Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Second Day In Victoria Market, Melbourne

Day 2 - Another free and easy on our own...

We woke up late to replenish back the sleep we have lost on the first day and it was almost noon when we left for Victoria Market, just two traffic lights away from our apartment.
Walking along the pavement toward Victoria Market...
At the junction while waiting for the traffic light... 
It was quite hot during the day... by now, our skins are almost tan!
We were so happy when we realized that this was so near to our apartment...
Just like a five minutes walk away...
At the entrance.... 
I definitely wouldn't want to sit outside under this hot weather for a cup of tea... LOL...
Inside the market... Dry section...
Food bloggers will definitely love this place!  
Kangaroo meat was displayed... horse meat?   (just kidding!)
Neatly cut ... lots of choices...
marinated and non-marinated as well...
Giant cheddar cheese...
Giant sausages too!!
Food bloggers, giant butter fro your cakes!
I was holding a hot meat pie... only $2 and such a Big piece too!
At the fruit stalls...
American doughnuts... best in town so one local told my son.... 
Time to do some shopping...
My son must be busy taking pictures.... at all corners...
These are just a few he has taken... 
At another section of the market... 
Souvenirs section... 
Talking about souvenirs, we really feel "heartbreak".... 
We learn a lesson... must walk around first before buying...
Stall after stall gives different prices... 
We got some stuff so much more expensive than they really are... 
More than double... 
Ok, better not think about it... hahahaaa...


  1. A MUST VISIT! I love their markets, so very interesting....but then again, when they come here, they love our Sibu market too, they think it is interesting as well.

    1. Yeah..tomorrow we go visiting the night market... !

    2. After Melbourne trip, Sibu? Our famous Food Mayor of SIbu will be at the airport welcoming you... hahaha....

  2. They know you are tourists,so sharpen their knives and slash. Wow, the sausages so huge. Look at it also scare.

    1. Look also dont know how to buy, right? hahaha...

  3. i love going to the local markets when i travel, this is the place where you can feel the culture and tradition of the people.. and i am impressed by that huge cheese leh!! i love cheese and those sausages, i think i will stay there a while to admire them, haha~~ :D

    1. SK, then you will be a happy man when you visit this place.. really a food galore here...

  4. Yah, when by myself, I always take such a long time to buy souvenirs, because I can't decide what to buy, I need to walk around first, then only pick up my mind which one to buy...

    1. Good, you have the patience.. for me lazy, buy and then walk to new stalls...

  5. Wah Reana, you're really enjoying life! Miss Melbourne......

    1. A not so hectic life here... good retirement place.. hahaahaa

  6. OMG! I heard Kangaroo meat and my tummy turned!
    Eh...some diva called you Miss Melbourne after Miss Colgate! Muahahahaha

    You have such a happy and loving family! I know I said that many times already!

    1. TM, you can say that again and again... hahaha... well, sometimes stressful too, not all all so lovey dovey but whatever, they are still my babies.. hahahaa...
      By the way, who called me Miss Melbourne... don't let me tarnish their name.. hahahaa..

  7. The market looks so clean ! Got my souvenir ?

  8. Yes, always check out their market, i think its a good season for nectarines and plums too, did you manage to get some? :)

    1. Oh I saw some, didnt eat yet...ok, will get some later!

  9. Love when traveling to visit the local spots not just the touristy sites!! Australia on my bucket list!

    1. Yes, Melbourne not so hectic as Sydney.. different cities different lifestyle...

  10. It is always interesting to visit the local market. You are so smart when selecting the place to stay - so near the market = so convenient!

    1. Oh, I am not smart, I got this info from a blogger... :)

  11. Finish touring all the stalls? A lot to see and tempting to buy in Victoria's market.

    1. Yes, going one more time later! hope it opens today...

  12. Where's the picture of your meat pie? Keke.. I love this post, I like local markets. And I like the meat and sausages and cheese.. OMG, look at those meats! Would love to buy and cook those marinated meats though..

    1. I think if buy and cook, the standard of living is lower ... dont eat outside la.. expensive.. so now thought of buying back to cook in the apartment.. ! :)

  13. I will loves to visit the local markets if i travel...

  14. Oooo..the Giant Cheese and Butter. Love it.

    Hahhaha...can't stop laughing when Andy was yawning behind the ladies.


Thank you, readers!

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