Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother And Daughter At Marianis

An evening bonding of love between a mother and her daughter...The previous night before, Daughter made a date with her mother for a candlelight dinner this evening...Without hesitating, her mother agreed wholeheartedly. The choice of place was decided by the Daughter and she suggested going to Marianis at De Gardens, a place the Daughter knows her Mother had never been before ......until tonight....
Mother and Daughter arrived at the Italian restaurant at 7pm...
They were the first customers for that evening....
A very nice choice... the sweet voice of Olivia Ong serenading... 
Nice and comfy chairs for groups of twos, fours and sixes.... 
As usual... Mother and Daughter needs to do something before the food arrives....
What else is new... Mother? 
Daughter's Mother's Order....
Grilled Cod Fish....
The Mother's Daughter's choice...
Creamy Fettuccine With Salmon...
For Desserts, both agreed to a Tiramisu ....
A moment of Thanks for the food laid on the table....
The Mother is feeling very happy tonight...
Because she knows this is once-a-yearly affair that she gets this Treat...
She wants to say this....
Thank you, My Dearest ... Daughter.... 


  1. envy envy.... so nice mother and daughter bonding time ... I miss mine haha the food looks delicious esp the dessert .... slurp!

  2. wow, one sweet day for the mother and daughter!! like this, quality time spent with the loved onessss - the loved onessss (ssss for plural) means the people, and of course the food!! love the code, the pasta and the tiramisu, nom nom nom, as delicious as the girlssssss in the photo~~ :p

    1. waahhhh... you made this comment sound so sweet oneeeeeee!!!

  3. The fettuccine seems nicely done

  4. Nice daughter & mother bonding time. Food looks good and I specially like the tiramisu.

    1. I like the bonding time... going to miss her soon!

  5. Nice daughter & mother bonding time. Food looks good and I specially love the tiramisu.

    1. I repeat... hahahaa..... I like the bonding time... going to miss her soon!

  6. Glad to know you had a nice celebration!
    That tiramisu looks yummy!

  7. The food looks wonderful, more like food here at our Italian restaurants. And such a fancy beautiful place, your daughter is very thoughtful. I am so glad you had such a wonderful and special day!

    1. Thank you, Ginny, we had a wonderful evening together...

  8. Your girl's home all the time or she's on holiday right now or home on weekends? Her birthday? Happy birthday to her, all the best in the year ahead.

    1. She is on semester holiday... :) Going back soon... not her birthday though...

  9. Once a year treat ? Wei wei sure moe...kihkihkih

  10. When she start working, u will get more treats from her instead of once a year treat :)

    1. Have to wait for another few more years! hahaha..

  11. Very sweet celebration and very thoughtful of your daughter too! Happy Mother's Day Claire!

    1. Thank you, Sweet Witch.. I hope you had a wonderful time with your family too!

  12. Wah nice, so romantic the place.

  13. What a nice mother daughter bonding time. Food is good too. I love salmon and cod.

  14. Happy Mother's Day to you again, can see that you've a wonderful celebration!!! =]


Thank you, readers!

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