Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Baked Turkey Thigh And Asparagus For Dinner


I can eat every two hours, I mean I feel like eating every two hours, be it snacks or main meal... Must be due to the cold weather, 10 degrees and below though sunny skies outside.  In the mornings, I normally make a mug of oats with two pieces of toast with butter.  For lunch, something simple, porridge, fried rice or noodles for myself.  

Turkey meat is cheap over here, one big turkey thigh cost around 2.2 pounds.  Aaron taught me to marinate it with just salt and black pepper... and that was exactly what I did.  Then baked it for an hour 10 minutes and that was it... My dinner is ready!  

This belongs to me.... solely!
Of course I could not finish it all by myself... 
I took 3/4 of this and the leftovers were cooked as porridge the next day... 
Just add in some peanuts and another meal is done.... 
I must do this again... 
I mean the baked turkey thigh... 
Since it is cheap and easily accessible over here... 


  1. It looks beautiful; nicely browned and crispy. You have taught Aaron to be a good cook!

  2. Looks gorgeous. That is the thing in cool temperate climates - always hungry and everything tastes so nice. Come back here and eat the same thing, somehow it is not quite the same. Watch your weight, eh?

  3. Wow! your meal look good especially the asparagus. eating every two hours is fine as long as you don't overeat during each meal.

  4. You are so clever! Only Chinese would know how to cook porridge with leftovers.

  5. Very nice! I love asparagus but I keep saying this - I have not eaten turkey yet. LOL!

  6. Drooling over your roast turkey thigh and asparagus!

  7. looks good. Turkey is quite cheap there!


Thank you, readers!

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