Sunday, March 31, 2019

Noon Break At Dunelm, Aberdeen


Each day I look forward to having a good afternoon tea with my evergreen friend, Mary.  She is a very busy lady, managing the whole Brentwood Villa all by herself most of the time.  Waking up early each morning, she prepares breakfast for her guests, according to their requests, Scottish breakfast, continental or even Asian when it is needed.  After that, she does the housekeeping, running up and down the stairs with the laundry and stuff.  I always say "aiyoh, aiyoh" whenever she tells me what she has been doing.  I can imagine how it is like and I feel myself growing tired even by listening.  LOL...

She definitely needs a good rest by noon.... and by resting means coming out from the B'n'B to relax in one of the cafes outside.  She will take a couple of  hours off, having a nice hot drink or soup and then doing groceries at the supermarket before heading back home again to wait for guests and do dinner for them.  No joke! 
On this particular noon, we had this thick hot tomato soup with a freshly baked bun... 
One set 3 pounds sterling... 
Very appetising for me... thick soupy fresh tomatoes.. I like it!
Just the both of us at Dunelm... 
While she rested her legs, I went around window shopping...
They are a chain retailer for bedding, curtains, soft furnishings 
plus kitchen equipment and homewares...
So much to see and to buy... and yet not I... 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Badminton At Sports Village, Aberdeen


My best sport among all is still badminton.  Thanks to Mary, I have the chance to continue playing this game every now and then.  I remember last year my knee got injured during one of the games.  This time I tried to be more careful and I did not injure my knee but my arm.  LOL... I think it must be muscle pull, it couldn't be tennis elbow.... anyway after a couple of days playing badminton and one night of bowling, I am now resting my right arm till it fully recovers.  That shows ho w often I play sports in Ipoh!
Action in Aberdeen Sports Village... 
Will stop temporary for now till end of April... 
My faithful badminton partner...
She is a really a good player... 
She covers most of the court for me!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Night Bowling At Codonas, Aberdeen


How many years have it been since I last held this heavy ball in my hand?  hmmm... let me think... it must be around late 70s or early 80s, there was one bowling alley in Ipoh called Federal Bowling.  My goodness, when I told my young friends, they laughed in disbelief... well, who wouldn't... LOL.. That time I must be in 20s and having a game of bowling was not cheap then.

But over here in Aberdeen, it is cheap, that is... from 10.30pm till 12.30am, the games are unlimited and it cost only 5 sterling pounds for each person.  Depends on how fast a game finishes, we can go on and on... And that was what we did on last Friday night, the few of us dominated two alleys till 12.30am, till the lights went out.
Action only... 
Fun and laughter at the alley... 
After two hours.... 
And before we went home... 
Seniors and Juniors night outing!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Chic 40th Birthday Party Theme Ideas

Stepping into the 40s is amazing and things are about to get really good at this age! If you are coming closer to this age, it’s high time to plan your 40th birthday. This is a great date and you should celebrate it the best way possible, so first of all, choose a theme for your party and the colors you want to use for the décor and food. You may even want to hire an event rentals Los Angeles specialist to help you make your big day a truly memorable one.

If you're a woman turning into the fantastic forty and want your 40th birthday party to be classy, glamorous, sexy, and cool, check out these fantastic party themes below:

1. Glamorous
Glam parties are the most popular ones for girls of any age, so many women choose Chanel, Diva and just sparkly glam décor for their 40th birthday parties. These are usually black and white with addition of hot pink or sparkly gold and silver.

2.  Boho Chic
You can also rock boho chic and casual rustic theme, they are also extremely popular and the décor is super easy to realize yourself. Hang some of your photos on the balloons, cover the tables with sequin tablecloths and enjoy your party with some champagne with your besties and loved ones! 

3.  Pink Party
If you're looking to celebrate your 40th birthday in a more demure way, how about throwing a feminine pink birthday party with everything pink from food to drinks, décor and door gifts! 

5. Superhero
Every woman is a Wonder Woman in her own right! Celebrate your 40th in true superhero style with a smashing superhero themed party.

6.  Denim Themed 40th Bash
From blue denim table cloths to denim print plates and cups, blue cup cakes and rugged denim jeans, a denim themed 40th bash definitely doesn't lack style and is sure to impress in a casual, chic way.

Happy birthday to you! Whatever the theme you choose for your 40th birthday party, you will need an awesome party venue to add to the fun factor. Check out party rentals Palm Springs at the link here to help you find the perfect location to host your big day.

Saturday Night Dinner At Harvester, Aberdeen

SATURDAY NIGHT...  but no fever, just hungrier as usual....
No homecooking since it is a weekend and we pampered ourselves in a nice cosy restaurant called Harvester.  First time visit for me and Aaron told me that this place serves very nice salad.  The best thing is that the Salad has unlimited servings, self service servings and comes with a main meal order. 
I was so hungry that I felt like eating almost anything in the menu before we settled for a mixed platter for two.  It came with a half roasted chicken and half rack BBQ ribs... good enough for both of us and it cost around 13 sterling pounds.  With unlimited salad, it is certainly worth it, anyway, we could not take much, after the first serving of salad, we only opted for the half the size of the first one.  We were very full by then.... well, of course, together with a Sundae ice cream, that really makes the meal complete and full of satisfaction!
Front view of the Harvester in the dark at 7.30pm... 
Aaron's DIY fantastic salad.. first round... 
I finished most of it.. before the main dish arrived... 
Our platter of goodies... 
I just took the bottom half of the chicken... 
Yes, this is mine!
I finished most of it... this cost less than 5 pounds...
And that was our Saturday night dinner... 
We must come back for other food one day!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Indonesia Events At St. Machar, Aberdeen

SOMEWHERE NEAR HOME...  It is not a Malaysian fest but Indonesia.  We went to give our support at this Indonesian fest held at St Machar Academy, a public school for children.  Walked from our place to the academy, took us nearly half hour instead of fifteen minutes.  We walked through Aberdeen university, then though their library campus and off to the main road leading to St. Machar.  First thing first, we "attacked" the food bazaar at the lower ground.... even  before reaching the fair, the fragrance of the food reminded us back home in Malaysia. 
We craved some curry delights, fried fish, rendang and vegetables in creamy santan.
Then we attended a short while at the hall... some dances and video recordings....
Too many cameras in the air.... 
We left after that with our tummies full... 
Passed through the King's college again... 
And that was about it for the half day.... 

Baked Turkey Thigh And Asparagus For Dinner


I can eat every two hours, I mean I feel like eating every two hours, be it snacks or main meal... Must be due to the cold weather, 10 degrees and below though sunny skies outside.  In the mornings, I normally make a mug of oats with two pieces of toast with butter.  For lunch, something simple, porridge, fried rice or noodles for myself.  

Turkey meat is cheap over here, one big turkey thigh cost around 2.2 pounds.  Aaron taught me to marinate it with just salt and black pepper... and that was exactly what I did.  Then baked it for an hour 10 minutes and that was it... My dinner is ready!  

This belongs to me.... solely!
Of course I could not finish it all by myself... 
I took 3/4 of this and the leftovers were cooked as porridge the next day... 
Just add in some peanuts and another meal is done.... 
I must do this again... 
I mean the baked turkey thigh... 
Since it is cheap and easily accessible over here... 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Worship At Junction City, Aberdeen

CHURCH SERVICE FOR THE CHINESE CONGREGATION is at 3pm each Sunday and I have been here several times.  Though I do not understand much Mandarin, their songs of worship is sweet to my ears.  :)  I can only grasp a few words here and there, I am slow in lingual, perhaps if I stay here longer, that might not be a problem anymore. :)
Getting the technical side ready for the practice.... 
Rehearsal before the service... 
And in the midst of the worship... 
Sweet voices in the church... 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sunny Skies And Rain At Seaton Park


Church service starts at 2pm for the Chinese section.  We have two hours to spend before going for the service.  Aaron wanted to take me to the botanic park inside the Aberdeen university and the weather then was super sunny.  Let's go!  I could shed some calories along the way, sunny it looks but it was still very chilling.  I was shivering to my bones half way through the park and this young lady offered her thick jacket to this elderly yours truly.  So grateful for that!  *Must not underestimate the weather even though the sun was out*

The park was nice, quiet and green.... but it was all white during January.  Some of them students who did not go back for Chinese New Year came to this park to have a game of snowballing... It must be fun for them, how nice to be young and youthful again... can just slip and fall without spraining any nerves and bones!  LOL...

Then.... suddenly the sun disappeared and hid behind the clouds.  The sky grew cloudy, in just matter of minutes, soon, we felt droplets on our head.  OH OH..... We walked swiftly back... and soon our walk turned to run... Let's run for our lives!   LOL... Gosh, what a weather in disguise! 

Sunny skies can suddenly turn to rain in just a matter of minutes!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Food And Entertainment In Brentwood Villa, Aberdeen


What lures me back here so soon is also partly that I have good friends here, The Mohs!  They are always so kind and generous, full of hospitality and makes me feel so much at home.  I am so thankful to them, their good works are also extended not to seniors like me but also to all ages.  Students who come from afar to study, professors, tourists... they like to come by to Brentwood Villa, feeling at home away from home.  LOL...

Coming back to my post, Mary invited both of us for a fulfilling dinner at her cosy cafe.  She extended her invitation to a few students as well, they simply love to go over... anytime... just waiting for the invite.  LOL... so naughty of me!  No frills no fancies and yet the meal was so satisfying, Asian food is always a welcoming sight to US! 

Besides food, we were entertained to a a potential singer among our midst... that evening was indeed enlightening.  However due to my jet lag, I called it an early night, I was in bed snoring by 9.30pm! *so my son said*
The Char Char Mien, this is called... 
How to resist!!
Joining the youth to make myself younger... LOL... 
Just The Way You Are...
All good... 
Thank you to all....

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Let It Snow, Let It Snow


As the plane landed safely at the Aberdeen airport, I heard the pilot was announcing something about snow, I didn't pay attention, I couldn't wait to get off the plane after an hour flight from London.  The minute I stepped out from the plane, my heart was lifted up.. Oh yes, it was SNOWING!!  This is the first time I experienced walking under the real snow.  I think I was smiling all the way down, I know I did, seriously... people hurried into the shelter and I was taking slow steps.  Real "village" lady!

Walked to claim my baggage and I was startled when someone tapped me on my shoulder.  "OH... its you!" Yes, my son could just walked in to the luggage section even though he was not the passenger.  LOL... I think they are quite relaxed with the domestic flights... Good, I don't have to tug my heavy suitcase from the welt by myself!

Next destination.... FOOD!  I was super hungry by then.... Let's go for a good lunch, I told my son....
While waiting for my bag... 
Yes, the snow just snowed and snowed... LOL... 
And our lunch at a cafe near to the airport.... 
Mixed platter of this and that... 
My holiday has begun!
Thank God for journey mercies!

How to Wrap an Exhaust

Motorcycles exhausts can be a hazard. They are hot and can easily burn your leg or clothing if you are not careful. You can take precautionary measures by wrapping your bike’s exhaust pipe with a protective film.  This will not only make riding your bike safer, it will make those old muffler pipes look new again. Installing an exhaust wrap on your bike is not difficult at all and can be done in a couple of hours.

Here is a simple step by step guide to get you started. But before you get started, you may want to get the exhaust wrap, exhaust accessories and perhaps some aftermarket motorcycle parts from Bike Bandit.  And it works better if you have an extra set of hands to help you.

Step 1: Soak the wrap
It must be wet to be stretched and applied. You will need a pair of gloves as the wrap is woven with fiberglass and you don't want that on your hands. Also, it is messy. It only takes a minute to soak. Just get it wet and you are ready to go.

Step 2: Wrap it up
It is important to get the wrap as tight as possible, this is where the extra set of hands come. You can use a slight overlap. You don't need a 50% overlap. About 3/16 inch is good. Start at the intake and work out. Fold the ends of the wrap to make it clean. The bends in the pipe are tricky and do require a bit more overlap to maintain a tight fit.  When you reach the end of the pipe use the steel ties to cinch it in place. Then repeat with steel ties at the top.

Step 3: Done
Once you finish wrapping your pipes make sure to run the pipe to allow the exhaust wrap to cure. An advice here is not to do this in your garage or while riding it as it can emit a LOT of smoke!  Once it gets up to temperature it will cure and you will be all set to ride your bike.

Whether you’re looking to wrap your bike’s exhaust or change the exhaust, check out where there’s always a wide variety for you to choose from. See more, click here, etc.  to see what you can get for your bike.

Monday, March 18, 2019

All By Myself


Been silent in my blog for a couple of days already, getting through the jet lag by sleeping for more than 10 hours.  Woke up wondering where I was... LOL...

Started my long journey from Ipoh to KLIA at 3.30pm and reaching the airport some four hours later due to the jam in the federal highway.  Waited another two hours before checking in my big luggage and realized that I forgot to bring my credit card to gain entry to the premier lounge... oh dear... how could I have forgotten that!  No free meal and ended up paying M51 for this set at a Japanese restaurant....
Garlic fried rice and Soba fish... 
Another mistake...
Saw a promotion of one set for only RM20++
consisting of Salmon fried rice and miso soup!
sigh.. another blunder!
Fast forward.... another 13 hours later, I landed in Heathrow airport... 
Couldn't eat the food on the plane... perhaps I slept most of the time away... 
Had a light breakfast here at the Giraffe... 
Sitting here all alone... all by myself... 
How lonely... and alone... 
The Giraffe cafe where I sat for an hour or so... while waiting for the transit to Aberdeen..

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...