Monday, November 30, 2020

Korean Noodles On A Cooling Night

COOLING NIGHT...  For the last few nights, the weather was very cooling.  We could survive even without the fan for some minutes... LOL... 

Since it was a cooling day, my kids suggested cooking their favourite Korean noodles called Jin.  They saw this 5 packet Korean noodles at AEON, they haven't seen this brand before so they wanted to try them out.  One pack cost around RM11 something.... 

I am not a maggi/cintan fan lover so I was not sure whether this could be good or not.  After that night, I changed my mind, I decided this is something I would not mind eating again.  Their soup base is pretty good, not dilute and MSG taste like our local noodles.  Well, I suppose the price is also somewhat different compared to this Korean noodles.  

For dinner, I opened a can of Tulip luncheon meat and sauteed a vege dish to go with the noodles.  As for the noodles, I left the cooking to the youngsters.... 
I thought there would be leftover but we heartily finished them all...
My son bought the 40% less sodium one...
My mixed vegetables with sambal dried shrimps.... 
I was told we must eat like this...
Bring the whole pot out and on the table.... 
Just like the Koreans... *really?*
They cooked only 3 packets for the 4 of us....
Good decision.... 
It was one nice dinner for a change.... 
As usual, they like to have dinner while watching their favourite Korean dramas!
If I can't beat them, I join them... LOL... 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Takeaway Giant Bun Curry Prawns From Soo Har Yee Restaurant, Ipoh

ON ANOTHER LAZY EVENING, we ordered food again, this time from Beggar's Restaurant aka Soo Har Yee, direct translation.  

This restaurant is famous for the Beggar's chicken (made from herbs) but I did not order that.  Another signature dish is their Curry Bread.  There are three options we can choose from, the fillings can be either curry chicken, sweet sour prawns or crabs.  We chose prawns and besides this dish, we ordered another two more.... dishes which I could not cook at home, of course... LOL...

The food were delivered by the restaurant staff, not by Grab or Foodpanda and no delivery charges since the cost came to around RM116.  This was our dinner on that rainy evening.... 

I was surprised to see the big bun in a big nice box.... 
The bun was still warm and soft... 
Upon opening.... 
I am not a good food blogger....
When we started "tearing" up the bun, I forgot to take pictures of the fillings!
That should be the most important part, right?
Compared to the two other dishes, doesn't the bun look giantic?
Braised yam with pork... RM25
This is salted egg chicken..... RM10 I think....
There are 11 big prawns inside the Big Bun... RM76
I think it is really worth ordering... LOL... 
We finished the whole bun except for the bottom layer...
Cos we had white rice too.... 
Well, it was certainly a Big Dinner for us... 
We thought of ordering this Giant Bun once again...
Maybe the next time with crabs...
I make sure that I will get my camera ready!! 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Takeaway Dishes From Sun Marpoh Restaurant, Ipoh

LAZY DAY... and I ended up calling the restaurant to prepare three dishes for dinner.  Just a short drive away, I ordered from Sun Marpoh restaurant, it is a family-like place, not the posh kind of restaurant and we have been regulars here ever since my first kid was born!  That means the restaurant has been around for at least 30 years, I think... LOL... 

Slowly as the years go by, the restaurant flourished until we do not feel like going there anymore cos we do not like waiting.  But since the Covid-19, with the MCO, CMCO and all the orders, everyone prefer to eat at home or go online delivery.  Many restaurants and eating stalls are naturally affected, business is not as good anymore.  The best and crowded restaurants are now turning quiet... however, we can still "help" them by ordering food for takeaway.  

It has been some time since we last ate fish so I ordered dishes which I could not cook in the house.  

Nestum chicken.... RM17
We miss this family dish... 
Kids' dish, I would say... 
My son's favourite....RM9
Eggplant with minced meat.... 
I requested for basil leaves too..
Unfortunately they did not have..... 
Steamed fish in sweet sour sauce.... RM30
I only did the ABC soup.... 
The rest including the rice was bought from the restaurant....
Their herbal soup is on the house... 
Whole cost came to RM57.50....
I think that is pretty reasonable... right?

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Gifts On My Birthday


I can only think of one good thing that Covid brings upon me this year.  Only one.... that is... I have my kids with me.  Though not all of them, at least I have two with me for some time now.  They go back on and off to their working town and then come back again after awhile.  So this year, I get to see them the most in their 10 years of working life! 

On this day they are here with me and I had a beautiful surprise this morning!  I have been thinking for the past few days, wondering whether they remember my B-day or not... LOL... they gave no hint whatsoever, these kids!  I almost doubted that they remember at all... LOL... 

After my zoom meeting with my church members around 11plus, I walked into the living hall and received a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" shout from them.  Ok, not really a shout la, just a bit louder than the normal voice tone.... LOL... 

On the table laid a bouquet of flowers, cakes and buns from Shake n Bake.... After the Happy Birthday singing, cutting the cake and all... came my present of the year.  LOL... 

YAY!  I finally have a phone model newer than them!  LOL... 
Though not the latest 12 model, it is still newer than 
the ones my kids are using... hahaha... 
Nice colour too....
Pastel Purple... 
Thank you for the Sweet Surprise!! 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

My Main Ingredients Meat, Eggs And Greens

TWO DINNER MEALS...  on two different weekdays last week.... 

I still go out marketing every two or three days, my residential area has a dry market where one can drive into the market cos it is just a rectangle and not many people go there.  Firstly, there are not many stalls and secondly, the prices are slightly higher than those sold in the big markets.  I don't mind paying a few cents higher, it is nearer, cleaner, less people and easy parking.  But of course, the selection is also limited.... 

What I normally buy is meat, chicken and pork, no fish, seafood is out... so there is always no fish in my meals.  

Similar dishes.... meat and eggs are always seen.... 
With bitter gourd...
Homegrown long beans and okra.... 
Diced potatoes with minced meat/fish paste and tomatoes...
My kids love potatoes...
Another dinner meal.... this time with black beans chicken soup... 
The rest of the dishes are similar... 
Eggs with homegrown chives cooked with tumeric powder... 
Anyone tried this before?  LOL.. 
Broccoli with  my homegrown okra... again!
I added in some mushrooms... 
My kids requested for potatoes again...
This time I sliced them piece by piece... 
and again with minced meat...
Chinese dishes are easy to cook 
but only takes more time to prepare and lots to washing up!

Gifts To Give For Christmas

 How time flies! Before we knew it, the year 2020 is coming to a close. Since the beginning of this year 2020, it has been all about the pandemic and Covid-19. At the end of each day, we waited for the update on the number of infected cases in our state, nation and the world. Most of us are told to stay home to stay safe and to wash our hands regularly. If we have to go out to buy essentials, we have to wear face mask and to keep a safe distance from one another. We don’t know what the year 2021 will be like, but we do hope that it will be better than this year.

Since 2020 is coming to a close, we are reminded that it is the time of the year when people are looking forward to the year-end festive sales. Traditionally, stores and shopping malls will be busy with their festive decorations and shoppers looking forward to various good deals and discounts. With Christmas just round the corner, this is the best time to shop for gift hampers. Oh, but wait a minute! With the current pandemic and the threat of Covid-19, it is not convenient for us to shop the way we have been used to before the pandemic.

Just this year alone, there has been an increased in the number of online shoppers compared to previous years. Businesses are going online to take advantage of this festive season to increase their sales. Shoppers can easily buy Xmas hampers online and have them delivered to their friends, family members, or business partners. If you have business partners or colleagues working in Hong Kong, you can easily send a Christmas gift when you shop at Give Gift Boutique. Clients ordering in bulk get to enjoy discounted prices and because of the competitive price, many companies pick this store to send corporate gifts.  One great option to consider is custom calendar maker to create customized calendars to give as Christmas gifts.

As we all know, some of us may have love ones working in Hong Kong and would not be able to return home for Christmas. To show our love and encouragement, an item from the Wooden Wine Box Set will be a great gift if you are looking for something more personal “for him”. It is not about the cost of the gift, it is the thought behind the gift and the gesture that counts.

Getting something sweet and romantic as a special gift for her, I would suggest a gift from the Xmas Chic Personal Gift. You can choose one of the jewellery box set or the flower box set. A box of assorted dark chocolate will be well received if she loves chocolate. No woman can resist a beautiful flower bouquet from someone dear to her. You can order floral gifts or gift hampers in different price range according to your budget.

Not only can you have these gifts delivered within Hong Kong, it is also possible to order and have the gifts shipped and delivered from Hong Kong to Macau, Mainland China and worldwide. Shoppers can now enjoy easy payment methods such as Payme, Apple Pay, Alipay, Wechat Pay and Fast Payment System FPS.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Backdrops For Beautiful Occasions

 Now with the Covid-19 pandemic all around the world, people are taking precautions to limit their outings as much as possible.  Beautiful scenery for photographing will just have to wait and many of us are taking a break from traveling and taking pictures from around the world.  For photography enthusiast, do not fret, there are other options to get your photos done beautifully and fantastically.  

For outdoor events being postponed due to the pandemic, the organizers turn to backdrops to substitute the real thing.  Events such as weddings, engagement parties, family portraits, baby showers, birthday parties, you name it, they got it.  Who are they?  The Starbackdrop website has all the backdrops you need for your photography session and events.  Their backdrop will help to dramatically enhance the photos taken, whatever the function is.

Lets take birthday backdrops for example.  The backdrop will add colors to this lively event, family and friends who attend will love the background as much as you do.  

Just stand in front the backdrop and you will remember it for life
 that it is your birthday event of the year. 

For loving couples who are tying the knot, do not worry about not having your wedding photos interrupted by this pandemic, just log into this wedding backdrops and you will find a wide selection for you to choose from.  I am sure you can get a really nice backdrop that suits your criteria.

Christmas is around the corner.  Are you planning for a family reunion or friend's gathering?  To enhance the atmosphere, there are so many Christmas backdrops you can choose from and have them put up into your home to enhance the ambiance of this season feel!

Having said that, these backdrops provide valuable information about your setting, be it any occasion.  You can find a good selection of backdrops at  The backdrops are made from durable microfiber which is soft yet seamless.  They can be washed and dried in the dryer at your own convenience.   They offer any size backdrops, you can even customize your backdrop, there is no limit to the size range, ranging from 3 wide all the way to 20 feet wide!  Not only that, their prices are reasonable too, starting from only $23usd onwards.  For more information, do log in to their website, with so many choices, you might have a hard time choosing the one you love!!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Claypot Prawns Noodles At Koptiam 100, Ipoh

MORNING AND EVENING...  I normally take two meals per day, I mean two main meals and in between, I do snack a bit of this and that.  

Before the CMCO, my neighbour took us to a coffeeshop in Ipoh Garden East, called 100... he recommended us to take this claypot noodles with 4 big prawns, he told us that it is the best ever!  LOL... And that was exactly what I ordered when we reached there... 

In a claypot they served with glass noodles... 
Priced at RM12... 
I think that is pretty reasonable... 
Taste:  Would be tastier if they add in more chinese wine! 
I did not finish these by myself... 
Sharing is always a better option...
Both of these cost RM18 in total..
I would love to go back to this shop again for other food...
Just have to wait for the CMCO to be over...
When we were coming out, we saw the shop owner..
Even her car bears the number 100...
I wonder how much she paid for this car number... 
Must be pretty high! 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Our Dinner At Sun Lee How Fook Before CMCO Started In Ipoh


I remember we went out on a Sunday before the Conditional Movement Control Order began on Monday.  I suggested going out for dinner cos I know that once CMCO starts, we would not be able to be so "free" to go out.  We went to Sun Lee How Fook restaurant to have a nice dinner and ended up ordering this set dinner for four at RM98 nett.

Steamed fish slices in ginger sauce... 
Pork in chinese wine.... 
Fried spring chicken....
Mushroom with shrimps.... 
Greens with clams... 
Plus rice and drinks, it is set at RM98...
For desserts, they served watermelon.... 
And we ordered this separately... Lotus pancake.... 
I think it is around RM15... 
After this dinner, I guess we have to wait for the CMCO to be lifted...
From the MySejahtera updates, I don't think the lift will be soon....
We would still be under this restricted movement for some time.... 
Stay safe! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

CMCO Bakes - Carrot Walnut Cake


Banana marble cake has bowed away and here comes Carrot Cake!  By end of this month, I dare not imagine how we all look like if the baking continues every other day or so!  This is all because of Covid-19, being locked up and spending time learning baking and eating only........................

I told them to cut down on sugar, at least one third if not half... from the original recipe.  And I try to minimize my intake from two pieces to one each day... LOL... One thing good about the recipe, the portion is not big, only a six inches in diameter and for the four of us plus my neighbour, the cakes are normally finished within two days max.  

After the marble cake, she proceeded to try her hands on carrot with walnuts.  Though the walnuts were a bit chunky, I don't mind, they really blend well with the carrot.  Oh, by the way, I did not go and see how she did it, I only saw the end product.  Anyway, her recipes are now from Sonia, her recipes are great, suitable for us when it comes to sugar and the cake size.
The fragrance led me to the kitchen.... 
Then she did some lemon frosting when the cake is cooled...
Into the fridge it went... to be kept till dinner....
Half was nearly gone by dinner time.... 
Texture all good.... soft and moist.... 
Yummy in our tummies!


Monday, November 16, 2020

CMCO - Banana Marble Butter Cake

LET'S BAKE...  This time we followed Sonia's blog, I told my girl that this blogger's recipe can never go wrong.  Recently she has been trying to bake a sponge cake using don't-know-whose recipes and it did not turn out well as supposedly. Sometimes it is hard to explain why it does not turn out though we followed strictly to the recipe.  Something is wrong somewhere.... 

Anyway, she tried again.... something different, no more sponge cake but Banana Marble Butter Cake.  I myself have not done this before so I just helped around as a kitchen assistant and at the same time, just look-see, not oversee...that is a big difference!  LOL... 

Recipe can be taken from Sonia's blog here.... 
Only the end part, I wanna learn... LOL... 
So this is how marble cake is done?
Separate the two portions of batter...
One part add in 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder.... 
Actually we can do our own design.... 
Twirl it here and there also can.... 
The end product...
Only six inches in diameter cake..
That is what I like...
Can finish in one day or two the most!
Eat while it is warm... very nice aroma smell of the banana/cocoa/butter...

My weighing machine stated that I have now increased two kg since the CMCO was implemented last week.  I think I wanna chuck my machine into the store room where I won't be tempted to weigh myself everyday!!

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...