Tuesday, February 2, 2021

10 Ways To Prepare Your Home To Be a Toddler-Friendly Haven

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Every mum, especially a first-time mom, yearns for their kids to have a perfect environment to promote their well-being. The growth of the baby heavily depends on the environment in which they are to thrive. The mom needs to take charge and ensure that the baby is well protected, well-fed, and is safe in the house.

The toddler stage also called the exploration stage, often comes with many activities. Therefore, it is vital to take the relevant precautions. It would be best to get your partner, friend, or a professional to help you redesign the room. Here are some of the few areas you need to prioritize:

The Nursery

A perfect nursery will provide a calm environment for the baby to thrive. The baby accessories and furniture of the room ensure that space aligns with the baby’s needs. Ensure that the nursery is in a quiet place in the house. A calm environment is an ideal place to lay your baby.

Check on the lighting to ensure that it is adequate and fit for the baby. Ensure that the room is well ventilated and it is easily accessible. Avoid cramping the space with a lot of items that will obstruct the room’s pathway. A packed room will also hinder air circulation. The cot must also be free from any soft clothing or pillows that might cause suffocation. Always use firm beddings and fit bumpers in the cot to prevent the toddler from hurting.

Ensure also that you choose a lasting theme. Remember, the baby is bound to grow and outgrow some pieces. Keep in mind the current themes and try to blend them to produce a unique outcome.

Electrical equipment

You must keep all electrical equipment away from children. It is advantageous when the child is crawling: it is the exploration phase where the child wants to check out any new item within reach. You should also install baby proofs on electrical sockets that will prevent them from inserting foreign objects.

Furniture Corners

Sharp furniture corners and edges may be the cause of accidents and injuries in your home. A better suggestion would be to switch to smooth rounded tables that will reduce the likelihood of injuries. This change will be relevant when the child starts walking and running.

Alternatively, you can buy corner protectors and fit them on your table to get similar results. To save even more, you can utilize DIYs hacks for ‘corner proofing’ your furniture.  It will help you redirect the money to other items in the budget.

Storage Areas

The storage areas need to be well fitted if they are hanging. The shelves need to be firmly secured to avoid injuries. You should also ensure that the storage places are always safely locked and secured to prevent the baby's prying eyes.

If you cannot find the keys, you can buy safety locks to prevent the kids from opening and ransacking through the items. You should also ensure that all doors are in proper working condition to avoid any incidents. Ensure that the doors have adequate restraints to prevent them from banging and causing harm to the babies.

Play Area

After the first birthday party, your baby becomes a toddler. The toddler will need a place to set up their playing space due to the party's gifts. Ensure you set aside an area in the house where the baby can crawl, sit and play with its toys. To boost the toddler’s development, you can add to the gifts and create an exciting play arena with numerous toys like the trains, dolls, paints, and cars. The area can also serve as the ‘school corner’ where you get to interact and teach the child various skills.

Ensure that you highlight the area with attractive décor and mats that the baby will be comfortable playing. Also, make sure that there are no dangers within the vicinity that might choke or injure the baby. Always do spot and random checks to ensure that the area is hazard-free. You can urge your children to play in the backyard. It will give them more space to run around and have fun.

A Pet-Friendly Home

Not every baby fancies having a pet in their home. Some kids are allergic, and others consider pets as a nuisance. It would be best if you prepared your child and the dog for their meeting. You must not expect an instant connection. But, be patient and let them familiarize themselves with each other. Ensure you continuously supervise their interactions until you are sure of their compatibility.

Pet dogs are brilliant. Labrador retrievers are quite intelligent. If they are well trained, they will be beneficial to the kid. They will engage the baby in various playful activities and also act as their protector. These activities help the kids further develop socially and mentally.  

It is vital to keep the Lab retriever in good physical and mental health to avoid any unusual behavior that might affect the baby. Take the dog out for regular walks. Use the CBD oils to maintain their mental and psychological health. Check out https://chocolatelabradorretriever.ca/labrador-retriever-breed/f/benefits-of-cbd-oil-for-dogs---everything-you-need-to-know for their benefits. Do not assume the retriever’s health as you cannot risk having dog trouble with a toddler in the house.


The best type of floor for toddlers will be easy to clean and soft to glide over during crawling. The toddler is still in its crawling stage. To avoid injuries due to friction or a hard fall on the floor, research the best type of floor that will fit your home and make the change. Alternatively, you can find a carpet that will be a perfect substitute.

Carpets and Rugs

Some people are usually allergic to furry rugs and carpets, and dust. Combining the two will make the baby sneeze. It is essential to keep your carpet and rugs dust free. It is a challenging yet necessary task.

Due to the constant spillage of fluids in the house, it would be best to remove the carpet or use it in a different part of the living room. Ensure you protect your furniture, carpet, and rugs as some of these stains cannot wash off.  

Be Keen on Hygiene

Your house needs to be neat, tidy, and sanitized. Regularly clean your house to keep insects, pests, and rodents from your home. Ensure you rearrange your storage rooms and shelves regularly to identify any insect or bug threat. Engage fumigators for annual fumigation to keep your house bug-free.

You must always put away your detergents and chemicals that you use to clean. Keep them off areas where the kids can easily reach as the kids can quickly drink mistakenly.

Introducing Safety Gates

Safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairways and the balconies prevent the toddlers from hurting themselves when they are playing. You must also ensure that you close all doors that have harmful items in them. These actions will limit the movements of the toddler. It also assists in the close supervision of the toddlers. As a result, the nature and frequency of injuries will reduce.

 Toddlers pose a significant challenge in controlling their actions. They are hyperactive, and their primary interest lies in probing. You have to keep tabs on the safety of your house continually. It is essential to educate your care providers on the measures you have taken to protect your home and make it safe. Remember, this is a collective effort. 

Lastly, do what is best for your child and enjoy the parenting journey. It would be best if you keep teaching your kids on the dos, don'ts and how to take care of themselves.

Follow your pediatrician’s advice on allergies and precautions to take. Always trust your gut feeling. A mom’s instinct is never wrong! 

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