Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy Independence Day, Malaysians!

Hari Merdeka is on a Saturday again!  No difference to me cos it is a weekend holiday as usual... So what are you going to do today?  It is Independence day.. Are we really independant or still dependant?  Hahaha....

I celebrated my Merdeka last night .... Went to Tesco without any intention of "buying" anything but the moment I went to the TV section, my pocket was lighter by RM700 or should I say RM 699 to be exact?   :)

Yes, I bought a LED LG TV for only that price cos the Happy Hour sales was on during that time!  Normal price 1099.. Then 869 promotion sales then 699 Merdeka sales! Hahaha.. I wonder today how much but then I was told that mine was the last one.... Checked... No defects... (Hopefully)

So this is how I celebrated my Eve of Independence Day, making myself happy by spending and having a nice TV in my hall...finally.... Hahhaaha....

Friday, August 30, 2013

It Is Otak-Otak!

A few of you have guessed correctly.... The name of this dish is called....

When the dish was served, I was taken aback... I expected the otak-otak to be wrapped up .. instead it came out on a big plate just like the above .... Well, the taste is somewhat different... it was not as juicy, I preferred it to be wrapped up as it is supposed to be....

Okay... as for the correct answers... They are from...... SK, Merryn, YKristen, Wenn, Angeline and Mun!   Six of you got the answer correct... and since there is only one prize, I have to make a "draw" again... 

And the number that comes out is...............

No. 3.. No.3... That means ykristen is the One who will receive a small token!!

(ykristen, please contact me if you read this! )

Lastly and not least, Thank You All for your comments and joining in the Fun!  More will be coming...  and coming...  :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Name The Dish - Assam House, Greentown, Ipoh

Assam House in Greentown Business Centre... Yes, we went there during the festive season. While all the other shops were either full or crowded, we were so glad when we saw a few empty tables in this restaurant... It has been a few years since I last ate in this shop and I couldn't remember much about the food taste...

There were seven of us and these were what we ordered...
Buttered squids....
Claypot Eggplant
Assam Fish Slices....
 The taste ... hmmmm... goes well with rice...
Steamed 3 types of eggs...
Century eggs, Salted Eggs and the normal type of eggs.. hahahaa....
OK... the question of this post....
What dish is this, can you all guess?  :)
One dish was missing on this table...
The greens... I forgot to take a picture of that...
Another Yummy Meal taken ....
But I was not happy with the price though...
It came to RM160... and I feel it was overpriced..
Perhaps it was due to the festive weekend....

Just for fun again...
Hope you can guess the dish above...
I will choose one among all the correct answers...  :)

Lose 1 Size in 60 Minutes

Remember my previous post where I talk about Liposonix® as an alternative treatment to lose those stubborn inches on those...ahem...problematic areas on our bodies? 
Well, knowing that I could never really tone and sculpt my body the natural way, I thought researching more about this option will do me no harm, after all, it's not the procedures actually makes you go under the knife. So, how does Liposonix® actually works? I'm curious. Aren't you? 
Well, read on.
First, the treatment head of the Liposonix® system is placed on the targeted area. Eg: Tummy, buttock, flabby arms, etc. And then high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy focuses on the targeted fat and destroys the fat cells under the layers of the skin.
Now, one would mistake this procedure as being destructive to the body and dangerous, but a continuous lesion is created on the targeted fat and no harm is done to the skin layers. The fat tissues then will be removed through the body’s natural healing and elimination process.
Liposonix® is unlike other fat reduction procedures because there is no need for multiple treatments to see results. On average, a single hour-long treatment results in a waistline reduction of 1 inch (2.5 cm) – about one dress or pant size. Yes, you're reading that right. With Liposonix®, you practically will be able to lose a size within 60 minutes!
Liposonix® is safe, non-surgical and non-invasive. It also creates results via natural healing and elimination process. So for those who commented on my post earlier saying that it's invasive and whatnot, let me assure you that while Liposonix® is a cosmetic procedure, it is not invasive in any ways.
The final effect may vary with each patient. However, results are typically seen in 8 to 12 weeks (which is the time needed for the body to naturally process the treated fat.)
So, ladies and gentlemen, if your diet and gym routine fails to give you the figure that you want, perhaps you can consider Liposonix® as an alternative size reduction treatment.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tong Sui Kai (Dessert Street) In Ipoh Town

Recently I discovered these food in Dessert Street (Tong Sui Kai) while "burning coconut" with my sons.  It was around 10.30pm in the night after dropping my girl back at her uni... there was still a big crowd because of the long festive weekend.. nevertheless, we still managed to have a good "feast" here...

For those of you who wants to visit Ipoh for food glorious food, then you MUST include this place in your itinerary.... :)

Some of the food we ordered...
This laksa might not look attractive but it is really up to my taste...
I drank to the very last drop!  :)
Some fish balls varieties as "accompaniment".... 
Crispy fried Wan Ton dumplings.... 
AAhhhh.. this is Special Chee Cheong Fun
Sold by an elderly man in a mobile vehicle just opposite the stalls...
You can only "packet" his Chee Cheong Fun...
He serves big mushrooms, wolfberries and chicken...
As for drinks, I ordered Red Bean... 
Bubur Cha Cha
And not to be missed is the Fruits Desserts...
Most of the ice stalls sell this variety and the presentation is very much better than this...
The above food are only a small section in Tong Sui Kai..
I am yearning for a bowl of laksa now.. LOL... 
 So... how about you?
Will you try all of the above?

The Difference Between A HMO And A PPO

When considering health coverage plans for a Medicare supplement, the options may include those known as HMO plans and those known as PPO plans. Both coverage options can provide the same levels of coverage for doctor's visits, hospitalization, prescription drugs and more. The primary difference between an HMO and a PPO is the role of the doctor you see for your basic care. With a PPO, you may see a doctor for physicals and general health care, but with an HMO, this doctor may be your primary care physician, who also provides referrals to specialists. But an HMO may be the more affordable choice in some cases.

What is an HMO?
HMO stands for Health Maintenance Organization. If you choose an HMO for your Medicare supplement, you may choose a primary care physician or one may be selected for you. The primary care physician, any specialists you see and any facilities where you receive care will be part of the HMO network of approved providers. This primary care physician may be the physician you see for basic care, but their role with an HMO is to help you choose specialists within the HMO network and provide referrals to same. For women, you may be able to select a gynecologist as your primary care physician, but if your plan does not allow for this, gynecological care may require the same process as for other specialists. If you want to see a provider outside the network, you may be required to pay some or all of the fees the provider charges.

What is a PPO?
PPO stands for Preferred Provider Organization. You do not need a primary care physician if you choose a PPO Medicare supplement. In essence, you self-refer with a PPO, choosing your own specialists within the network.  Out of pocket costs may be higher with some PPO plans, including co-payments, premiums or lower coverage for out of network providers. Some PPO plans include a deductible. If you don't mind paying a little more, and the network includes specialists you would like to see without need for referrals, a PPO Medicare supplement might be for you.

Which one should I choose?
Both types of plans include provider networks, and charge more for seeing providers outside the network. When considering coverage plans for a Medicare supplement, look at the provider network listing, and make sure that it includes the doctors and hospitals that you'd like to see or continue seeing. Consider your ability to follow up with the process for referrals, and ask about that process when considering an HMO. Mistakes with the referral process can cause you to miss appointments or be charged for care that is normally covered. If you are considering a PPO, ask about premiums, deductibles, and other coverage costs. And as you manage your own visits to specialists with a PPO, if you need to see several specialists, it's important to keep your own records for remembering which providers you need to see. A PPO can provide greater freedom, but at a slightly greater cost. With both types of plans, the insurer and specific plan can vary in terms of what they will cover and to what extent they will cover it. Review the information you receive about benefits, and ask questions before making your decision. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Small Party With Lemang And Rendang

Forget about dieting... it is really no Fun!  LOL...

We are still in a festive mood... Hari Raya Food Galore is still looming around... Where there is fun, there is food... or should I say, where there is food, there is fun... whatever! hahahaa...  Yesterday we had a yummy breakfast in the office... one of my colleagues organized a small Raya gathering. Many of us didn't know about it until the food arrived around 10am.. only a small group of us were around, many were still on festive leave, I suppose. :)
 There were three sticks in the pantry...
and I was told that one stick cost RM8...
Ooopss...four Lemang Sticks not three..
(glutinous rice in bamboo sticks)
He is in charge of "splitting" and opening the ceremony of the Lemang....
Our Festive Food...
Mee Rebus (mixed noodles) as well...
Rendang Ayam (chicken curry) and desserts...

The Food...The FoooooD!
Guess this will last us through end of the day!
Sure there will be lots of leftovers... Need to "taupau" back home...
I did not eat a lot...
I normally will end up ZZZzzzzzz if I do...
Eat moderately and I won't have to worry about dieting!

Liposonix: Alternative Treatment to Lose an Inch

To say that I'm growing sideways with a few inches extra is an understatement. But that can't be helped, I guess, with all the eating binge that I've been doing lately. 
My recent pic...feeling as if I have some extras around my waist after my recent 6 meal a day course. LOL! If I were to...ahem...remain looking as young and as fit as my daughter's elder sister, I really got to do something about it. I've been maintaining my routine walks in the park, but looking at the progress, I don't think that it's nearly enough. My 'extras' around the waist did not seems to shed so easily with the walks. Changing my lifestyle will probably be the best... you know, diet and all, but then again, you know me, dieting is out of question, what more go to the gym to tone up my body!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Guess-away Answer Goes To...

Three of you answered correctly.... The dish that we ordered Big Portion was Ju Hu Char!  Yea, it was our favourite dish and we wanted to eat to our satisfaction... Lol.... Many of you guessed the crispy fried squid, not too bad but a normal portion will do for that dish... :)

The correct answers belonged to Angeline, Irene and Huai Bin... Congratulations to the three of you and if you had looked closely, I had given a tip in my post.  I snapped two pictures of the Ju Hu Char and elaborated a bit. :) 
This is a MUST dish in Bee Gaik restaurant!

Since there is only one prize, I made a 1,2,3 paper lots...hahaha...and the number that came up is 2... and that is Irene!

Thank you to you all for coming by to comment... From now on, I will post up my Guessaway posts! Kind of fun though...the only thing is I got to go to the post office more often! Hahaha...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Guess The Bigger Portion In Bee Gaik

Bee Gaik is one of our favourite dining place, I like the food portions there, they don't come out in "gigantic" portions unless we request for it.   The other day when we went for dinner, we ordered these few dishes and we requested a BIG portion of one certain dish which we all love....

Guess which dish that we ordered for Big instead of normal...
Is it Kerabu Mango?
Claypot chicken?
Joo Hu Char.... a famous Hokkien dish or is it Cantonese?
(Shredded sengkuang wrappd with lettuce leaves)
I think it is a Hokkien dish since the name is in Hokkien...
I heard that the sengkuang taste better when cut by knife instead of shred...
Why is it so?  Any explanation?
And lastly, we ordered Crispy Fried Squids...
My kids enjoyed this Peranakan restaurant  very much...

So can you guess which dish we requested for Bigger Portion?
A small token will be given away for the correct answer
which will be picked by tomorrow night... :)

*Another Just For Fun Guess-away *

Worship Enablers

My next music practice will be on the 31st August, I am looking forward to "fellowship" and singing with my church mates again next Saturday.  I hope there will be a full band for next week's practice and it would be much better if it includes hohner marine band as well.  My church is still in need of worship enablers, something like back-up singers to join in for the Saturday and Sunday service. But above it all, the main purpose of coming before God is our heart... our heart of worship... It will not serve any purpose if our hearts are not focused.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Simply The Best As In Tina Turner

A round up of the Teambuilding course. This is one course I enjoyed myself tremendously compared to the other courses I went before. Something not too dangerous and adventurous and no "studying", I am all IN! LOL... I have been to courses that lasted through the night till 11pm, sitting at the same place and listening to the lecturer talking in monotones and myself "drifting" out of dreamland on and off... That is called boredom. But the previous week in Kampar, it was a memorable course....
In the morning, when the moon is at its set...
Can even see the mist looming before the mountains...
Morning Stretching exercises...
arrrghhh... I couldn't do this.... 
At the field... another project....
I nearly got "sunburnt" but I didn't mind at all...
Another project..."F1"
End of program ....
And our group got 5th out of 5 groups... hahahahaa....
Nevertheless we remained Cheerful and Strong... 

New Places For Good Food

Now that my kids are grown up, I do not cook much anymore in the house.  Most of the time when they come home, we will go for "outside" food.  Outside food means eating in restaurants, coffeeshops, food courts or even road sidewalks.  Even when my kids are not around, I also prefer to buy pre-cook food rather than making a meal for myself.  Everything is so convenient nowadays and it is cheaper to get food rather than to go through the hassle of going to the grocery to buy and to cook.  The thought of washing up after preparing a meal is not very "attractive" for me.  LOL...

When it comes to eating in dining restaurants, I am also very particular about the food.  My taste varies, sometimes I prefer to take Asian meals and other times, I would like to have some salad and sandwiches.  It also depends on the types of chefs in dining places.  When I hear or read a good review about a certain eatery, I will find the first opportunity to go and try out the food.  If the food suits my taste, then the next trip I go, it will be together with my kids!  That is why some of my friends have nicknamed me "Food Taster!"  I guess I am one of them who loves exploring out new places for Good Food!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Answer

A short post tonight....The answer to yesterday's post is Buttered Crispy Fried Fish...  and a few of you got it correct....

First is Ginny, Mun, Irene Tan, Wenn and Mary Moh... so my small token will go to Ginny as the first person who got it correct...

Yes, my girl likes this dish a lot and she always order it whenever we go... 

My mom is hospitalized again, her healing on her toe is not so good, the doc wanted to monitor her in hospital, to give her the antibiotics through injection instead of tablets.  One thing with my mom, she is very obedient.... she willingly goes without any grumbling or complaints....thanks to my sister, she is also willing to accompany my mom....  My prayers will be with them too....

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Make A Guess - Weng Kee Restaurant, Ipoh

When my kids were back, we took our most of our meals outside instead of cooking in the house. My mom was hospitalized then and I was very busy going in and out of the hospital...I didn't even have time to do blogging and my blog was stopped "temporarily" then.  Now things are more or less back to normal routine, my mom still needs to go "cleansing" of the wound every day.   Ok, that is another story....

Back to my food posts, this meal was taken in Weng Kee in Ipoh Garden South.  I do not really fancy this place because I feel that the food here are a bit too pricey, but my girl loves their signature dish and requested to go there specially for that....
Let's have fun here....
Guess the special dish my girl loves....
Is it this one?  Green and young tapioca leaves.....
Kapitan chicken.... ?
Is it Steamed Yam with dried prawns?
and....lastly and not least, is it Buttered Crispy Fried Fish?
We were served Egg Custard  when we finished our meal..
RM2.80 each... pretty reasonable...

For this meal plus desserts above, it cost around RM100
I feel it is a bit too pricey, right?
Okay, never mind the price...

So .. which is Her Favourite dish?
One small gift for the first correct answer within 24 hours!
*Just for the fun of it*

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My "Gorgeous" iPad Cover

I have an iPad now, my girl "passed" it to me a couple of months ago. Ever since then, I cannot leave home without it, take it along with me to the office, to outstation, to overseas.... yes, it traveled alongside with me... LOL.. My "sickly" laptop is now resting in my room and used only when necessary....

So now... iPad is my "companion" and I must take good care of it, right?  First thing, I must "dress" her up nicely.... and thanks to, I received a sexy, red leather iPad cover a few days ago...
A package all the way from US....
 I will call her "Red Babe"
Red looks feminine... 
Guess my boys will not want to carry my iPad for me.. LOL...
Dada..... My New IPad Cover!
 I love the texture of this cover... soft and so "leathery"
My colleague mentioned that it was "Classy looking!"
Look at the left hand side... 
There are "pockets" for me to put my "stuff"....

And it stands "solidly" with a beautiful flap at the back....
Well, what do you think?  
Would you like to get one Red Babe like mine?  
Oh, actually.... there is a wide range of colors to choose from...
In fact I was contemplating whether to get a pin or a blue...
But I ended up getting a Red instead! 
So how about you?
Would you like to dress up your "companion?"  :)
Let me know and I will tell you what to do.  :)

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...