Monday, September 25, 2017

Buntong Noodles At Sri Mahkota Theatre Street, Ipoh


I cannot remember the last time I went to Buntong Noodles in town for dinner.  When my friends suggested that place for dinner, I readily agreed... It was already 7pm when we arrived at the shop and as expected, the tables at this corner shop were all occupied except for one! 

Oh... this shop is kind of special.. upon entering, we must go and take a number from an elderly man sitting behind the table.  He is in charged of the numbers. :)  I like this number system... first come first serve... All we have to do is to take a number, find your own table and then clip the number to a small metal stand... and then WAIT for our turn to be served.  Most likely, the waiting is around 15 minutes or so..... depending on the crowd.   Once the orders are taken, the noodles will come very fast...
This is my plate smooth of noodles... 
So smooth that I did not manage to chew on them... :)
I should order this combination instead... I like it mixed like that...
We ordered 2 rounds of these.... just couldn't stop... very greedy of us!
And the soupy ones as well....
Oh, I forgot to take picture of the beef stew... 
Cos it came later than these above...
All in for three persons, it came to around RM22... 
Our evening dinner ended with a bowl of ABC desserts....
Now looking back...
I wonder how much calories I have put on for this evening's dinner!


  1. I like the soupy ones and the dessert. Eat first, don't worry about the calories.

  2. I like the ABC best. The noodles that are too smooth to be chewed are they lai fun?

  3. I like the noodles & the ABC! very satisfying meal!

  4. Haiyar!!! I wonder what the beef stew looked like. I'd love that yong tofu - love anything in clear soup.

    1. The beef stew is very nice.. Next time I will take a picture of it...

  5. Number systems are good! That way the waiting is more fair. LOVE noodles!

  6. Very systematic but the place is always full!

  7. Rat tail noodle. Good one is smooth. Yum yum.

    Unique system. And very nice way to end the dinner with ABC.

    1. I like their number system, fair and square.. hahaa

  8. You sure ate a lot with lots of calories but still so thin. How did you do that???

  9. Lots of carbs, I super like! LOL!

  10. I think I eat the noodle before years back during CNY at friend place in JB, if I didn't remember wrongly, friend order from KL...

  11. This makes me want to go home ... come to my blog sis !!

  12. This is indeed rare that coffee shops give out numbers. I would happily keep them and buy Empat Ekor lottery!


Thank you, readers!

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