Monday, January 28, 2019

Year End Trip To Taiwan

A PLANNED TRIP TO TAIWAN.... not by me but by the youngsters.  I wanted to go Taiwan but not on conducted tours, I prefer free and easy where we can go to any place we want to.  That was what I told my kids last year and I am grateful to them that they managed to make this trip come true for me. I told them... You all do the planning, just let me know how much to pay only.  LOL... And that was what they did.  They checked the online websites for cheap tickets, searched for tour guide for two days, booked the hotels, changed currency... and pass the bill over... LOL... just kidding!

And our trip to Taiwan started on the 29th December last year.  I flew down to Singapore to meet them up, had our free dinner and rested at the lounge till it was time to board at 1am.  Slept a bit on the plane and we reached Taipei airport within 5 hours.  Our driver cum tour guide was waiting for us at the airport... so nice!  On the way to Taichung, they took us for local meat dumplings and fresh soyabean for breakfast... and our three hours drive was a blissful sleep for me! 

First destination we stopped at Sanwan Miaoli... a small and rural township where we walked a "roller coaster" roadway to one nature park.... Weather was good, cold but bearable...
At the lounge filling up our tummies... 
A long half hour walk up and down on this long and winding road.. 
The tour guide in front of us leading the way... 
We did not know what to expect... mountains and trees?
And people..... 
So... eventually, we reached... the "place"... 
So after all the puffing and huffing up and down the roads... 
We finally saw what we were headed for... 
Click, click, click... and then...
the long walk back to our van.... 

Friday, January 25, 2019

Our Yearly Affair At Delights Restaurant, Ipoh

SAU KOONG CHAU...... literally known as "Close Shop" or "Stop Work" is our annual affair when the festive season Chinese New Year is coming near.  My ex-colleagues whom we know for umpteen years already, make it a point to have a gathering meet-up and have a good session of food before we  usher in the Chinese Lunar Year 2019.  

This year again, we have our Friday long hours lunch at Delight Restaurant, a nice place for us, less crowded and less noise so that we don't have to raise our voices in our table of 10.  There is a new face this year in our group, she just joined in the government service few months ago, the youngest gal among us all.  It was a very fun and interesting afternoon, most of the time we focused on the new young staff.... a very witty and hardworking lady who works from early morning till midnight... Knowing her, each of us feel kind of blessed in our own way... LOL... 
The pensioners being the early birds... 
Back to our menu.... this is a set meal which cost RM668... 
As usual, this is a Must for every set during this festive season of the year... 
After the furnishings, it become like this... 
Then the Big Toss with good wishes in the air... 
Chicken Herbal Soup with lots of goodness inside... 
I drank three bowls of this... good for my age... LOL.. 
Steamed Giant Fish.. 
Mixed Vege..
Needs no introduction... 
Crispy Fried Pork Knuckle... 
And lastly, the Lap Mei Farn... 
And the "celebrities".... 
Oh, I mean those who came to celebrate this festive event of "Close Shop" for CNY...
This year our colour theme is Yellow... 
Even the restaurant table cloth was in theme with us!

4 Features Of A Fun Home

A lot of people get hung up on the idea of making their home look beautiful. They want everything to be designed perfectly so that eventually their home begins to look like a property that’s straight out of a catalogue. While there’s nothing wrong with this, it’s not the only consideration a homeowner should have when they’re designing their home. How fun, for example, should also be a priority! We’re serious. Is it better to have a beautiful but atmospherically stale home or one that’s slightly rough around the edges, but fun? We know what we’d choose. But you don’t have to choose, really, your home can be beautiful and fun. Below, we take a look at how to add the latter.


Open Plan

Your home isn’t going to be all that fun if no-one can see each other. If everyone’s off in their own rooms, then when will there be time to enjoy other’s company? So to begin, look at creating a home that allows people to chat and be together in a relaxed environment. You’ll have your living room, of course, but it’s also worthwhile looking at adopting an open-plan kitchen design. In so doing, you’ll be creating a space where people can relax, chat casually, and all-around wait for the fun times to come.

Latest Technology

There is simply no reason to be bored in the home. No reason at all! You just need to have the right technology. When you want peace and quiet and a digital detox, you can, but it’s important to have the option of enjoying all the benefits of having the latest technology in your home. This means having a large television, cable television, and internet that’s capable of HD streaming. With those things present in your home, you’ll be able to enjoy many fun evenings with your loved ones, curled up on the couch, watching a movie or television series.

Music in the Air

What is life without music? It’s barely worth thinking about. It doesn’t just reflect our mood; it can create our mood. If you have positive, uplifting music flowing through the house, then everyone in your clan is going to be feeling good. And it couldn't be simpler to do, either. With a couple of Bluetooth speakers strategically placed around your home, you’ll be able to play those uplifting tunes directly from your smartphone. Now all that’s left to do is put together an awesome Saturday morning playlist, and get everyone’s weekend started the right way.

Outdoor Fun

You can have a lot of fun in the house, but when spring and summer rolls around, you’ll want to head out of doors. So make sure you have the capability to enjoy your garden once the sun starts shining. For the adults, that means having relaxing outdoor furniture, and a BBQ, too. For the kids, it’s all about having swing sets, paddling pools, and so on. Inside and out, your home will be the most fun in the neighbourhood.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Christmas Food Stuffings In Me

OH OH.... not HO HO...
Yes, this post should be published a month ago... LOL... Nowadays my posts are indeed very backdated, so much happening that I did not have the time to write current happenings, unlike those days when I was still working, I had more time to blog than now I am not working.  As my friends used to call me.. "You are an octopus now that you retire."  I dare not contradict that... LOL...

Back to our Christmas celebration, we had our party in Sg. Buloh... er... not exactly a party, no dancing or singing but more on preparing food and stuffing our tummies.  LOL... Of course, I am not the one cooking, so much to see and learn while I was there.  I kept "ooohhh... ahhhhh.... " only cos everything looks new to me especially Risotti rice!  That day was the first time I ever tasted Risotti, quite embarrassed to say but still I do tell everyone here. 

Christmas isn't Christmas without a nice fat turkey, so someone said.  And so we had one ordered earlier from Jaya Grocer, first time ordering it so we did not know what to expect.  To our delight, the turkey was indeed very succulent, dry on the outside and moist on the inside.  It came with a meatloaf plus cranberry sauce.... And I think it cost around RM300....
Needs some carving done.... 
Together side by side... 
We ladies only know how to pose...  
Like this... 
And like that.... 
The rest of the job...leave it to the Man!
The hostess is a good cook... she made this...
I thought I would not like it... 
I was wrong... it was very flavourful...
I wonder how this is done... too bad I was not around then... 
Spaghetti Aglio olio... 
Quiche... I took a big piece of this... 
Deviled eggs... also known as stuffed eggs... 
My first helping without the turkey which is still under the "knife" then... 
Thanks to the cooks on this day... 
I really enjoy all the food stuffings laid on the table!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

An Evening Dinner At Chef Chew Kitchen, Petaling Jaya

BACK TO SG. BULOH for a couple of days....

Come evening, we went for dinner at Chef Chew Kitchen in Seksyen 19, Petaling Jaya.  Since it was my first time there, I did not know what to expect except to sit back, relax and eat.  LOL... It is a one shop lot restaurant so tables are very limited.  Reservation was made at 6pm to be on the safe side, to avoid crowds and waiting for food was very minimized at this time of the day.  For the seven of us, these dishes were served on the table...
Thumbs up even before the dinner... 
And soon these are served... 

Claypot braised ribs... 
Their signature dish... Fish Maw... 
First time eating fish maw which is whitish in colour... 
Black Beancurd with Pumpkin sauce...
Hey, this restaurant indeed serves new to me!
This must be Sweet Sauce Chicken...
For the American...
Cos we Asians like Steamed Chicken like this! 
And the star dish of the dinner is this... 
Freshly steamed and succulent prawns... 
And the most delicious part is none other than the top... 
I read somewhere that we need cholesterol in our bodies... 
Not sure these prawns are HDL or the LDL... LOL.. 

Beautiful Dresses For All Ages

Wedding bells are in the air!  The bridal shops and restaurants are in full blast again, bookings have to be made in advance and that goes the same for hotels' ballrooms too.  And there are many couples who opt for garden weddings these days, I think it is a very romantic, having a wedding solemnized in a cooling garden surrounded by lovely flowers and landscaping.

There are much to prepare for a wedding but for the bride, the most important item she needs to have is the wedding and evening gowns that she is going to wear.  Some bridal shops may offer the correct design but the sizes might not be suitable or they might have correct sizes but the designs are not exquisite at all.  But worry not, there are now many online formal dresses for ladies who are looking for classy and exquisite evening dresses for brides.  Not only that, there is a nice selection of prom dresses for11 12 years old!  These beautiful prom dresses can be worn for wedding dinners as well, it is like killing two birds with one stone!  Their classic and modern designs include one or 2 piece prom dresses and gowns, designs that are suitable for the both young and matured ladies.

As I browse through, I began clicking a number of dresses and gowns that caught my attention.  These fashionable high low prom dresses are indeed flattering and they come in many exquisite designs and shapes.  There is a wide collection of gowns and dresses just like those celebrities wear, all exquisite looking, most suitable for grand occasions, weddings, prom nights and glamorous functions.

Ladies are ladies, we love to dress up nice and feeling good with ourselves.  No matter how old we are, we should Live beautifully and maybe get a pick here and look like a celebrity.  After all, dessing up beautifully is one of the things ladies love to do!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Our Long Wait At T S VIP Restaurant, Ipoh


Back in Ipoh, we went for a promotional set dinner at a restaurant which has just shifted from Heritage Hotel to the Ipoh Country Club.  The restaurant is called T S VIP and it was giving out meal sets at RM388 for 10 people.  We made a reservation two days in advance and when we reached the restaurant, we were told that our reservation was not on that evening but the following day.  Oh no.. we specified that it was on a Friday, not Saturday, we told them that we ordered the set personally, no phone calls, nothing.  Anyway, after hearing our explanation, they laid out a table for us... and we chatted and chatted.... till an hour later, the food had not arrived yet... By then all of us were super hungry and we called in the Captain.... this time he apologised profusely cos he did not know about this earlier...

After the first dish, we had to wait another half hour again, oh dear.. the captain was called again and after that, all the other dishes came out continuously.... 
Our first dish... a combination of this and that... 
And within minutes.. this scenerio... 
LOL.. that shows how hungry we were by then!
Then this came... followed by the rest... 
Fragrant chicken rice... 
Mongolian Curry Chicken Bun... 
Steamed Garoupa...
Some greens with egg gravy... 
And noodles for the Birthday Boy... 
Plus desserts which I did not manage to take... 

All in all, the food was not bad..... 
Though the long wait and feeling hungry, 
we still manage to smile for the camera!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Comfort Food At Pekin Restaurant Sutera, Johor


The evening we were back in Johor, it was our turn to have "comfort food" Asian styled... and for that special dinner, we went to Peking Restaurant at Sutera area.  The food can never go wrong over there, only thing is that, the place is always full.  We waited for half an hour before we could finally ushered in to our table.  Food preparation is fast though, within minutes our dishes were all served and within minutes, only empty plates were noticed.. LOL..

There were only 6 of us and we ordered just a few dishes, bill came to around RM200.
Smiles for the camera while waiting for our "comfort food!"

Everyone loves their Glutinous rice wrapped with lotus leaf... 
This is also nice... Yam with vegetables inside the "well"
Yummy Yam!
Asparagus stirfry with garlic..
Creamy prawns... 
Now I am drooling!
Another one of their signature dishes... 
Mongolian Spare Ribs or something like that...
Very soft and juicy!

Fried Meesua instead of rice... 
By then we were too full.. and could not tuck in any desserts!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...