Thursday, April 21, 2016

Day Trip To Coastal Kg Koh Sitiawan

WE THOUGHT OF GOING TO CAMERON HIGHLANDS THE NEXT DAY.... but no, we changed our minds the next morning!  It is a bit too far and tiring to drive all the way up but it was not too far when we decided to go Sitiawan instead.... hahahaha...  The journey from Ipoh to Sitiawan took around one hour and a half to reach.  Not near too but at least it is not a long and winding road unlike Camerons.
It is more like a straight road... all the way to our destination... 
Yes, we "consulted" Waze again, 
We keyed in Pasar Awam Kg Koh...
Heard that their Kolo and Lor Mee is famous there...
But alas.... the stall was closed upon reaching... 
Sigh.. kek si....

Instead we winded up here randomly...
Not sure what they offered but we saw something interesting...
Three big pots of "tongsui" *sweet desserts* and people crowding around... 
Many types of kueh too....
Just got a few to try.... 
"Dissecting" the pulut sambal..... 
This one is new to me... tastes good too!
Glutinous rice with peanuts, red dates and melon sugar...
Must be a Hock Chiew dessert!
Yes, this too... Peanuts tong sui... 
Laksa in Kg Koh?
Yes, we certainly did order and ate this... sour enough!
And we had Kolo noodles... 
Served with a few fried crispy beancurd skin and BBQ meat... 
And the total cost for the meal plus drinks cost around RM15...
Well, that means RM5 for each of us!


  1. Didnt look likd kolo mee to me. More like wanton noodle like those in KL.

    Love the dessert and kuih you guys order.

    1. But not the same as the wanton noodles taste.. I prefer not so black sauce actually...

  2. the laksa looks fiery it as good as those in Penang?

  3. I miss Sitiawan! I grew up there but left right after college. My parents are in Malacca now so I don't have reasons to go back to Sitiawan anymore :(

    1. Maybe one day you will bring your kids to your hometown once again! :)

  4. The glutinous rice with peanuts, red dates and melon sugar is new to me too. Would you try making it at home to eat?

  5. I always lau sai hau sui when I see goreng-goreng kuih, like popiahs.. But I think my favourite would be the asam laksa..

  6. If I see the kuehs, i will sure can't resist the temptation and buy and makan...

    1. Yes, can buy and share.. alone eat very hard to finish...

  7. i see the asam laksa i lau hau sui jor

  8. It would be nice to sample the kuehs. And asam laksa also. make me hungry again!

    1. hahahaha... purposely make you hungry so that you come to Ipoh!

  9. I've seen Kg Koh on bottle labels. Love their chili sauce!

    1. You are so observant! Yes, their sauce hot and spicy!

  10. Sitiawan is a very interesting place for the Foochow clans food and desserts. Spot on and you ate them all. I must share with you about their famous chilly sauce which has too many imitations today which are making bigger bucks than the original Kampong Koh's. Read this okay >>>>

    1. Not all la.. trying to eat as much as I can.. hahaaha..but stomach not obedient, cannot take in so much!

  11. I like that Laksa..hard to find one here.

  12. I am reminded of the peanut tong sui I used to eat so many years ago. Maybe I will try to cook some one day.


Thank you, readers!

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