

  9. kathy: mine can keen only my own kids..hahahhaa...

    mingna: yes, i forgot about that la.. with tomatoes, much nicer..and more big onions too...

  10. hahaha, really quite simple dishes woh.. but i think it's the taste and the heartfelt warmth that counts right?? :)

  11. ok long as your kids love the dishes! At least, not so much ajinomoto..haha

  12. the pic for display is enuf to make me drool.. i wonder wat pic for eating will make me! got or not? pic for eating? :P

  13. simple but healthy..hey, you know restaurants also cook these kind of dishes...just rename the 1)rings in golden treasure 2) braised meat with potatoes in superior sauce 3) little jades on a plate...put them on nice plates and come slashing us with the prices.

  14. ling: eat while warm is nice..

    sk: yeah very simple one, i tell u...

    chris: no aji one.. maybe oyster sauce got a bit la..

    merryn: u can do better, im sure.. hahaha..

    lena: wah.. u really know how to make them sound so superior.. hahaha..

  15. Simple yet delicious! Are you sure that you can't cook more complicated dishes? Seen you cooking more than these simple dishes.

  16. very hoi mia, your daughter cook for you!

    I hope one day my daughter cook for me too. :P

  17. I am not much for the real fancy food that has designs on the plate and you only get a bit, some of it I can't even tell what it is!! Big bowls of simple food for me! That minced meat and potatoes looks SO good! Can you give me the recipe? I make something similar that is called mince, basically a ground beef and onion mixture in broth and you put it over mashed potatoes.

  18. Claire... ur cooking almost the same like mine. LOL... I oso 'limited edition'. Bwhahahahaha....

    ps: Feed me makan the potato+minch meat. Will trade it with my Coke chicken/Guinness Chicken. LOLOLOL! Or curry if you wan! LOL!

  19. jessie: limited edition.. hahaha..

    voon: display picture only, i said..

    ginny: sure I will send to u by email..

    cleff: deal!!! see when is the next opportunity.. hahaha...

  20. Simple dishes but also dishes with love!

  21. I cooked on most of the weekends. I would say, cooking isn't difficult, practise make perfect.

  22. hayley: we mothers are like that, hor...

    sheohyan: never too late to learn, i suppose? :)

  23. Good...good! Good for her to learn... My missus tends to do everything for my daughter - so now she has to learn everything on her own in NZ. Thankfully she has been able to cope quite well...

  24. LOL... you seem to eat outside exotic food often but not when cooking. Your food is still healthy and okay to my liking.

  25. Hi Claire,

    Another very simple yet homely and healthy meal would be to put some vegetables and meat together and boiled them as soup. Alternatively, you can also use herbs to substitute vege.

  26. stp: i am also like your missus.. i tend to do for her more... now it is kind of worrying.. hahaha...

    twilight: not that exotic la.. i eat very simply... :p

    ipohgal: yes, guess this month I got to cook more food at home..

  27. nyummm!!! all my fav... wah daughter cook kah??? (Very BRIGHT future.. ) ^_^

  28. Mom's dishes are always the best! I have to admit that... no need elaborate.. just simple TLC home cooked food.

  29. Очень познавательная сообщение! Админ пишите сообщения в том же духе!!

  30. Home cooked food is good, less oil and salt.

    Your dishes also not overcooked, very presentable.. :)

  31. Claire: I used to have the pants like ur daughter one! So ngam geh?

  32. That's great to see you cooking again. You do cook but very often. The dishes are simple but these are quite healthy.


Thank you, readers!

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