Monday, March 22, 2021

First Visit At Yummy Food Garden, Falim, Ipoh


Out from my house already by 8.30am, we trio went to try the food at a factory turned into a food court in Falim.  From the outside, it is just like any other factory. If my friend did not tell me, I wouldn't know it has a public food court in the factory premises itself and the it is called Yummy Food Court.  

Oh, I should have taken some pictures, this is my failure, I am more on the food than the surroundings!  I guess I have to go again some day.... 

According to my friend, there are more stalls when it first opened two or three years ago.  He was surprised to see that many stalls are now closed, must be due to the MCO in 2020.  Anyway, my intention is to try out the Doris curry puffs which I have seen a lot of people post up in Facebook and they are sold out fast, I heard... 
I saw the stall upon entering... 
Quickly I walked over to see what they sell... 
Saw that the curry puffs were done there and then...
Cost RM2.70 each and still warm when served... 
Still crunchy upon biting....
A bit too spicy for me.... 
Fillings more on onions... 
Other than that, I could say... the taste is not bad la... 
Maybe I was expecting more potatoes or some visible meat at least... 
From the same stall, I ordered a plate of Chee Cheong Fun... 
It cost RM4.50.... 
Next time I might try the curry gravy with pork skin... 
Char Koay Teow for RM6... 
And a bowl of Prawn noodles also RM6....
Looks good but my friend told me it is so-so only....
Anyway, there are other stalls which we have not tried...
We might go there again... but not-so-soon... 


  1. Not crazy about deep fried curry puffs...or fried kway teow with greens - don't mind if just koo chai (chives) or taugeh, one or the other. Gee!!! I thought the har mee looked good - so so only kah? Doesn't sound like this new food court is all that promising then?

  2. The Char Koay Teow looks good though a bit wet. :D

  3. Quite surprised to hear that the fillings are mostly onions. Normally is mostly potatoes. The chee Cheong fun is too big plate for me to eat same same taste. Eat two mouthfuls should be enough already. Ckt n har meen looks good with the prawns.

  4. Ya, can see there are a lot of onions in the curry puff.


Thank you, readers!

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