Sunday, November 22, 2020

My Main Ingredients Meat, Eggs And Greens

TWO DINNER MEALS...  on two different weekdays last week.... 

I still go out marketing every two or three days, my residential area has a dry market where one can drive into the market cos it is just a rectangle and not many people go there.  Firstly, there are not many stalls and secondly, the prices are slightly higher than those sold in the big markets.  I don't mind paying a few cents higher, it is nearer, cleaner, less people and easy parking.  But of course, the selection is also limited.... 

What I normally buy is meat, chicken and pork, no fish, seafood is out... so there is always no fish in my meals.  

Similar dishes.... meat and eggs are always seen.... 
With bitter gourd...
Homegrown long beans and okra.... 
Diced potatoes with minced meat/fish paste and tomatoes...
My kids love potatoes...
Another dinner meal.... this time with black beans chicken soup... 
The rest of the dishes are similar... 
Eggs with homegrown chives cooked with tumeric powder... 
Anyone tried this before?  LOL.. 
Broccoli with  my homegrown okra... again!
I added in some mushrooms... 
My kids requested for potatoes again...
This time I sliced them piece by piece... 
and again with minced meat...
Chinese dishes are easy to cook 
but only takes more time to prepare and lots to washing up!


  1. How come seafood is out? Because the market doesn't sell fish. I am a potato lover too. All your homecooked dishes look so tasty. I have not tried eggs cooked with chives and tumeric powder before.

  2. By the way i had left comments in all your previous posts too :)

  3. These three ingredients meat, egg, greens are good enough.

  4. You plant so many vegetables? I am getting lazier and lazier, will just go out and buy. Just do simple weeding to exercise and to pass the time.

  5. Yeah my family seldom eat seafood too. :D

  6. I can see why your kids want the potato dish with minced meat; it really looks delicious! I want the recipe!

  7. I love to eat potatoes too! Well done are growing your own Vegetables!

  8. Your dishes all look good to me and if I am invited to join, I will ask for more rice. LOL!

  9. I used to go to a nearby wet market. Less than 15 minutes drive. Smaller but people is friendly. Have not gone to for few months now. Now I just go to nearby shops to get my stuff.

    Nice homey dishes. Yes, Asuan foid is the best. Lol.

  10. You really enjoy doing marketing in the market! I thought once a week would be sufficient. Of all yummy dishes you cooked, I would love to eat this Diced potatoes with minced meat/fish paste and tomatoes...!!

  11. Delicious home cooked dishes. Love the potato dishes too.


Thank you, readers!

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