Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ideas For Rainy Days Off School

Rainy days off school can be frustrating for everybody. The kids just don’t know what to do with themselves, and parents often feel helpless when it comes to keeping boredom at bay. Many kids have short attention spans - there are only so many films and TV shows you can watch before they start getting stir crazy!
In preparation for days like this, I like to make sure I have a few supplies tucked away. For instance, a couple of cake making kits so we can all make cupcakes and have a sweet treat after dinner. That tends to kill an hour or two. Having a hefty amount of craft supplies is also a good idea. Then the kids can really use their imaginations and set out to make anything they put their minds to, from a necklace to a robot! 
I know some kids like to play computer games and games consoles. That’s OK in moderation, but I usually try to ensure that most of the games they play are educational, so they are actually learning and improving their skills as they play. If you want some more ideas for when you’re all stuck in the house on a rainy day, check out this infographic! 

Infographic Produced By Summer with kids


  1. Yes, my girl likes to spend her holidays at home, relaxing, doing things she enjoys...instead of going some place and coming home dead tired.

  2. My kids can be restless during rainy holidays! Cannot go out and ended up glue to the phone!


Thank you, readers!

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