Thursday, June 8, 2017

Simple Steps To Homemade Pomegranate Jam

WE HAVE PLANNED TO DO POMEGRANATE JAM EVER SINCE WE ARRIVED IN MARCH.. but we kept keeping it off till last weekend and it now June.  LOL... Anyway, better late than never!

Finally the day has arrived...I was getting all excited by then, never "witnessed" before how jam is done at home.  First thing, the bottles must be well sterilized and dried... and we did just that the night before so that all would be dry and clean the next day.

And then the process of jam making began.....
Yes, the recipe was placed on the table next to the ingredients....
Firstly, measure 4 cups of pomegranate juice and put them in a big bowl...
Secondly, put in 7 1/2 cups of fine sugar into it....
Bring them to a boil....
Add in the two sachets of Certo....
Bring them to a hard boil for 30 seconds...
Yes, I did the "timing" using my handphone... 
30 seconds and off the fire...
Scoop them into the bottles....
Tighten the lids and placed them upside down for 5 minutes...
Why?   I think it is something to do with "releasing air... :)
For each portion of 4 cups of pomegranate juice, we have 9 bottles of jam....
Yes, we did the whole process again and again for 5 times... 
Soon.. all the juice are finished...
And we have 45 bottles of Pomegranate Jam!
No..they are not for sale... LOL
They are "gifts"... 
How I wish I could take them home with me...
But as it is now, I cannot take more than 2 bottles...
My suitcases are already "bloated!"


  1. Interesting! So many jars! You're taking some home?

    1. Oh! Two bottles only? One for you and one for me? Hehehehehe!!!

    2. hahaha... Thanks to my sister, she puts in 2 for me..otherwise I don't even have one!

  2. I have never made jam. It seems so complicated, I am sure I would fail at it. The color is very pretty and jewel-like!

    1. Yeah, I didn't know how till I did it the other day.. nice experience..

  3. Certo? I must look for the brand here. How did you get the pomegranate juice? I believe I will like the jam.

    1. The juice came from the fresh pomegranate tree here behind the house.. needs a lot of work, cleaning, squeezing the juice out from the fruits... :)

  4. eh.... got readu made pectin ah. Here we used lemon seed to make pectin. so easy leh to have ready made pectin

  5. So many bottles of jam! Must be very nice this pomegranate jam. So lucky all those people who are receiving it :)

    1. Yeah, too bad my suitcases cannot stomach in more..

  6. Will u b making it when u come Johor? Wink wink, lol

  7. Oooo. I would love a bottle of that. Homemade jam is the best.

    So, you are heading home soon?? What a holiday, adventure and experience. I enjoyed reading your journal.

  8. I can smell the fragrance of the jam, I like.

    End of holiday already? Same as Rose, I enjoy reading your updates.


Thank you, readers!

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