Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ignored And Left To Die?

I watched the mandarin news on TV2 just now, I was kind of "alarmed" when they showed the video clip of the snatch thief that claimed an old lady's life.  What that shocked me more was not the snatch thief (it is happening each day) but the video clip that showed the people who passed by and ignoring the poor old lady who was lying on the road....

OH gosh.. this incident reminded me about the case of a two-year old girl who was ran over by a van and ignored by 18 "passers-by.. do you remember that one?  The video clip was splashed all over the world and China received much critics after that. 

And now this same case happened in my own country... the poor lady was left lying on the road for few minutes and some people could just passed her by like it is another normal day...

OH gosh.....isn't this kind of sad... or "frightening?"  Is the public...or should I say.. are "we" turning to be that "heartless" now?  Just imagine if something like this were to happen us and no one comes to our aid immediately... what would happen?  sigh....


  1. It's is unfortunate but sad to that society has become that, not only in Malaysia but every where.

  2. I remember the 2yo China girl ran over by a few vehicles very vividly, too traumatizing to watch that video!! For that old lady, maybe some people did not want to get themselves into some sort of troubles. There are many cases of good samaritans who went to rescue supposedly 'victims' of accident and were actually baited to be victims themselves.

  3. those things happened in China. pity them.china is a country with the most number of citizen. How could those things happened in that country?

  4. What is becoming of the world we live in? :(

  5. kash: yes, i agree with you.. dont know what is happening to the people now..

    sasha: yeah... sad too..

    shireen: some never even bat an eye.. normally slight accident on the road, the crowd will be there to watch..

  6. kakibola: now it is happening here...

    merryn: definitely not as human as those years when I was younger..

  7. What is wrong with this world? Lots of selfish and insane ppl. No longer a place called "home".

  8. It's sad that this is happening in Malaysia.

  9. I read about that China incident, too. How awful about all those people who did not stop to help that poor woman. What kind of world are we becoming?

  10. City life. I saw a movie in the 60's or 70's...this guy went to the city in the US, so crowded...people walking everywhere...and one dropped dead in the midst but nobody bothered - no one stopped! They just kept walking like nothing had happened. Looks like it's like that here now as well... As they say, modernisation destroys the quality of life.

  11. This is sad but true. Nobody came to my aid when my handbag was snatched even so many people could have just kick the motorbike of the thief and he will fall. Fortunately, I hold on tight to my car door and the strap of my handbag broke, if not, I would have fell.

  12. I guess there are just so many crimes happening lately that people choose to stay out of trouble. Like in this case, the more paranoid people might think that the old lady might not really be in trouble but just faking it to get sympathy or to scam someone ..

  13. it is just so sad. I read about this news in the newspaper.

  14. jessie: sad incident..

    foong: something not so right is happening..

    gigi: kind of sad..

    stp: nothing is shocking anymore in today's society...

    quaypo: it is dangerous to hold on too.. better let go than being dragged..

    mnhl: the tv showed the clip last night..

  15. It's really sad. If anyone that pass by that time give her a hand, she might be safe. Where is our humanity!

  16. yes it is indeed a very sad incident..
    what happen to our society recently, so many crimes and ppl just care about themself...

  17. We're living in a society whr we're afraid to help others. How sad. :(

  18. I am sad as well for this news. Is there a way to change the mindset of these people so they can learn to help and look at their surroundings?

  19. Some time ago, there was a snatch theft in front of my kids kindy. A brave parent, drove his car into the bike to stop him. He did not even think of the damage he was causing to his own car. The biker fell off his bike, he abandoned his bike and ran off. So, all is not lost. We haven't become so devoid of emphathy and humanity, we've just become more paranoid, that is all, I think.

  20. I was saddened by this news too. Hope we developed more of caring to others.


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