Friday, April 7, 2017

Fun And Sun With Snow Balls, Reno

ON THE WAY TO RENO, WE PASSED BY SNOWY MOUNTAINS.... A very breathtaking sight for tourists like me.  I thought the winter is already over, there wouldn't be any snow in sight especially in California.  But I guess the snow is melting, spring is nearly over in another month or so.  Along the way, my BIL stopped at a certain spot for us to have some experience with the snow.  

Due to my excitement, I forgot to wear my socks out... *I slept in the car and took off my socks and shoes* and I came out in the snow just wearing my normal walking shoes instead of boots which was at the trunk of the car.  Anyway, like small excited kids, we just got out of the car quickly to have some freezing feel..... and have some fun just like kids....*Who says we are old?*  LOL....

Some scenic captured from the moving car....
This is the spot where we stopped...
Beautiful all the way in..... So Lovely...
Let's GO to the Snow!
Someone is collecting some snow with his bare hands....
And aimed it at me!!!
And I caught him red-handed with my camera!
Just look at the snowball coming to my direction!
No, I did not get "hit"...
My reflex action is still not rusty as yet...
Fun under the snow and sun....
Yes, I was very careful with the slippery ice and snow...
Cannot afford to slip and fall again...
One last shot before we left the Snow....


  1. Ha ha! I can see that you all are having fun with the snow balls. Hey! throw one over to me, I want to feel it too!

  2. Hahaha, I know for people who live in countries without snow, will be like little children when they see snow.

  3. Enough snow to really have fun in! And what a great picture you captured! The snowball in mid air coming right toward you!!!

    1. Yes, and I have to get out of the way tooooo...

  4. OMG! Ha ha ha..! Look at you dancing and posing happily like a happy kid again. Hey, you can tahan the cold weather la. Go visit Hokkaido this Winter.

  5. That looks like a lot of fun!

  6. u ladies were really having fun under the sun and snow!

  7. Now that winter is over, isn't the snow more like ice, not quite like winter snow?

    1. This is up the mountains... Slower in melting...

  8. I like cold weather as I am very scare of heat, I prefer cold than warm

  9. Fun fun fun indeed! It's great to just let go, seize d moment n abandon glee!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...