Sunday, January 31, 2016

Cook-Whatever-In-Fridge On A Beautiful Sunday

WOKE UP EARLY IN THE MORNING only to realize that I did not make any plans with anyone for today.... Oh dear, what am I going to eat this morning?  I have not try driving out myself, still no confidence as yet, after today, I will have to consider "re-learning" how to drive again.  My last drive was four months ago!

Back to my morning, I quickly got up and rummaged through my fridge... I remember having a bit of this and that but I need to make sure.  Of course, I can just make a phone call to my siblings or friends, they are just a tinkle away.... ahemmm.... They are wonderful people who have "looked" after my meals each day... but NOW I am going to start to be Independent again where food is concerned.. Need to look after myself since I can walk a bit now here and there....

To my delight, I have these in my fridge.... 
One potato, two chinese sausages, leeks and eggs....
And a new dish is "invented"...
An odd combination no doubt....
But it served my purpose... my Lunch!
I had the soup boiling in no time too...
One quarter chicken, red dates, wolfberries and fish maw *far kau*
Collagen.... Supposedly to be good for my joints?  
My first meal of the day after 12.....
Saved half for dinner...
Maybe I will "fry rice" with the remainder....
UNless I have an invitation later on?
*hint hint*

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Booster Gifts From Love Ones

SOME GIFTS RECEIVED PRIOR TO NEW YEAR AND CHINESE NEW YEAR.... I received these mixed gifts from my love ones.... BIG Hugs and Love to them!!
Though I rarely drink these in my younger days, I guess now these are not avoidable anymore...
Yes, I need these for my age... as supplements... or booster dose...
Whatever, as long as I feel sort of "strengthened"... I will drink!
And this gift came all the way from London too...
"My mama needs this...."
Now I am wondering how he knows about this...
Maybe he saw me browsing at the airport?
Over here, I dare not even think of buying...
This was bought in Cold Storage, Singapore...
It comes with a stainless pot as well, I was told...
And for CNY, we might get to eat this provided someone cooks them....
I think I have some homework to do.... 
*googling for recipes!*

Here's Everything You Need To Go Travelling In America!

If you’re lucky enough to be on a gap year or in between jobs, then you may be making the most of your time off by travelling to America. However, before you set off on your epic adventure, you must be sure to plan everything meticulously to ensure you make the most of your time there. Fear not, this needn’t be too difficult. Here’s everything you need in order to go travelling in The States.

Plane Tickets 
The hardest part about travelling is saving up for it in the first place. Hopefully, you’ve got a load of savings stashed away in your bank account. However, if you’re not that fortunate, then you’re going to need to find a way to pay for your plane tickets. Flying anywhere can be expensive, but especially to America - as it’s such a big place! Look on flight comparison websites such as Sky Scanner to find the best deal and book as far in advance as possible to save yourself that extra bit of money. If you’re not sure which state to fly to, then check out our travel guides.

Social Media
Once you’re out there, you’re going to need somewhere to post your awesome snaps and selfies to! Be sure to have Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts set up ready for your epic adventure. Did you even go if there are no photos? That’s what people will ask back home! Make sure you flood your friends’ feeds with epic holiday snaps! Take a dedicated camera for taking pictures of all the great landmarks you will come across, too. Be sure to get a data SIM for the time you’re away. That way, you’ll save money on roaming costs and be able to Snapchat all of your incredible experiences.

Getting about in America can definitely be costly, so it may be worth hiring a car if public transport looks like too much of a hefty cost! Car rental needn’t be expensive either. Many companies will let you hire a car on one coast and return it on the other at an alternative outlet. How handy!? Getting a car also enables you to go on a road trip and experience some of America’s incredible, lengthy routes. If worst comes to worst, you can always sleep in the back of your vehicle, too! That’ll save you some cash for your entrance into Disney World!

You might find yourself a bit short of money when travelling. So there are two ways to go about dealing with this. You could either postpone your travel, if you have the time to do so. That way, you could work solidly at home for twelve months, saving almost all of your money, before jetting off. Alternatively, you could wing it, which is a very popular method for travellers. This is because it allows them to immerse themselves into American society more authentically. Getting a small job at a bar or cafe can easily pay the bills for a hostel to stay in. At places like this, you may meet like-minded people who you could go on to travel with.

That’s everything you need to know, folks! Enjoy your travels.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Prosperity And Treasure Pot 2012 Not 2016

SHOPPING AND WALKING MAKES ME HUNGRY FAST.... especially with those banners displayed right outside the food outlets such as this....
Treasure Pot aka "Poon Choy" in cantonese....
The banner was displayed right outside and the price shown was beyond my budget... 
Chinese New Year is around the corner and this dish will attract customers....
I think I have eaten one time at this restaurant and I did not find it as attractive as shown.... 
That was few years back... 
ahhhh... Managed to find the picture in this post....
Taken in March 2012... 
So one time is enough... 
Coming back to my post, we stepped in to have a light lunch.... 
We ordered their "Lai Mien" with this toppings....
Our light lunch..... so we shared this bowl of noodles....
And their famous "Siew Loong Pau"... 
Two for each of us... enough... 
I won't be able to eat the third one... too meaty....
I prefer their double boil chicken soup....
First thing that came to my mind when I opened this...
Oh dear, I really must do more home cooked food...
Really cannot afford to eat like this...
With the price, I can boil one whole chicken for my family...
Well, oh well... as usual, once awhile... 
That was our light lunch... nothing spectacular...
This meal will remind me that I must be frugal from now on... 

Save Money on Business IT without Compromising on Security

You need technology to help your business go around. It's almost impossible to run a company today if you're not using computers and other tech. Even just one computer on your business premises can make so many things easier. It helps with communication and with keeping track of everyday tasks. No one is still using a book to write down their accounts - or, at least, they shouldn't be. But computer systems can be expensive especially when you're outfitting a whole office. You might be looking to save money but worried that cutting costs could affect your security. Don't worry, though. These tactics will help you to save while keeping your systems secure.

Start Using the Cloud

You might have heard people talking about the cloud, and perhaps started using it a bit. Some people use cloud services without even realising it. For example, you might use Google Drive, which counts as a cloud storage service. Using the cloud can help you save money, and it can improve your business's IT security. There are sites like that can help you manage your online employees as well.  

Outsource Your IT Support

Having full-time IT employees is too much for some companies. You might feel like you need someone to manage your computer systems. However, much of the time you don't need someone in the office all the time. You don't have to go without any IT support whatsoever, though. There are options for you to outsource the service, which will provide you with support whenever you need it. So you'll have 24/7 assistance for any issues, but you won't have to pay any full-time employees.

Save on Equipment and Software

You won't compromise your security by saving money on equipment or software. You just need to be a bit careful. You need to make sure that anything that can connect to the internet or other wireless systems isn't vulnerable. As long as it can't be hacked easily, you shouldn't have any worries about making savings. When it comes to software, using the cloud can make it cheaper and more secure. All your updates can download and install automatically, and you only have to pay for a subscription instead of a full licence.

Improved Security

Investing in the security for your business can help to save you money, and of course, keep your data secure. You should research what types of security systems are right for you to use. For example, some companies will benefit from using a VPN to transfer sensitive information. Speak to an IT expert about the best ways to protect your business and they'll help you keep your practices updated. Remember to keep up with new trends to make everything as secure as possible.

Spending your money more wisely can help to make your business more secure. There's no need to worry about compromising it.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Shopping At AEON Station 18 With Two Sticks

GOING SHOPPING IS STILL A HASSLE, I cannot walk too long and I need someone to push the trolley for me. Oh yes, not only the trolley, I need to be "pushed" too... But I am sort of "promoted" in a way, from walker frame, I am now using two clutches!  Not only that, I can step all my full weight on the ground now.  YAY!!  I am so happy, it is like a Big Achievement for me after all the struggles and discomfort moving around.  I think one never imagine how inconvenient it is till it happens... *one day I am going to blog about how I feel through it all, the fears, the tears, the frustrations, the reality, and most important of all, who stand by me and support me all the way*

Chinese New Year is getting nearer.... I have not done much shopping, I do not even have a new pair of clothing, I guess this year will be an exception... But I am so grateful to my friend who faithfully drove me around to "look see" at AEON Station 18 one fine day....
Yes, I was resting on the wheelchair with my two "supporters"..
With my two clutches, I could walk some short distance....
Gradually and slowly I do it... didn't want to rush myself... 
Thought of getting a swimsuit...
Which colour should I buy?
Pink?  I think the blue suits me better... Pink is for sweet ladies... :)
But I ended up buying neither....
And I got this instead and it is FREE too!
Thank you so much, my dear!!
Appreciate your concern and practicality...
This Camel pair of anti-slip with soft padding suits me real fine.... 
Yes, I know my legs look awful...
Skinny like two bamboo sticks!

Stuff You'll Need to do if You Want to Visit New York City

New York. The Big Apple. NYC. The Empire State. These are just a few of the names and nicknames used to describe one of the world’s most powerful and breath-taking cities. Millions of people live in New York, and many more visit this great city everywhere. There is so much to see and do and experience. In fact, many people might argue that the world is run from New York

It might be somewhere you’ve always wanted to go but never had the chance to do so before now. Well, now is the time to take advantage of that urge and go for a visit to New York. There is so much there for you to experience, and you’re unlikely to be the same afterwards. So here is a collection of ideas and suggestions for things you need to do if you want to visit New York.

Get an Apartment
First up, think about where you’re going to stay. Sure, you could choose to stay in a New York hotel as there are many lovely and luxurious ones. However, you might want to get a more intimate experience by staying in an apartment. Get online and check out HouseTrip NYC and their selection of NYC apartments for rent. These will give you more of New York experience, not to mention the extra space you’re going to have.

Walk the Length of Manhattan
One of the things I would recommend you try to do when you’re there is to walk the length of Manhattan. Take a walk from Harlem all the way down to Soho and the East Village. Sure, it will take you a long time, but it’s really worthwhile to get the full New York experience. You can observe the locals, New York chic fashion, experience Little Italy and marvel at Central Park. This is something that you might only get the chance to do once in your life, so what are you waiting for?!

Go to Central Park
I just mentioned Central Park, but I feel I should talk about it in greater detail. This is one of the must-see hotspots in New York and has become a US cultural icon. The park itself is huge, and there is so much beauty for you to see and experience. Check out the horse and carriage ride that you can take as a couple; it’s very romantic! Central Park needs to be at the top of your list of places to see when you reach New York.

Statue of Liberty
When you think of America, you can’t get a bigger cultural icon than the Statue of Liberty. It is a symbol of our liberty and identity as Americans. And that’s why you should seize the opportunity to go see this amazing tourist attraction. Just remember to book in advance because it is very popular, and you don’t want to risk missing out.

New York City is one of the greatest cities in the world and has so much to offer visitors. So, if you are planning on going there, you need to make sure you get the full New York experience. And that means following the ideas on this post and using them to get the best out of your visit to The Big Apple.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tasty Cowan Street Ayam Tauge & Koitiao, Ipoh

REACHED IPOH AROUND 3PM and after unpacking, we were too tired to do any homecooked food in the house.  We just wanted something "light" for dinner and to beat the crowd, we went out early to this shop famous for its smooth, silky koay teow!  It has a very simple name, I just googled for "chicken koayteow in Cowan Street" and this name came out as Cowan Street Ayam Tauge & Koitiau.

In my opinion, the food here can beat the other famous shops in town.... Only setback is that this shop does not open everyday, heard that it closes on Monday and Tuesdays.  But one never know, it can close for one week or so without prior notice  so when we saw it opened, we were so happy.... Quickly we parked our car and got seated right on the first table in the shop where I could see them in action....

There were at least five foreign workers helping the owner.... 
From my table near to the entrance, the people just kept trickling in every now and then...
All came for the silky smooth koayteow and their tasty soup.....
And their crunchy beansprouts....
Our two persons' portion of steamed chicken... 
But we ordered three bowls of noodles...
One bowl each is definitely not enough to satisfy!
And the bill came to around RM27 plus drinks.... 

How Your Restaurant Can Reach Out to New Customers

Finding new customers for your restaurant is not always easy, but it can be done. Here are some top tips to help you out.

Switch Your Location

The location of your restaurant is a huge factor when it comes to finding new customers. If you are in a location that doesn’t give you much exposure, you will struggle. So, if your restaurant is tucked away in an alley that nobody walks down, it might be time to think about a switch. You ideally need to be located somewhere that allows you to take advantage of passing trade. If people can see your restaurant, they can be tempted to come inside. It’s one of the worst-kept secrets in the industry!

Start a Food Blog

The world extends beyond your restaurant though. To attract people to your restaurant nowadays, you have to think digital. The internet offers you all kinds of great opportunities for reaching out to people. This is something that is not always easy, but it can be done best by blogging about food. You can build a blog cheaply and easily, but it could be very valuable. People love to read about recipes and new types of food. So, as a restaurant owner, it makes sense to capitalise on this audience and reach out to new people. It will also show them that you know what you’re talking about.

Create a Signature Dish

Has your restaurant got one dish that you are all particularly proud of? If so, why not try to brand it as the restaurant’s signature dish? This will give customers an extra reason to come in and sample it. You could create an entire advertising strategy around one or two top signature dishes that you think customers will love. They will act as a selling point for your restaurant. And that will help to attract people who have never even considered visiting your restaurant in the past.

Make an App for Bookings

To get more people through the doors of your restaurant, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to book a table. This is why I think you should definitely create an app that allows people to do exactly that. It’s a great way of making life easier for your potential customers. And it drags the business further into the 21st century at the same time. You can easily get a developer to create an app for you. And then it won’t be long before your app is up and running.

Get Creative with Special Offers

People like to grab a bargain. It’s an age-old technique, and it works as well as ever before. So, if you want your restaurant venture to succeed, make sure you think outside the box when it comes to creating special offers. Sure, you could go for the conventional offers, such as two for one deals or 10% off on your birthday. But those can be pretty boring if you don’t spice things up once in awhile. You should think up new ideas like linking up with local hotels to increase your reach and offer people a bargain.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Authentic Lunch At Yoong Kee, Bukit Mertajam

WE LEFT FOR IPOH AFTER A LIGHT BREAKFAST IN PENANG ISLAND... a very light breakfast because we had intention to take lunch in Bukit Mertajam. It has been many years since I last visited BM and I could not remember much about the place I had last eaten. I thought I had never been there till I reached the place and I was thinking to myself... "Oh yeah, this place looks rather familiar.... " Well, almost ten years, what do one expect from a lady with a short memory.... hahhaaha...

I am hopeless with directions and I do appreciate being driven instead of driving....
Even with road signs, I do not have confidence.... and I do not have GPS on my phone....
Somehow we made it to the town and we found what we were looking for....
This is the stall cum shop... 
And we made a mistake of ordering this fish... hahahhaa...
White pomfret steamed teochew style.....
However, the fish was very fresh... worth taking... once awhile... 
Then their signature beancurd with "kau chai"
And I made another mistake by ordering this.... same sauce and flavour!
What was I thinking about then.... *scratching head*
Maybe I heard leeks being mentioned and immediately I nodded my head... YES!
After the bill of RM60 was charged, we were cooled down with a free dessert....
I guess the main cost is from the Fish itself... 

After our lunch, we made our way back to Ipoh....
Clear blue skies all the way back to the home where I belong.....

3 Key Promotional Steps For Your Business In 2016

Promoting any modern business requires a lot of hard work. That is because everyone has to focus their efforts on the digital world - and there are many competitors. However, we’ve developed three steps that should help you to stand apart from the crowd in 2016. So long as you put the advice on this page into practice, your outlook should improve. Don’t take our word for it - try for yourself!

1.    It’s imperative that all serious business owners invest in SEO this year. You need to make sure your site ranks at the top of all relevant search listings. That is how you will increase traffic levels and build brand awareness. The infographic will tell you more.

2.    Launching PPC campaigns using Google Adwords is a step in the right direction for your business. That is the best way to guarantee your brand appears whenever people browse the internet. There is also a fantastic remarketing option you’ll need to understand.

3.    Maintaining active social media pages will always help your business to succeed. Most consumers use Facebook and Twitter every single day. So, it should be easy to grab their attention and alert them to products or services you provide.

If you do nothing else to promote your business this year, make sure you perform those three steps. They aren’t going to take a lot of time, but they could help to boost sales and recognition. Whatever you do to make a profit, failing to focus on the digital world is a big mistake. Like it or not, online promotion is the future.

Infographic Created By  SEO Courses

Monday, January 25, 2016

My Delights In Penang Food Courts

MANY OF MY FRIENDS ASKED ME WHY I AM OFTEN IN PENANG...  Just a few reasons and one of the most reasonable and practical one is the Food!  I do not go to fancy restaurants in Penang, in fact I think I have not been to a high posh Chinese restaurant in Penang before, I am always frequenting the ones that I eat and eat again each time I go there.  Food that suit my taste buds despite having to sweat and "sniff" due to the hot weather and hot chillies!  hahahaa...

Now I am back home and as my food folder discloses all these pictures, all I have tasted before I came back.  Looking at these pictures, it is not surprising I will be back there again very soon.  Like Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous line in the Terminator says...... "I WILL BE BACK..."
Taken in Lye Lee @ Terrace Plus, Bayan Lepas
Clear soup Fish Mihoon
Small portion of Penang Lobak....
This was bought in Jelutong market... a Teochew snack, I was told... 
And the tasty Kuehkak stall around the vicinity in Jelutong...
Sizzling noodles at the Relau food court opposite Pisa Arena...
where I saw the ex-national badminton player named Choong Tak Fook...
Who remembers him?  He partnered Lee Wan Wah then...
My regret is not taking a picture together with him...  :)
I like their koayteow with mihoon...  no egg gravy so not so filling...
Freshly steamed Potato bun with brown sugar.... steaming hot and nice!
Steamed White tapioca... not so sweet... fine with me!
Well, what is this called?
I called it "woon chai koe" with grated coconut..... 
Then I had pan mee at a drive-in market in Yee Hong, Bayan Lepas...
And the Penang signature noodles... Koay Teow Th'ng....

And that is about all... 
Few days that is all we need... 
Our foodie trip came to an end... 
Till the next trip, I hope it will be very soon!!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...