Friday, November 14, 2014


Have you ever wondered how unstoppable world champions manage to stay atop?  From where do professional athletes get their powerful fuel?  From Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar to Maria Sharapova or Joseph Schooling, we unveil some of the well-kept secrets by their personal chefs and elite nutritionists: their daily diets, nutrition tips, personal and fitness secrets to keeping on beating world records. Find out which sport star you resemble in five questions!

What is your trusted snack for an energy boost?
A.        A banana or some dried fruit like mango.
B.        A chocolate bar for a quick pick-me-up.
C.        A kiwi after getting up to keep her energetic and motivated in the morning.
D.        You graze on almonds and raisins.
And your favorite treats?
A.        A melting 4-cheese pizza
B.        Thai or Italian food is the best!
C.        Cake and milkshakes
D.        You cannot resist ice-cream!
What is your usual breakfast? 
A.        Eggs, rice, beans and ham
B.        Coffee and cereal and a piece of fruit
C.        Fruit, rye toast with goat cheese and a piece of ham
D.        Unbuttered toast with raspberry jam (then nuts for snack)
What do you see yourself having for lunch?
A.        Chicken breast, broccoli or spinach and brown rice
B.        Pasta, steamed vegetables and turkey
C.        Chicken soup and eggs
D.        Cod or mackerel and risotto
...and dinner?
A.        Sirloin steak with baked potatoes and garden peas
B.        Pizza and salad
C.        Cod or sea bass with rice or grilled potatoes
D.        Grilled salmon with a bowl of couscous, sweet potato, cottage cheese and broccoli

The Result

Majority of A: Neymar
Top sportsmen are under constant pressure from their coaches and nutritionists to keep a healthy, balance diet. This was especially hard, for Neymar who acknowledges: “I wish I could eat what I like, but we have matches almost every weekend, we must eat a balanced diet, with protein, carbs, and salads every single day. But doing what you love is the key to great performance, and I love playing soccer.” Despite his devotion, when Neymar is not competing or training for the next challenge, he switches the healthy spinach and broccoli for a melting 4-cheese pizza . His sweet tooth is all about gummy worms and chocolate.  For a quick pick-me-up, Neymar’s secret usually consists of a banana or some dried mango to keep his energy level optimal.
Neymar has learned that a diet is rich in protein and vitamins essential. That is why he prefers eggs, rice, beans and ham and his best ally for iron is spinach. He also has a weakness for Spanish tapas, spaghetti, hamburgers and string cheese along withother milk products. During training periods, he follows a very healthy routine: Around 8:45am, breakfast contains eggs, rice, beans and ham. At 2pm, lunch includes breast of chicken, broccoli, brown rice. At 8pm, dinner is usually shrimp salad, boiled eggs and piece of fruit or yoghurt.

Majority of B: Cristiano Ronaldo
For Cristiano Ronaldo, it is very important to keep the same time meals during the week, so he has coffee and cereal for breakfast every morning at 7am. He likes Frosties because they are perfect to give him his much needed sugar rush to get me through the early part of each day. Then he tends to have a light lunch at 12pm with pasta, steamed vegetables and chicken or fish. Dinner for Ronaldo starts at 8pm and consists of carbohydrates in the form of rice or other grains and protein from meat or fish. He recognizes it is not a very exciting daily plan, but for someone with his pursuit, it is absolutely the right thing to eat.

Majority of C: Maria Sarapova
Maria Sarapova has received a lot of nutritional advice as to how to alter food types during particular training phases to help our bodies to adapt. As long as her diet meets certain requirements such as guaranteeing enough protein and carbohydrates to allow her body to fuel and recover, eating doesn't have to be boring. For example, garlic and ginger and chilli all help immunity during heavy phases and these can add flavour to almost any meal. The tennis diva considers that “carbs are important for my sport, but it’s about finding the right balance between them and protein." So in the morning, she always start with fruit, then rye toast with goat cheese and a piece of ham. When she is playing tournaments, she tries to minimize dairy as it is more likely to create inflammation. Lunch for Sarapova is a protein-based meal with chicken and then soup because as a good Russian, she loves soups. For dinner, her best choice is fish, like salmon or sea bass accompanied with rice or potatoes. Her favourite superfood is kiwi, especially after getting up to keep her energetic and motivated in the morning. Maria Sarapova strongly believes a good diet must be based on balance. So when the time comes to indulge, her favourite foods are cake and milkshakes. 

Majority of D:
For Singaporean swimmers like Joseph Schooling and Russell Ong, the best way to keep energy levels is grazing on almonds and raisins throughout the day. As top swimmers, they need to hit the floor running. That means their breakfast from Monday to Friday becomes a pre-training meal starting at 5am! They often eat unbuttered toast with raspberry jam. Once their intense training is over, they get their energy back by munching on a cereal bar, nuts and raisins or sometimes cereal topped with a banana. Lunch is usually composed of grilled chicken, salad and fresh vegetables with rice or pasta. A favourite of Schooling is prawn pasta with avocado and carrots. After such an intense day, they recover with pasta and a salad or grilled sirloin steak with baked potatoes and garden peas.Finally, when it comes to treats and indulgence, Joseph Schooling and Russell Ong confesses to have a weakness for ice-cream!
Is your diet very different from these sport stars? Do you think it would be difficult for you to follow their habits? If you are trying to engage in a healthier style of life, you can use this example with very useful tips.
Article source:

With all the food talk, I have something exciting to share. There is an interesting contest organized by foodpanda Malaysia where you can win an iPhone 6, Xbox and 100rm voucher every week. 

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