Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dundee Nando For Lunch

While we took pictures of Dundee University, we were on Skype at the same time with my brother! See how great technology is these days!  We chatted and at the same time, showed him the place where we were going... really, it was so interesting....it was like we were strolling along together even though we were thousands of miles apart... :)
 From the Dundee University, we strolled along to town... 
More "happening" there...

Cannot see sunny skies in Scotland much...
as long as it does not rain, it is considered fine weather... though to me, it is always freezing cold!
Come, let's go! 
 Walking towards the city centre..

Steeple Church...
It was noon and soon our stomach started to growl
and we went to this outlet... 
Something familiar at least...
I mean the food!
Nando with alcohol served....
Before the food.... 
My SIL still on SKYPE! 
Get the sauces ready first...
By then I was really hungry already!
We ordered one whole chicken with 4 side orders..
Their chicken is less oily compared to ours here...
However, when it comes to seasoning and taste, 
our Malaysian Nando taste much better..
Maybe we have more "AJI" here? :)
As for price, it cost 19 GBP (RM90)
(Very cheap if we don't convert....)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Old Memories In Dundee University, Scotland

Saturday, 4th day in Aberdeen... Aaron has finished his two weeks course in his company and it is time for us to start "touring" other parts of Scotland... we have a week to go round other parts of the cities besides Aberdeen and the first one to start off is Dundee, an hour and half from where we were staying...
I have been to Dundee before but that was almost thirty years ago!  I couldn't remember much of it at all actually... but I guess there is nothing much 
Upon reaching Dundee, the clock tower "greeted" us ...
It was super cold as usual....
Walking along the street, we managed to find what we were looking for... 
Dundee University!
This university holds some sweet memories...  
My brother graduated from this Uni in the 1980s...
Division of Engineering.... 
We took these campus pictures to bring back old memories...
Main entrance...
Chaplaincy Centre...
In front of the administration office...
Coincidentally it was an open day...
Some parents were there with their kids listening to a briefing...
And "someone" is still undecided.... hmmmm....

Things to do in Playa de las Americas

If you like your beach holidays lively, drenched in sunshine and full of character, the coastal resort of Playa de las Americas in south Tenerife will no doubt be right up your street

Just like the resort itself, attractions in Playa de las Americas are usually big, bold and buzzing. Thanks to its location on the breezy south coast, the resort is well geared up for watersports, and you'll find plenty of opportunities for surfing, jet-skiing, windsurfing and the like. Schools like K-16 Surf provide lessons for all abilities as well as equipment hire, or for something a bit more leisurely, you can join a boat trip. There are all sorts of boat excursions, from low-key glass bottom boat tours and dolphin or whale-watching trips, to ferries that take you to the neighbouring islands. And for those who aren't here for the sightseeing, you'll find plenty of booze cruises from Playa de las Americas too - the perfect warm-up for the resort's legendary nightlife.

For something a little more laid-back, Tenerife is home to plenty of golf courses - particularly around the attractive area of Golf del Sur, a short distance from Playa de las Americas. And if you've got the kids in tow, it's well worth spending the day at nearby Siam Park. It's a vast water park and the biggest in Europe, so as you can imagine it's pretty well equipped, and the kids will easily be kept entertained from dawn until dusk. If bathing is your thing, Playa de las Americas is home to a number of beaches, one of which is a glorious stretch of glittering gold with sand that was shipped in from the Sahara!

There are stacks of things to do in and around Playa de las Americas, as well as the rest of the island and further afield. As a holiday destination, the Canary Islands are extremely versatile and packed with a wide variety of things to see and do. Whether you're heading to Tenerife, Costa Teguise in Lanzarote, or if you're looking for tips on visiting Jandia in Fuerteventura, you'll find a growing library of information at Tenerife.com, and plenty of great deals on Canary Island travel too.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Evening In Aberdeen Esplanade

Aaron came to Mary's house to fetch me back to the hotel... it was almost evening when we got ready for our dinner.  But before we had our dinner, Aaron took us to the Esplanade, one and only one in Aberdeen, something like a theme park where they have restaurants and some shopping malls...
AA on wheels... (manual)
 Freezing cold... I can tell you...
I was all "wrapped up" like "bah chang" .. hahahaa...
It was even colder to walk along the beach...
I wonder how he can "withstand" the cold..
but then of course, he is so much younger.. :)
 Along the wharf...
Walk faster...!!
 We didn't walk down to the beach...
Too cold...
Quickly put up my signature sign before my fingers get frozen....
Wishing my hairy member is here too...
One for the album before we left for our buffet dinner
at Jimmy C. Restaurant...
I didn't take any pictures of the food...
Only thing I can say is that...
My cooking is definitely better, anytime!
Believe it or Not..

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Top Five Things to Remember to Prevent a Ruined Wedding

Maureen Parnell, (How to Have a Wonderful Wedding) says there is only one hard-and-fast rule about your wedding:

Your wedding is YOUR wedding!
As you plan for your Big Day, of course you will consider the feelings and concerns for family and friends, but what you want and how you feel is the priority, because it's all about you. Here are some tips to help you plan and create a memorable wedding day.

1. Create a Wedding Notebook
Most wedding couples keep a sectioned notebook with a master list and then, a breakdown of to-do tasks. Here's your list for Section 1:

  • Set the date
  • Determine the place and time
  • Contact friends and relatives who have to travel to discuss the date. Don't set a date without making sure Grandma in Scranton will be able to attend!
  • Designate roles and contact those friends and family to see if they accept and are available for the day.
  • Arrange the honeymoon and set aside your travel necessities (tickets, passports, etc.) for easy retrieval after the wedding.
  • Let your mothers decide what they will wear.
  • Wedding Registry should include stores available in most cities.
2. Wedding Planner
This person doesn't have to be a professional. One of your friends may be an organizational go-to and will undertake the time-consuming tasks, like information-gathering. He/she can then offer you options (decorating, cakes, menus, etc.). It's truly important you have a wedding planner -- even if it's you.

3. Money Talks
With a wedding, money also walks . . . quickly, away from your pocketbook. Plan a budget and be ruthless about sticking to it. For every expense you can see, there will be another one you can't see. Surprise! The musicians charged overtime! Surprise! That add-on you thought was free had a fee. Plan every expense for "worst-case scenario," so that you have enough padding for the surprises. I've never known anyone who broke even or had money left over after a wedding, but why don't you be the first?

Don't make assumptions. Aunt Grace may have given your brothers, sisters and cousins $200 each wedding, but don't plan she will do the same for you. Circumstances change, situations change, and Aunt Grace now may have less disposable income than before. Never assume your parents will take on the traditional expenses, even if you are having a "traditional" wedding. If no one has offered to pay for your honeymoon, do it yourself. If the bride's mom does not offer to buy the wedding gown, you're on your own.

3. Stationery
Order your wedding stationery, invitations, place cards, and personalized table gifts well in advance. This commits you to your date, time and place.

4. Guest List Angst
This can get tricky, so involve your parents, ensuring they understand you have the final say. Extended/divorced families may have baggage, so where to put someone's ex and the reception seating could be a virtual mine field. Do your best to let every relative and friend know that you value their presence, put the fighters in separate corners and hope for the best.

wedding ring

My Bonding Time With Mary

On the second morning in Aberdeen, Mary came to fetch me again from the hotel and this time, she took me back to her house. The day before I told her that I was quite exhausted and need time to recover from my "jet lag"....lol... Mary was so understanding, she told me that she has prepared something special for me... something "chinese-sey!"  Oooohhh... I really couldn't resist that!  LOL

I am a bad traveler... I miss chinese food all time time... or should I say Asian food?  I yearn for all sorts.. anything Malaysian, I am IN! 

Back to my Friday activity, the first thing we stepped into the house, Mary made me a Big Nice Healthy Drink... well, if you Know Mary, she is really into Good Healthy Food meals and drinks, just look into her blog and you will understand what I mean... What most of us don't know is that Mary is a very Fast Worker!  Gosh.. you should see her cook!  I thought I am fast... but she is Super Fast!  LOL...

Mary and her guitar...
we had a good time crooning and worshiping...
soon it was time for our lunch...
she made a big bowl of Buckwheat noodles with
chicken soup cooked with white wine!
Ain't I HAPPY!!
What more could I ask for!! 
Thank you Mary for knowing my Heart's desire!  LOL...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Different kinds of espresso all over the world

As you can see, I am quite the world traveler! I have been all over the world, and one of my favorite things to do, is to drink coffee and espresso, wherever I can. I am amazed at the many varieties that I have found. There’s nothing better than exploring the world, bright-eyed and alert, so a nice little “pick-me-up” shot of espresso, does no harm!

Cuba: also known as “café cubano” is a prominent cultural and social activity in Cuba, Miami, Palm Beach and even the Keys. This is a special kind that is made by adding demerara sugar tothe container, where the espresso will drip. Apparently, this kind is compared to Vietnamese regular coffee. Because of this special sugar, it results in a creamy, light brown paste. Generally, café cubano is much sweeter than most espresso.
America: As we all know, the United States of America is the worlds mecca of cultures. One thing I have noticed during travels, is the large amounts of different kinds of espresso based drinks. We all know and love Starbucks around the world, but the USA has modernized some of the coolest drinks. Such as, adding fancy chocolates including white, milk, and dark chocolates, but also adding caramel, hazelnut syrups to each cup. Another thing I thought was pretty awesome while visiting a friend in the states, was her homeespresso maker. This product came in many different flavors, even from different little cups from Columbia, India, and Brazil. This machine was the real American experience!
Paris: The city of Paris in France had some of the best espresso I’ve ever had. One of the cool things about this, was learning the differentwords and language of the beautiful French. I got to speak with a silly French accent, but really learn the coffee based culture of the city. I also thought that it was so cute when I was asked for sugar, I got two little cubes on my dish. Most of the time, I assume they add some sweetener, but this was pure, real sugar cubes. One of the dreamiest espresso’s I’ve ever had!
Italy: Last, but certainly not least… the real thing. The truest art form of the Italians, their espresso, the ones that started it all- the cultural phenomenon that spread across the world and launched an $80 billion dollar industry. I had ordered the natural “press” espresso. Which means the coffee extract was pressed out of their machines. I can honestly say, it’s so authentic and true to the Italian roots.
Of course, I’ve had espresso in many different countries- I just thought these were the best. I recommend tasting the cultures of the world, whether it be coffee, the food, or the adult beverages to get the proper experience while you travel.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Tasted Glenfiddich

After our breakfast in Dobbies, Mary proceeded with her "expert" driving, going through the countryside narrow roads to our destination Glenifidirk. Along the way, we were exposed to the beautiful and serenity of the green pastures filled with chubby sheeps, hairy cows and horses...

love watching the cute and chubby sheeps....
reaching Glenfiddich where whisky is made...
then we joined the "Free Tour" briefing on how whisky is made..
Glenfiddich means ‘Valley of the Deer'
The Making Of Whisky took around half hour...
Very interesting and educational, esp for whisky lovers!  
and then we were led to a nice resting area
where we can have a taste on the finest whisky in the whole world...
We were given 3 types of whisky to drink...
12 years, 15 years and 18 years of whisky..

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...