Saturday, January 20, 2018

Set Lunch At The Lab, Ipoh

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY... I went for "Sit-Down" exercise in my church yesterday!  This is my first time going there for exercise and to my surprise, the place was full to the brim.  Full of seniors like me, so full that the stage has to be filled up as well.  This Sit-down exercise is very well received by many, started from my church few years ago and have since then "spread" to other churches as well... I should have taken a picture of it yesterday... never mind, next Friday then...

Since I was a first timer there, I was ushered to the front so that I would be able to do it "correctly"... that is a good move... And then it started.. one and a half hours of exercising the limbs of my weary body using a textile stick.  Now I know how to do already, I can do it in my own home..  ahemmm... No discipline, don't talk so much!  LOL....

After the "torture" and sweat on my body, I need to pamper myself back.... when the teacher mentioned going to The Lab for lunch, I was all for it.  Firstly, I had not been there before and secondly, I can fill myself to the brim without feeling guilty.  And so here we are.... The Lab..
Nice ambience.... 
There were more than 20 choices for the set lunch.... 
It comes with soup of the day, main meal and bottomless filling of lemon tea.... 
First comes the mushroom soup... 
Grill lamb chop RM24
Grilled Chicken Chop  RM18
Hainanese Chicken Rm18
So filling!
Chicken chop spaghetti... 
Baked Herbs Chicken RM19...
Will I come again?
Perhaps once in two months... or more... 


  1. This food looks so American, and SO good!! My mouth is watering. Our church has the sit down exercises, too! Ours is every Thursday. They bring a portable tape player and exercise to the music, also keep a beach ball in the air from their circle of chairs.

    1. Oh, that is great.. we don't have music.. just follow the leader..

  2. Western food. I like!

    That is a good indulgence after the torture. Lol.

  3. Not cheap but of course, at places like this, that is only to be expected.

  4. Good to exercise regularly. No photos of how to do the "Sit-Down" exercises?

  5. Hahaha I was there for the sit down exercise a year ago but now doing weight lifting at home 😅😅😅 the sit down exercise is good 😜

  6. So nice, after exercise can enjoy all the good food!

  7. The dishes looked good. Over here the restaurants always poured the gravy over the chicken chops.

  8. I like the grilled lamb chop, grilled chicken chop and the chicken cutlet


Thank you, readers!

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