Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodbye To Mr. Covid 2020

BYE BYE 2020.... no, we won't be missing you... 

This whole year has been in a turmoil and still is... due to the arrival of Mr. Covid-19.  Many of my hopes and plans are dashed for this year and I dare not decide on what to do for 2021.  "Come what may" or "play by ear" as I told my friends, tentatively is like that.... no promises made.

What are we looking forward to for 2021?  
Though it is meant to be hilarious....
but I guess this is going to happen.... 
I only can pray for a Better 2021....
This has become History of our lives....
As we begin the year 2021, we would love to bade goodbye....
Goodbye to 2020 ...
Goodbye to Mr. Covid and its friends....



Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Christmas Dinner At Grove Diner, Ipoh


We were not obedient on the eve of Christmas, we did not stay home, instead we made a reservation to have our dinner at Grove Diner.  We had never been there before and I know that to go on a festive season eve will certainly burn a hole in my pocket/wallet/purse.  There is no doubt about that, I called up for reservation a week earlier, the staff sent the menu to me, via whatsapp.  So convenient these days!

For the eve of Christmas, Grove Diner only had 4 choices for us patrons.  Most expensive is the Wagyu beef and its condiments, RM268, followed by the second highest is RM168 and another two choices is the RM69 plus plus.  How about that.... I estimated for the six of us, the bill could easily comes to RM600... LOL...

The set dinner came with a truffle mushroom soup, followed by main course and ended with a dessert.  No drinks were included and five of us had warm water... LOL... so stingy, right?  LOL.... 
A bungalow house turned cafe along Jalan Tambun, Ipoh.... 
Me ... wearing like red riding hood....
Actual Story line:  I was wearing a red cut in dress, thinking I would look "glam"....
Once seated, I was freezing... the air con was just too strong for me...
Thank goodness there is a red scarf in my car...
And instead of cut-in, I was wrapped like a "Bah Chang!"
The truffle mushroom soup....
Followed by my choice of 3 others... 
Boneless chicken wrapped up with some sauce.... 
Yes, I could finish the whole lot.... 
Another RM69 option is this soft crab and king prawn with Aglio Olio Fettuccine....
This is the RM168 main course with different type of meat.... 
Out of 6 of us, two ordered this main course...
For desserts, we were served Pavlova.. whatever it is.... 
We also brought a cake along.... 
To mark this year Christmas 2020!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Gifts On Christmas Day


On Christmas morning, we spent our time opening presents, mostly 12 sen gifts we bought from Shopee.  Actually we bought for ourselves, not given by friends and we had a happy time opening parcel after parcel.  We had never opened so many parcels before, we accumulated them since a week ago... LOL... just to make ourselves happy "shiok sendiri" on Christmas morning.  

Part of our loot bought..... 
My kids know I like Shin Chan....
This one is not 12 sen, ok... LOL>.. 
And our opened "gifts" .... 
Till this day, the 12 sen are still coming in... 
Yes, it is like I am collecting junk!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Blessed Christmas 2020


Ordered a fruit cake to welcome Christmas into our home, in fact I ordered two... one to be given away to my sister-in-law.  On that very day, she came into my house, bringing a whole cake tray... and what was it inside?  Fruit cake!!  hahahaa.... I gave away one and received one back!  What a laugh we had!

Yes, Christmas is about loving, giving, caring and sharing.... and this goes round...  

This year I have my kids with me, though not the whole clan, nevertheless, it is good to be together for this year.  Working at home seems to have its benefits after all!  

We opened a lot of presents this year.... I will post about that soon!  Meanwhile, I am enjoying my fruit cakes and getting drunk with them!  LOL... 

Ordered from my friend who is a specialist in Fruit Cakes....
Yummy in my Tummy....
She told me that I can put into the freezer if I couldn't finish it...
The cake is half gone already...
By tonight, it might be finished! 
Yes, we share it around...
One for you... one for her... one for there....
Caring is Sharing.... LOL... 
Have a Blessed Christmas, Readers!! 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Penang Laksa And Char Koay Teow At Taman Emas

PENANG DELIGHTS.... After our shopping at La Gourmet, we went for our lunch at Taman Emas coffeeshop, just opposite Peng Hwa School.  That is our regular place for laksa fix.  There are only two stalls there, Laksa and Char Koay Teow with duck egg.  We did not want to eat too heavy but somehow, we ended up feeling very full too!

My type of Laksa, no har koe, please.... 
(shrimp paste is a no-no for me)
I thought of sharing but somehow, I finished the whole bowl.... 
These must be dipped into the Laksa soup....
Could not resist a plate of duck egg Char Koay Teow too....
This has to be shared....
Yes, super satisfaction!!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Best Packaging Materials to Use for Roasted Coffee

Packaging keeps your company’s coffee products fresh and also helps develop a lasting relationship with your customers. It can help to ensure your coffee delivers the best possible customer experience while also building brand name loyalty.

The materials that go into your roasted coffee’s packaging will determine how well its freshness and aroma will be preserved. They can impact your product’s shelf appeal and either expand or limit your packaging and display options.

Preserving Freshness and Aroma

Your coffee brand requires protection from oxygen, light and moisture to preserve its fresh-roasted flavor and aroma. Your coffee beans packaging bags will benefit from choosing the most appropriate Modified Atmosphere Packaging options for your company’s offerings. Ground coffee requires greater freshness protection in its packaging than whole bean coffee, so the right MAP option will play an even greater role. Overall, your ideal packaging material will prevent oxygen, light and moisture from getting in while it also allows the normal build-up of CO2 to escape.

Although it may be okay for a “take-out” and quick-use purchase made a short time after roasting, paper packaging won’t help guarantee normal shelf-life. The better material choices are a plastic-and-aluminum laminate or Mylar. A two-ply laminate that replaces the aluminum layer with a polyester high-barrier film is another option. Overall, the addition of a flat and inconspicuous one-way valve that lets CO2 escape while keeping oxygen out provides the greatest amount of protection.

Engaging the Customer Through Shelf Attraction

Coffee has a unique product identity. It’s consumed every day and also engages purchasers at an emotional level. A purchaser’s coffee becomes part of his or her daily wake-up routine. Brand identification often becomes part of an individual’s lifestyle and cultural attitude.

The materials used in your product’s packaging can shape your stylistic and design options. Stacked on a supermarket shelf, stand up pouches have a better chance of attracting a shopper’s attention. A stiff flat-bottom wrinkle-free material enhances your packaging’s graphics and helps promote product branding. It also “feels solid” in a purchaser’s hands.

Premeasured one-serving pillow bags are typically made from more supple materials and come with lower production costs, but they won’t “stand at attention” on a retail shelf. Because of their lower cost, they may reflect a good choice for “try me” portions or product samples. The material used, however, should be at least strong enough to reliably survive shipping, handling and store display stocking.

Promoting Sustainability

Companies promoting sustainability through environmentally friendly packaging can better engage similarly minded customers. In this respect, post-consumer recycled packaging can help your coffee connect with purchasers while your company makes its contribution to lessening the negative impact of plastic refuse on the environment. PCR films used in coffee packaging can easily accommodate stand up and lay flat pouches or roll stock. Your coffee will benefit from the same degree of protection from light, moisture and oxygen obtained through other materials.

Modern production techniques and digital printing have provided coffee businesses with a wide range of packaging options. If you’re undecided regarding what best suits your company’s needs, contact a reputable packaging provider experienced in the retail coffee field. It’s a good way to learn more about the options for ground coffee or coffee beans packaging bags.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Shopping At La Gourmet


I was not a good girl yesterday, I went shopping, I went to Penang Gurney Plaza, I went to shop for thermos flask and not for myself, I went to buy for my friends!  Yes, I am busybody... LOL... 

La Gourmet told us that there would be a sale somewhere near Christmas, that was a few months ago and I still remember.  I wanted to go to that little shop to see, I love La Gourmet stuff, I bought a ceramic wok called Shogun and I love it very much!  Why?  Cos it does not stick and the food gets cook very fast even with slow fire.  Not only easy to cook but easy to clean as well.  No scrubbing needed, just a gentle loving touch with a soft sponge and clean water.  LOL... 

By the way, this is not a sponsored or review product post.  This is a busybody post whereby I want to show you what I bought yesterday.  LOL... I called up the shop first and asked whether they have these flasks for sale and they sent me photos through whatsapp and I like what I saw.  Then I quickly messaged my friends and they want to get one of these.  Actually I have already bought one for myself few months ago during the Anniversary sales, it was RM50 then, normal price is RM89 or so.  Now it is only RM40!!  Oh no.... I must buy for my friends if not for me!  LOL... 
At first I thought all these colours are RM40....
But no, only the greenish blue  on the left is RM40...
The red and dark blue is RM80.... 
Shiny surface is RM50....
Can hold 1.5 liter...
Only this colour is cheaper, it is RM40...
I ended up buying 3 of these...
Never mind the colour, the function is the same...
The water stays hot for 24 hours...
That is all I need....
Can make a nice present too, right? 

Stepping Out With Classy Shoes

DIAMONDS, NO, SHOES?  YES!  Shoes are my best friend, not diamonds....

Ever since I fractured my right foot five years ago, I am now very careful with what I wear on my feet.  No more cheap plug slippers, sneakers or high heel shoes that are not anti-slip.  Nowadays I look for good and comfortable shoes which I love to wear daily unless those days, I used to buy cheap shoes which do not last and might cause injury as well.  I have stopped wearing steep and high heels for a few years now, firstly it is because I have retired and secondly, I am now having "fall phobia" wearing them.

However when special occasions and events arises, I need to wear something classy to match the dress or gown I wear, something like court heels.  These shoes will be more suitable and right with the glittering outfit.  I cannot be wearing flats or sneakers with a glittering gown I am donning, right?  LOL... I would end up being "outstanding" at the event!  When it comes to shoes, I do not scrimp or save money on good and comfortable shoes anymore, I look for something safe where I feel more confident wearing them.  

In fact I have a few special functions which I would be attending next year.  I need a good pair of shoes, fashionable and yet classy and comfortable.  Shoes which cause blisters on my feet is a No-No, I prefer to invest in a pair which leather lining or soft spongy lining which helps to prevent foot odour and yet giving me a soft and comfy feeling when I wear them.  I would like to get a nice pair of satin heels with satin pumps which makes me very securely tied to my feet and not slip off whenever I take a step.  I would like to get a red pair of these pumps heel shoes, the red satin ribbon tied round my ankle and at the same time, this pair of shoes is so exquisite and classy! The high heels is just nice for me, I am not tall and this pair of shoes certainly make me a few inches taller.  I love it!

Some of you might something more trendy and wild, how about this pair of leopard print stiletto shoes?  Going clubbing and singing your hearts out, this pair would certainly be suitable.  Here are a few easy steps to order these shoes.

How to measure:

  • Just place the foot on a sheet of paper and mark the circumference.
  • Measure the longest distance with a ruler and look up the size in the shoe size charts
  • Finally, measure the width between the widest points of your foot circumference

There is a wider selection of shoes shown here in this website u2step, in fact, there are so many designs and styles which I could not decide which to choose.  LOL... Well, find out for yourself, I am sure you will understand what I meant.  Happy Shopping!

Friday, December 18, 2020

A Meatless Meal At V Life, Ipoh Garden, Ipoh

VEGETARIAN DINNER...  and I obliged my friend who suggested going for a meatless meal in a new cafe opened recently in Ipoh Garden East.  It is called V-Life, a plant-based kitchen creating vegan, healthy and tasty dishes as stated in their Facebook.
'V.TALK-V are PLANT-BASED KITCHEN CREATING VEGAN, HEALTHY & TASTY DISHES. In V life, V take food seriously and passionately where you could order for dine-in or delivery, right from our surroundings. With our state-of-the-art cooking technology, V are a step closer to reduce food wastage, and sustain the earth’s lifespan by preparing healthy meals through our home grown hydroponics, fresh vegetables and plant-based meat. With less demand, there would be less supply. By reducing meat intake and replacing with healthy greens and plant-based meat, you are on the way to conservation. Walk with us, and together, V could give earth and our future generation a better lifestyle.'

I was told that I need to make a reservation but since we went at around 5.30pm, the place was still empty upon entering.  Only three or four tables were occupied, fine for us, that is my purpose, to go early, avoid crowds and the meal has more time to get digested before sleeping!  LOL... 

As usual, I again, over-ordered, never knowing what to expect and how much the portion would be.  Anyway, the food was finished clean and I suppose that is proof that the food was indeed tasty even though it was a meat-less meal.  
Taken from where we were seated... 
Nice ambience to have our photos taken...
Both of us were just too lazy to do that.... 
Behind me.... 
At first we thought they were fakes, I mean the green plants...
But no, they are using hydroponic systems...
A small feel of the Christmas on our table...
My friend ordered their special mushroom soup....
I tasted a bit... too creamy for me...
I had the avocado salad instead.... 
Hakka noodles for my friend.... fettucine style....
And for me, Aglio Olio as usual....
Yes, very tasty but a bit too spicy for me...
Next time I will tell them to cut down on the dried chillies... 
With drinks, the bill came to RM52.... 
Will I go again?
Yes, I surely will when I feel like eating Meat-Less.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Engagement Rings Forever

Diamonds are forever, as the famous jingle goes centuries ago till today in the 21st century.  Buying an engagement ring can be pretty nerve-wracking, especially when there are so many diamonds, metals, styles and combinations to choose from! It's not like the old days anymore, where you only had the option between platinum and yellow gold. Things have changed drastically and now you have a wide range of engagement ring options to choose from!  

But let's simplify this to make it as easy as we can for you. Even though there are a lot of Moonstone engagement ring styles to choose from, it will narrow down and become extremely clear if you know what your bride-to-be likes! Now this could be the easiest or the most difficult thing to find out, depending on how you approach the situation. To help you out, here are some ways you could find out what you partner would absolutely love in her engagement ring!

While a diamond is special, there are some shapes that are more popular than others. For instance, the round shape of the brilliant cut doesn’t look it’s going out of style any time soon. The pear shape is great on a simple band as well. But one of the most well-known and beloved designs is surely the princess cut like Alexandrite engagement rings. The square shape of the diamond cut is instantly recognizable and immensely versatile. When you look at the diamond from the top, it has a crisscross pattern that makes it distinctive. It’s less expensive than its spherical friend- because of the way it is cut, the princess cut diamond has lesser wastage. 

The princess cut is not as sparkly as other stones and it’s perfect for the less ostentatious person. As it is a diamond makes a strong statement. With the Emerald engagement ring on your finger, the statement is a strong but subtle one. It’s not just on a ring that this diamond stone looks good. The princess cut goes well with people who have a modern lookout and sensibility. It’s traditional and contemporary at the same time. And this makes it a lasting legacy and one that is timeless. On your person or as a gift to the next generation of your family, the princess cut diamond is one to hold on to. 

Of course you could take the long, stressful route and make the whole thing an absolute surprise and we do see the charm in that! But a more practical way is to just ask your partner about what she would like in an engagement ring. It will give you so much clarity; it will not take away from the happiness and also will save both of you so much time! Once the of you talk about it and discuss turquoise engagement ring options, it can still be a surprise as she won't know when and how you would propose!

We hope your engagement ring buying process is as easy as it is to fall in love! We wish you all the best!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fresh Water Fish At JJ Fatt, Gopeng


The bill date shows 2 July 2020, so it was two weeks after the recovery period, I guess... it was like Breaking Free for us then unlike now, we are more or less back to Conditional Order.  Anyway, just keep safe, I keep saying and saying again.

To celebrate our breaking free, we went to JJ Fatt in Gopeng for the fresh fish dishes, commonly and popularly known as Snakehead fish aka "Sang Yu" in Cantonese.  Its benefits is healing scars more effectively.. and like other fishes, protein!  This restaurant is famous for their fish cooked with chinese wine.  For one fish, we can have two dishes, the top part goes to the soup and the body parts cooked with ginger and spring onions.  Alongside with these two dishes, we ordered another two to eat with full satisfaction.
Fish head in claypot chinese wine... 
Another dish consisting of the flesh... 
Very fresh and nicely done... 
Wild ferns... or Paku Pakis cooked with sambal.... 
And oyster omelette ... 
Total cost for 4 persons.... 
It has been more than half a year... 
Perhaps it is time to visit that place again... 
But then not so soon, perhaps after the New Year... 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Cool Attire For All Seasons

IF IT'S NOT FOR THE CORONA VIRUS, I would be having the time of my life in Sacramento at this time!  I guess it was not meant to be... sigh.... 

Beginning of 2020, I have made plans with my siblings to go US during Thanksgiving time, that is in November.  I have not experienced winter there before and I was longing to go this year.  Unfortunately it did not turn out that way, we can plan but... God decides eventually.  LOL... So I am stuck back in my own tropical country, experiencing the hot weather instead of the cold weather now in Sacramento.  I can imagine myself wearing blanket hoodies during the day, walking along the premium outlet stalls, carrying loads of bags from the shopping done.  LOL... Yes, now I can only imagine.

In fact, my sister who is residing there, had showed me photos after photos of her shopping "loot" at the outlet stalls, making me "salivating" like anything.  "Everything is so cheap, sis!".. she exclaimed and I could only look with envious eyes.  LOL.... The weather over there is really cold now, she bought a lot of thick clothing and that includes a branded corduroy jacket for a very low and affordable price.  The jacket is just warm enough for her during the day and at night, she has to put on thicker coats.  She does not like to put on the heater, she prefers the natural cold air.

As for me over here, I can only drop by online websites to look at the winter clothing.  I have two or three jackets kept in Sacramento and I wonder when I would be wearing them again.  As I browsed through this newchic website, I could see a wide selection of warm clothing which have very affordable prices, comes with nice stylish designs as well.  Not only for ladies but for men too these long coat men are really cool!  I like men wearing long coat, it makes them appear so rugged and manly.  LOL... 

Besides long coats, let's take a look at the Faux Silk Pajamas for men. How often do I really browse for men?  Well, first time for me!  LOL... Now my sons are grown, they go for their own style and they shop for their own stuff.  But I find these pajamas for men fascinating and cute.  I wonder whether my sons will wear if I get them a pair for each.  LOL... These can be worn during warm or cooling days, not necessary winter.  I can imagine them wearing these, perhaps I should buy one pair each for Christmas!  How about that!  Imagine how they look when they open the presents and see these cute pajamas.... LOL... Come to think of it, this might be a good idea after all!

Villa Curry Noodles For Early Birds

HOMECOMING FOOD.... mainly consist of local food specialty, that is Chicken Koay Teow and Curry Noodles among them.

One place which I discovered this year is Villa coffeeshop which is located at Jalan Dato Tahwil Azhar in town.  It is not a shop but an open spaced area whereby there are a few stalls manning the area.  In the morning, they have curry noodles and wanton noodles and in the evening, we can order dishes from another stall.  

The one I am going to recommend is the curry noodles.  I have eaten there only one time... and the reason is that the noodles are sold out by 8.30am!  Yes, that early.... and that is the reason why I could not get to eat unless I really have to wake up very early!  And I really do not like to get up so early to have breakfast especially curry some more... LOL... 

However it is worth trying, the curry is nice and tasty, secondly, it only cost RM4.50 per bowl with roasted pork, long beans and beancurd pok.  But lately I heard the price has increased to RM5 and that did not hinder anyone from going there as early as 7am... by 8.30, I was told... "Sorry auntie, no more already.... "  CMCO or not.... this business is not affected...

Managed to eat once upon a time... I think a few months back....
Only RM4.50 that time....
The four early birds managed to taste these before they were all sold out....
Price increase or not, they are definitely worth trying.... 

An Evening At Santa Monica, Los Angeles

AFTER A SHORT REST at the hotel, we went to Santa Monica ... my grandson's favorite place... Beach!   Not my favorite though, I don'...