Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Way Of Exercising

ALL FOOD AND NO EXERCISE WILL MAKE ONE GO ROUND ALL AROUND... As my saying goes, everything has to be balanced, eat moderately and then exercise excessively... Well, I don't eat moderately, most times I "overfed" myself.

After watching the comedy about the girl, Emmanuel in the Facebook, my friend always tease me when I asked this question... "Am I fat?"  And the reply .... "No, You are Not fat, you are Already fat... "   Alright, so here I am in the Polo Ground and that only happens once a blue moon... If I have company, I like to come by here to walk a few rounds so that I would not be so "rounded"....
It is now quieter these days because of the fasting month.... 
During other normal days, the polo ground will be filled with people especially in the evenings..
It would be great to come by daily to walk a few rounds...
Brisk walks is more effective... can sweat more.... 
But since I am still "delicate" on my leg, I do leisure walks instead... 
Before I went back, I stopped here to do some leg exercise.....
This could be pretty boring... 
But it is good exercise for the legs.... 
After exercising the legs, I exercised my arms...
Pulling myself up all the way!
Yes, I did it!  
But only for a few short seconds.... 
before my legs landed on the ground again.....
Did a few times this way and that was it... 
I am Done!
Soon I have muscular arms if I do this regularly.... 


  1. Nice ground for exercises. Wow. I wonder I could lift myself up like you or not.

  2. I am impressed that you can pull yourself up! But not surprised, because you are thin and do not weigh much! What happened to your leg? You are really a good sport!

    1. Oh, you didn't know about my leg cos we had lost contact last year... :)

  3. Good! Good! At least, you do exercise, not me. Hehehehehe!!!!

    1. hahahaha... ladies ma.. very vain one... hahahaa

  4. I always over eat because I am greedy, that's why I need to exercise...

  5. hah..hah...that Emmanuela is so cheeky and hilarious! I like that fat joke too hee..hee... You are very strong, can hoist yourself up like that. Me I cannot :(

    1. hahahaa... you saw that too?? Now we are always using that phrase...

  6. Wah, your arms are very strong! Is it not convenient for you to join your friend for her daily morning walks?

    1. My arms became strong when I used the walker frame for a couple of months, heaving myself up anywhere... hahahaa..

  7. Regular exercising is very good! I love exercising and make sure I do that every week ;)

    1. wow..good for you... mine is for show only... hahahaa

  8. If me, I think I will pull the entire pole down instead >.< .

    1. Sure boh! I would love to see the incredible hulk!

  9. uiks...mana my comment ah...lol...must be in FB instead. Jiayoh

  10. I also saw the video Emmanuela and it was hilarious. Hahahaa! Don't worry la, you are not fat la...hahaha!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...