Saturday, April 30, 2016

Home Design Tips To Protect Against Intruders

What good is your home if it can’t be protected from intruders? You don’t want to create the perfect home and then find it gets destroyed by criminals later on. There are many ways to equip your home with the security it needs to deter these thieves. This list isn’t exhaustive, but it’s a fairly hefty guide to making your home as safe as possible.
Picture source - here
Install An Alarm System:
The first thing you’ll want to do is to install an alarm system in your home. That way, if an intruder were ever to make it onto your premises, they would be deterred by the loud noise. It’s definitely a good idea to advertise that you’ve got an alarm system in the house, but don’t make the brand name obvious. By advertising the brand of alarm system that you’ve implemented in your home, intruders can find out how to hack it easily. Also, make sure you buy a system that has enjoyed positive reviews from other customers so far.

Upgrade Your Doors & Windows:
Your windows and doors were probably only equipped with adequate security when you moved in. Now, it’s time to upgrade them to ensure your house doesn’t get broken into. Companies like Perth Homeguard can provide security doors and screens with extra-safe features. It’s always best to try and upgrade the interior of your home wherever possible to ensure you stay safe and your house remains secure.

Put Timers On Your Lighting Systems:
It’s all well and good when you’re at home all the time, but what happens when you’re away? Intruders are going to latch onto that fact fairly quickly if the blinds are shut and the lights are off. The best way to solve this issue is to install timers that work alongside your lighting system. That way, it’ll always look like you’re at home, even when you’re on vacation for extended periods of time. You can set the lights to activate whenever you choose, so pick wisely.

Replace Those Locks:
Again, your original home design probably didn’t come with extensive or overly-secure locks. Over time, these locks will have also worsened, and they may not be adequate for your needs anymore. If this is the case, it’s time to replace them. Look for a reputable company to provide you with new locks for your doors, and you could always double-lock them ensure an extra degree of safety.

What’s Cosy To You, Is Attractive To Others: 
Picture source - here
Now, we’re not saying that you shouldn’t have a cozy home. Far from it! But, just remember that intruders are going to be just as attracted to your home as you are. To prevent this, try and limit the ability to see directly into your home. Close the blinds half way to make sure no one can really take a peek at what’s inside. Don’t be tempted to show off too much as it could come back to bite you in the rear end!

Hide Valuable Items Out Of Sight:
When thinking about how to design your home, you need to keep intruders in mind. Putting the gigantic television by the window isn’t a good idea. Similarly, failing to use your garage for your expensive car is a robbery waiting to happen!  All you need to do is ensure that valuable items are well away from prying eyes. Make sure would-be thieves have no idea that you’ve got expensive items lying around the house.


One of the most common ways to ensure the outside of the premises is secure is to use CCTV. If you want to, you could even install it inside the house as well! Some CCTV systems now actually allow the ability to monitor them from a mobile device or laptop. That way, you don’t even need to be at home to see what’s going on in real-time at your house.

Think About Garage Security:
Yes, your home is the most important thing for you to consider, but have you thought about your garage? This needs a great deal of attention too, especially if you keep important tools in there. The garage might be the haven for intruders to find all the equipment they need to carry out a successful robbery. Think about it; you’ve probably got ladders in there, right? What about big, bulky tools? Either store this equipment somewhere else or make sure you secure your garage in the proper way.

Anti-Climb Paint: 
If you’ve got high fences around your house, intruders are going to need to climb them to have any chance of getting in!  A perfect deterrent for this is to use anti-climb paint on these fences. This sort of paint never dries, so thieves are going to get coated in it when they try to climb. You’ll either catch them red-handed (literally!) in the process, or they’ll flee when they realize what they’ve done. Either way, it’ll get the job done.

Maintain The Outside Of Your House:
You can have all the CCTV in the world, but if you don’t maintain the outside of your house, it’s wasted. You can’t allow for intruders to find any hiding spots. By letting your trees and bushes become overgrown, thieves will find it much easier to escape being noticed. All you need to do in this case is ensure regular maintenance of your household is carried out, both inside and outside. Take the time to make sure this gets done, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

There is a lot to think about when designing your home aside from looks. The last thing you want is to spend all that time creating a dream home and watch it get ruined by intruders. Security should be just as important to consider as anything else as you design your new home.

 If you are ever concerned that intruders might be targeting your home, you must get in touch with the police immediately. They will be able to provide you with the protection you need. Never neglect your safety: ensure you make them aware as quickly as possible.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Bonkers Over Bananas And Breakfast At Moon De Moon

TING... THE MESSAGE SHOWED..."TOMORROW WHAT TIME?" ... then few seconds later, the reply came.."8.30am, get ready!"  Our usual communication during the night to prepare for the next day.  That means... I got to get up at 7.45 this morning, very much earlier than my usual wakey time!  But then it is all worth it when I can have my first meal of the day spent with my happy foodie friends....

Since it was early this morning, I suggested going to the Moon The Moon in Taman Mirindi near Wah Keong Park.  This shop is normally crowded in the morning because of their famous smooth silky chicken koay teow.  Any time after 10am, it is "risky", they might be sold out by then....

Even though we were early, we could not get a place inside the shop... 
So we had to sit out on the road... and admire the trees opposite.  :)
While waiting for our noodles to be served, my friends went bonkers over... 
Started off as an appetizer....for us.....

To my surprise, the food came earlier than I expected... 
The thick broth of chicken and prawn.... 
Just enough to cover the silky noodles.... 
Each of us had a bowl of that.... 
And a plate of Mun Sang Mee to be put in the center for "side-kicks"
There.... our orders...  for the camera to "eat first!"
And somehow not ONLY the food was taken.... 
We old retirees have fun taking each other as well!
NOW... who says OLD cannot have fun?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

All For The Love Of A Girl

IF NOT FOR YOU, I wouldn't go there at all..... I am not a patient lady, my friends will vouch for that, seriously!  If I could help it, I really turn down going to crowded places, queue up, pay more than it is worth, to get some "Famous" snacks in Ipoh.  I really don't like to Q...... But for the sake of a girl, not any ordinary girl but my special girl, I waited for nearly 45 minutes just to get a few packets of these precious snackies!

When I reached the shop called Ming Yue in Pasir Pinji around 12.30pm, the crowd was like this.....
In front of me, there were at least 10 people?
Never mind, I passed my time playing with my handphone...
For these freshly baked cookies, one do not need to queue up... 

But for these special ones below, our patience is being tested!
After waiting for more than half hour, it was my turn liow....
But to my great disappointment, the cookies were "Finished!"
 I was told to wait for another fifteen minutes for another batch!
True enough, this new batch came out after some long minutes....
Initially I wanted to get only 4 packets weighing 300 grams each..
But since I waited so long and being so Kiasu, 
I ended up buying 6 packets instead.....
For what, I also don't know!
I was thinking... 
Waited so long and only 4 packets??? 
But now come to think of it.....
Who is losing? 
Of course the buyer such as Yours Truly....
I will continue singing...
All For The Love Of A Girl.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fiery Sensation At Sawasdee Thai Cuisine

NEXT TO CHINESE LOCAL FOOD, THE NEXT ON THE LIST IS THAI!  So when my friend called me to go to try this new shop selling Thai food, I did not hesitate at all.... For one, I do not know where it is and trying something new is always in my vocabulary.  Secondly, I love anything Thai, they suit my taste buds pretty well, but I was wrong..... This time I got "Burnt!"

This shop is quite far from my house, Bandar Cyber on the way to Simpang Pulai,  I am not familiar with the area... My friends fetched me and told me the landmarks but by now, I have forgotten what is what... hahahahaa.. I think Waze can only help me next time....

My friends managed to locate the place without any difficulty.... 
And as usual, we are always the "early birds".... 6pm is the best time to have dinner...
IN no time, our dishes were served.... 
Our favourite dish.. Kerabu Mango...
Oh, we ordered another appetizer... this one is Cold Chicken feet... 
Oppsss.... I could imagine a few grimacing at this dish now....
and saying "NO Thanks!"
One greens... Kailan with salted fish... 
These three came out first.... 
Cos the last dish needed time to steam.....
Yes, Steamed Fish Thai style....
An extra bowl of the Tomyam soup... for us to heat up in the pan....
Abundant food to feed at least four or five persons...
The bill came to around RM90 with fresh juices.... 
Overall, the food indeed was great...
But a small precaution though...
Before spooning into our mouth next time, 
Check out for those mini chilies embedded inside.... 
I "accidentally" bite a few and the "Burn" sensation was like.... 
On the way home, I told my friends to stop by Haagen Daz's
I need THESE scoops to cool me down!
And they helped.... phewwwww....
Ok, secret unrevealed... It is only an excuse... 
I was actually yearning for these..... 
 No desserts, the evening is Definitely not complete....

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Enjoyable Moments At Hung Ting Restaurant Farlim

IT WAS AN UNPLANNED MEET-UP for shopping... Initially there were only the three of us who met up in the morning at a cafe in Farlim.   After our breakfast, we crossed over to the opposite shop to do some "surveying."   My friends told me that this wholesale shop sells cheap and nice lingeries and ladies being ladies, one cannot resist going in and have a Look at them.
My friends really know how and where to get cheaper stuff..... 
And we "tempted" another friend to come by sending this picture to her....
True enough, she fell into temptation and she came and joined us in the shop... 
I thought I could resist but I ended up buying some plus... household stuff as well...
When shopping was done, where next, my friends???  
We headed for lunch at Hung Ting in Farlim...
This shop has been eluding us recently...
Either it was too crowded or it was not opened....
But this time we managed to get our lunch there instead... 
We ordered drunken fish slices....
I was yearning to eat this Assam Vegetarian Curry....
My friend wanted omelette with bitter gourd.... 
For the three dishes, total cost is RM42 plus drinks..
Thank you for the enjoyable lunch treat, my dear!!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Vegetarian Breakfast At Homely Corner, Bercham

EACH MORNING I WAKE UP WITH A PANG OF JOY... no doubt my right leg is not back to "normal" stage as yet, but that did not deter from praising God for another wonderful day! With much anticipation, I always look forward to a new morning and going out for the first meal of the day...

This morning was no different, woke up one hour earlier to get ready and started waiting for my friend to pick me up for Food.  When I got into the car, the first question I would ask is "Today, where to?  Any new place you are taking me?"  And she always have a few in mind and I always nod my head in agreement..... OK, OK... Let's go!  First meal is the best... the stomach in lots!
And off we went... this time to Bercham new village...
Where the locals go... houses cum food corner!
See what I mean?
 A place for aunties like us to enjoy a homely ambiance... 
This greeted us upon the entrance.... 
Steaming hot dumplings...
My friend ordered three for the both of us!
While waiting for our main course, we ate these...

Oh... forgot to say this... 
Food here is meatless.... 
Wholemeal BBQ vegetarian style... 
My curry noodles.... 
Vegetarian Porridge.... 
And a few crispy fried stuff to go with our orders.....
Not a bad place to have a breakie in the garden... 
Very neat and nicely kept...
Well, though the food is vegetarian, I really don't mind coming by again.... 
Auntie like me should not take so much meat already...
And secondly, a good excuse to eat again a few hours later!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dinner For Six At Uncle Long Restaurant, Bercham Nova

HEARD THERE IS A NEW SHOP RECENTLY OPENED and we had not tried it yet.  My friend showed me some photos from the FB and I said "Let's go!"  And it did not materialize until come Friday night, the six of us were all ready and eager to go....

The shop's name is called Uncle Long and it is located in No. 1, Bercham Nova 4, Bercham Nova... Don't ask me why it is called Long, no, not Ah Long but Uncle... And the six of us went there to meet up around 7.30pm.

There is a menu placed before us and in no time, we have ordered five dishes for our hungry tummies!

Pork ribs Guiness Stout....
Yau Mak with fermented beancurd...
Steamed chicken with ginger....
My favourite Patong Okra... 
Sauce is like sweet sourish Thai style...
Crispy fried buttered squids.... 
My kids will love this!
Six of us were speculating how much it cost..
I thought it would be around RM100...
But it came to RM92... 
Next time we would like to come again to try their Bread with Prawns curry!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sight Seeing And Villa Seafood At Kampong Koh Sitiawan

WITH HEAVY TUMMIES, WE PROCEEDED to visit a landmark here in Kampong Koh, it is called Tua Pek Kong, just along the coastal area.  Using the Waze, we keyed in the name and it was just five minutes from where we had our lunch.  So easy and convenient.  One thing with Waze, I notice that it avoids traffic lights, somehow it goes through the small roads.... wonder why it operates this way...

Back to the tourist spot, we parked our car in front of Tua Pek Kong Temple and despite the hot weather, we sacrificed ourselves to take some photos....
The bay near we parked our car....
Very quiet on a weekday... 
Should have brought a hat or umbrella... 
Believe it or not... 
I only wanted to point at this electrical station...
But the photo ended up like I was "carrying" it...
Not meant to look like SuperLady!
Just that it reminded me of the new Astro On Demand series...
Over Run Over...

Then we quickly walked to the shaded area....
....where we quenched ourselves with these fragrant coconuts...
After spending some minutes and buying some dried noodles, we proceeded for lunch!
Oh my goodness, I was still very full... but then...
We couldn't leave Sitiawan without having another meal, right?
We stopped at Villa Seafood, never tried it before.... 
We ordered some fried fish....

And a small portion of yellow noodles with clams....
Just two dishes and it came to RM38 with drinks....
With really super heavy tummies, we took a slow drive back to Ipoh....
Journey took one and half hours... 
Along the way, we admire the greens...
Malaysia is actually a very nice place to stay... 
if only.... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...