Wednesday, October 2, 2013

MSF Special Night

Last evening I attended a MSF dinner in my church. It was an annual affairand this year we had 21 tables fully booked.  Each table accommodates 10 and each of us only paid a small sum of RM25 for a 8 course dinner!  Isn't that super cheap?  Maybe it is the same caterer each year and being loyal, they charged the minimum for us, the senior people...

Yes, I am officially a Member in the Methodist Senior Group now.. No turning back.. time does not reverse... LOL.... and I think... yes, I think... I am one of the youngest one in the Big Family of MSG.. so I really don't mind joining in.. LOL...

My sister and I were "given" a task to do... just scroll on....
I reached there around 6.45pm... 
Testing...testing and to go for a trial "run" through... 
MY heart was "thumping fast" even before it began....
There were 5 songs altogether... 
and I need to focus..... focus on my chords....
Soon the guests have arrived.... 
It was almost 7.30pm.. going to start soon!
I quickly went to the Restroom....
To talk to My Father....
"Father Lord, please still my heart from my own anxiety...
The songs we sing... they are Only For You.... "
Yes, my sister and I were given the privilege to lead in the opening...
And we started with 2 fast songs....
I Actually had a good time.. 
I don't know about others... but I did enjoy the worship..
Thank God for answering my prayer... 
At least  my fingers were not "knotted" together...  LOL...
Then the feast began .....
A Lovely Loving Couple...
Even their attire match each other!!
We were also entertained with a nice sweet voice...
we have our own "Kenny G" crooning beautiful songs...
Dancing Queen, Eternal Flame and Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow!
And lastly and not least, a picture with my Cell Leader...
It is indeed a memorable occasion...
Thank God for His Goodness once again!!


  1. before i scrolled down i was guessing that "task" you were given.. i guessed must be singing karaoke!! half correct half wrong lah, you were asked to sing, not karaoke but you play guitar!! that's even more awesome woh!! thumbs up, very "yeng"!!!

  2. SK: Only those attend will know I am yeng or not... what you dont hear, you wont know.. hahaha...

  3. wow.. not bad. I'm still thinking whether to join my church worship ministry cos there are too many ushers.

  4. You look so steady & stylo with the guitar. I like praise & worship songs but I haven't join in any cell group yet. Look so enjoyable.

  5. chris: you should be a liturgist.. :)

    irene: yes, I did enjoy the worship yesterday! .. but i m not stylo.. hahaa...

  6. Good that you know how to play the guitar and sing at the same time. What are you holding in your hands? Not food I hope.

  7. Wahhhhh!!!! Your life so happening, glad you're having a great time. Children not home now, must keep yourself occupied...enjoy yourself!

  8. Claire, you play the guitar, too? You are very talented, I sure wish I could hear you!!! I am the youngest in our senior group, too!

  9. mun: Yes, I love to worship.. food? what type of food? :)

    stp: yes, to avoid depression.. :)

    ginny: great to hear that! :)

  10. sharon, er.. many years back.. :) more than 10...

  11. wah, you are so awesome! and I also saw someone familiar with the saxophone! Must be very entertaining! Are you holding some chocolates or sweets?

  12. wenn: yes, your friend!! hahaha... your answer is very near... !

  13. Another awesome night, Claire. I think soon, will see you in some singing contest..

  14. The dinner was very cheap per head but why no photos?? Maybe you had fried beehoon, fried noodles and fried koay teow!!! LOL

  15. TM: fried chicken, crabs, steamed fish.. abalones! hahaha..

  16. Great fun with your guitar and oh you have a sax maniac with his saxophone

  17. kathy: got record.. :)

    bananaz: Great fun worshiping!


Thank you, readers!

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