Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Signature Dishes In Weng Kee Restaurant, Ipoh

A nice gathering this evening with my ex-colleagues, in fact, an unexpected dinner at the last minute. I suggested going to Weng Kee Restaurant and all readily agreed... Since I was a bit late, I told my friends to order first and I only named two dishes.  Upon arriving my friends asked me why I like coming to this restaurant.  They experienced something discouraging when they were ordering the food ... well, I told them that it was not surprising... as long as the food is fine, I will "overlook" the weakness....

Ok, I will not talk about the unpleasantness 
Allow me to just focus on the pleasure of food....
My friends ordered Sambal Petai... (stinky beans)
Sambal Kangkung....
Their signature beancurd....
Steamed yam with dried shrimps... 
A popular dish among us!
And the limelight of the dinner was the Buttered Fish...
My friends had not tasted this before and it was a Thumb UP from everyone!
And for this dinner, the bill came to RM105.00
Before we left, the lady boss flashed her smile and said "Thank You"....
 It caught my friend off-guarded.... 
It was a pleasant evening after all....


  1. the sambal petai is so fiery red! must be very spicy. I prefer sambal kangkung than petai. December is really a feasting month ;-)

    1. Preparing myself for more rounded face! hahaha...

  2. Ex-colleagues? So you are officially retired??

  3. Hi Claire, thank you for sharing this place and the tasty dishes with us...burps...burps...excuse me..ha ha.

    1. Hey Nancy, glad you enjoyed it... till next time... we go find another new place..

  4. If unpleasant, even if the food is good, I have my pride and my dignity. I am old now - in my younger days, I would just scold them . These days, I would just go elsewhere quietly - they're not the only people selling food in town - would not starve to death. This kind of people need to be taught a lesson - just boycott them.

    1. It is all well.. we dont want to hold grudges... let's forgive and forget... :)

  5. wah.. i like the steamed yam with dried shrimps and also the buttered fish.. they look good!! yummy yummy!! and yeah, as long as the weakness is not that serious, i guess we can just "open one eye, close one eye" and just enjoy the food lah, horr?? :)

  6. The people there were rude to your friends? All very flavourful food, sure can sapu many bowls of rice.

  7. Wah ...so many gatherings lately it seems and you eat and eat !

    1. Rounded face and widened waist are the consequences..

  8. As usual, food is great. Wow, full swing into eating lately.

  9. Of course now i want to know what happened...was the waiter rude, or slow service maybe?

    1. haahhaa.. it is all fine... no dwelling into it...

  10. Sambal petai and sambal kangkung! I dont like petai but I know if it's sambal petai sure very hoiwai one.. Ahhh signature beancurd, my favourite, can never go wrong with that..

  11. The signature tofu n buttered fish caught my attention...

  12. wakakakakakakakakakakaka...petai...orang New Zealand will drool to the max, Claire. Gonna tag her in FB liao. Kasi her cry. Just now she cry in my blog coz my blog also petai today LOL

    1. Oh no.. who is the crybaby.. so naughty of you, Small Kucing!

  13. I still not used to petai taste. Hehe.

    Nice dishes and glad everything went well in the end. And the price was reasonable too.

  14. Sambal petai looks seriously good! But that one gives me a lot of wind hee..hee...

    1. Really? I know it makes our toilet some kind of smell only.. hehe..

  15. Sambal Petai again!!! I like! I have decided to cook Assam Vegies tonight and buy the petais to throw in.


Thank you, readers!

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